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Posts posted by gapiro

  1. Hello and welcome Loula

    Another +1 to the steinburger copies (Hohners) like the B2A. Awesome basses, very light, very portable. Can be a bit unnerving if not used to headless basses

    Also think personally that you will find that the weight is not necessarily the biggest factor- the shape and distribution of the weight within the bass (and therefore where it "rides" on you) will probably make a bigger difference to the shoulder , and wide straps are awesome.

    Never heard of the westone rail before, but a quick google and it looks very cool.

    See you aroudn the forum!

  2. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1392587613' post='2370459']

    Not quite.

    The signal flows equally down the + and the - wires and back through the ground wire. But in the - wire it is an inverted or a mirrored version of the signal in the + wire.

    At the mixer the signal in the - wire is inverted so now becomes a positive signal. This is 'added' to the positive signal in the + wire. So now you have twice the signal. BUT any interference on the cable will affect both signals in the same sense. So, at the mixer, the positive interference on the - wire becomes negative interference and when added to the equal but positive interference on the + wire, the noise is cancelled.
    Excellent explanation

  3. So, we had trumpet auditions last night. got through 5 people but narrowed down to 2 quite easily.
    (Back story : 7 piece soul/pop/funk function band just started)
    Just trying to guage what your thoughts are which you would pick.

    Number 1
    Player 1 comes in, is very aimiable and friendly immediately, starts chatting to people. Proceeds to pull out a folder with the parts we sent him, covered in notes (as in pencil scribblings etc) and has clearly learnt all the parts. He hasn't been playing much for last couple of years as has been mostly focussing on sound engineering and building his business. Now feels that he is in a position to start playing again and spent last two weeks getting back up to speed on trumpet. During the build up to audition, he has been in contact lots , asking very good and pertinent questions etc.
    When it comes to the audition pieces, his timing is bang on, however his tone is a bit weak, and he struggles with a couple of the high notes.

    Number 2
    Player 2 comes in, is quite shy and clearly not massively comfortable. Hasn't brought any music with him, and has to borrow a copy we had with us. Doesn't appear he has practised (he looks at the music and goes "ooo 5 sharps!?").He plays in a military band for a living during the day however lives in London (we are all cambridge based) so would be travelling for rehearsals.
    Comes to audition, he has really strong tone, and huge set of lungs. Struggled a little bit with some of the syncopated timing, but was clearly the stronger trumpet wise.

    Which would you choose?

    My personal opinion is number 1, I think he will get stronger with practise and has the drive and personality that will help drive the band forward,

    Vote in the band was 3/3 split, although the 3 that picked number 1 (my self drummer and singer) are the most experienced in terms of bands whilst the other 3 are fantastic players (all music grads) who have less band experience.

  4. Not suprised. But a little bit disappointed.

    I understand both sides of the argument. I think however it will ultimately do him more harm than good.
    Muse allowbootlegs, and they are regularly distributed on the muse forums. They are generally sewn together from recordings by hundreds of people from youtube, etc, and can be great - there is for example a bootleg of the entire of reading/leeds when they did the entire of origin of symmetry in full, in order.

  5. Afternoon kind peoples of basschat

    Here is a random question for you

    Is there a "Standard" way to label up lyric sheets for vocalists etc?

    I'm trying to prepare some lyrics for auditionee's etc and was wondering if there is a method to the madness (eg emphasis etc)


  6. I have a Roland r-05
    Brilliant fantastic piece of kit


    The batteries seem to last forever, and accepts huge amounts of memory at a staggeringly high volume
    I especially like the function to press the "rehearsal" button and the device will listen to the music etc over the next 5 minutes so that the mic gain is set appropriately.

    I can upload some examples if you want to hear some recordings

  7. Back to OP.
    Yes it works. Yes there is a demand.
    yes you need a good keyboard player (or two) who are happy to program etc - you need some understanding of layering and different groupings on the keyboards. Takes a lot of time investment on the Keys side.

    I was playing one until a month ago and got "inexplicably" fired ( because the drummer who was the band leader had a mate come back from a 2 year trip around the world .... go figure)
    Some of the songs that went down the best:

    Haven is a place on earth
    Love shack
    Walk like an egyptian
    Final Countdown
    Want to know what love is
    Power of love
    Don't you want me
    Dancing on teh Ceiling
    Beat it
    Easy Lover
    Never gonna give you up
    The Best
    Addicted to love
    I've had the time of my life

  8. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1384939656' post='2282441']
    Yes ....



  9. My band was basically started by a couple of music teachers at the local poly. We have a 2 piece brass section of sax/trumpet (plus our guitarist plays trumpet on other songs) but it took a hell of a long time to find the trumpet player. Our music teachers and our brass section are all very good at charting stuff out, so I just tend to turn up and get handed sheets..
    Every brass player I know around the area is in 2/3 bands and are busy as hell. There are a number who play in SKA bands, but they are all interchangable and dep for each other on a weekly basis.

  10. As of last week:

    "its a charity gig, we have PA "
    followed by our singer saying sure we'll do it
    followed by me ringing up the organiser to find out what PA they
    and being passed about eventually to the Pub Landlady's Daughter
    Followed by "PA" turning out to be two battered speakers with a single input 2 output power amp.
    Followed by us having to bring PA
    and finding out they wanted to charge £5 on teh door to everyone _INCLUDING PERFORMERS_

  11. I'm going to have to give this weekends relay a miss - its turning into a right nightmare where we are now having to provide PA support, and have been reduced in set time. We wont have time to use multiple basses (and I _need_ the 5 string :( )

  12. [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]New (to be) 7 piece soul/funk band based in cambridge (we rehearse at ARU) are requiring a trumpet player for funky music. [/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Lineup is currently : [/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Drums/Bass/PianoKeysOrganstuff/Guitar/Sax/Vocals [/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]You: [/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Should have own transport, ideally own mic for instruments , must be committed to learning the music - we typically send out scores/etc for it however welcome to do your own arrangements. [/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Would hopefully do Backing vocals, other instruments also a big plus. (eg sax/trombone) [/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]We are a mixture of people (all under 30), all open minded, friendly, and chilled. Some students, some non students. [/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]We rehearse 5->8 on a wednesday typically, with the odd sunday rehearsal thrown in. [/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]This is your chance to be part of an exciting new function band - we are only 3 weeks old and getting stuck into a good group of songs. [/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Sample set list ideas etc are available on request. just PM me here![/size][/font][/color]

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