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Everything posted by gapiro

  1. Also I should say I’m still in though I have just had to spend money buying a new soldering iron so I can fix my circuitry on the 55-02 I have. (As I used to work in an electronics company i would use work equipment for it )
  2. Someone tell me I really don’t need to put $2000 deposit down on a lakland 55-94 😂😂 been eyeing one up for a while 😂
  3. Hey I’m still learning about the care and maintenance of double bases. Should I be worried about this small tiny crack at the back of the heel ?
  4. I’ve had a brush with being out. My cheap £30 bow has cracked in the frog (most weird ) (IN THE MIDDLE OF A 2 WEEK RUN OF SHOWS) have ordered a replacement carbon fibre from Amazon which is a replacement but also a bit of an upgrade , in the mean time I’m going to have work out how to play a show using a French bow I’ve managed to scrounge from a friend … the brush with being out was temptation to add extra things to my thomann basket 😂😂😂
  5. And where’s the info or picture !!! We need to appreciate it
  6. It has been returned - my last purchase of 2021 was a pedal board, so I have spent some time setting up and organising (ahead of the theatre show)
  7. I may be out soon.... someone has borrowed my volume pedal and not returned it, and I'm doing 2 weeks in a pit orchestra from wednesday (where the literal mandatory pedal to have is a volume pedal) Let's hope someone owes up on my facebook post
  8. I’ll join. no new bass specific gear for me the only two thing that may cause a fail is if I save some money for some new IEMS (using the cheapo kZ ones atm ) Or an iem wireless pack (wedding stuff I’m always wired in iem) anything else I buy this year is gonna be replacements etc for the band. Nothing new and interesting.
  9. I’m curious, as my knowledge is more electronics than electrical ,what sort of thing you do to check a venues power ? I’ve been tempted to take a socket tester with me but not sure what else you’d do ?
  10. I’m not sure that even means anything anyway. It’s still only a check at a moment in time, liability towards that person who inspected surely cannot be held, much like you wouldn’t hold a garage responsible for a car crash months after an MoT
  11. Somewhat sarcastic, but its just a course in best practises. There is no definition of what a PAT test contains .....
  12. Show me a definition of a PAT test, other than 'generally followed principles' ... Some do a far more thorough job than others - eg one theatre I work at got a multi meter out and checked the resistance from the metal casing to earth pin on the IEC connector. Some just plug it into a pat testing machine and don't know what it actually does. Some check insulation resistance, most don't. Some check plug socket wiring (most machines do though) Some have RCD testers, some don't
  13. Because there is no such thing as a defined PAT test, there is no such thing as a course for it... All the law says is that a competent (which is agian, undefined) person has inspected (undefined) the equipment at an appropriate (undefined) interval
  14. don't get me wrong, I don't want that, but the point I hate is that PAT testing is a completely unregulated industry with no standards and no definitions of what it must contain. Therefore quality is variable and yet people overcharge for it all
  15. Yep. Basically youtube has agreements with most major labels/artists/etc and those agreements are secret. Some will make you have an advert and then claim the ad money themselves, some will just want a credit, some will remove, it is entirely down to the rights holders and they have the ability to change at any time what they feel like. (*provided you haven't licensed it - if you have paid for a license you should be golden)
  16. Fair use only covers a limited set of circumstances and is very grey at the best of times. Rerecording / covering an artist isn't fair use. Parody - OF the original song - is borderline. (Weird Al Jankovic licenses all the songs he does) Fair use typically only covers things like actively critique-ing the original material, incidental stuff - eg filming something in a high street and a shop is playing it when you walk past, and a few other things. Just many publishers realise that it is 'social suicide' to go after people enjoying the material and directing popularity to the original artist
  17. I don't _think_ it is a license requirement to get those PRS returns, but PRS basically just collect all the money and then distribute it based on how popular they _think_ songs are. PRS returns are one of the ways that they determine the popularity, so if you're doing some rare/oddball covers, it does really help the original artist to do a PRS form
  18. Yes, the whole PAT Testing industry is a scam in many cases. The legal requirement is exactly as you say. However, some places (I do a lot of theatre work) have a requirement in their insurance about it - my local city theatre is one that is notorious for it, however, they have 2 or 3 tech staff that are trained to do them and will do it for free if there is time before the event/first show/dress/etc Personally, I have an electronics degree and a wad of stickers in my gig bag....
  19. There are two (well actually three) rights when it comes to music. The first is composing rights - the person who wrote the music, provided it is not in the public domain, owns these and this is almost certainly what youtube will have complained about. This ensures that the person who wrote the music gets paid. If you perform these live in person in a band, that should be covered by the venue - that is actually usually ASCAP, BMI, SESAC etc in the USA, or in the UK it is PPL PRS 'TheMusicLicense' in most cases. The second is performance rights - if you want to play, say , Mariah Carey in your bar, you need the rights to the actual performance/recording you are using - this is where PRS comes in. In your youtube video case these would actually be your rights. The third is synchronisation license, which is a license that allows you to synchronise the music with some sort of visual art. You need #1 and #3 to put a video cover on youtube. Youtube is sensible though and realises that its not intheir interest to constantly shut everything down - instead they just redirect the money to the creators
  20. This is the usual maths used in catering industry. 3x ingredient cost for sales cost of food. It works out as a good rule of thumb as the assumption is that you have low paid staff when you're selling cheap food
  21. I still do but the problem wkth goalies is either too many or not enough, and we're in the too many phase at the moment, with 9 for 5 teams!
  22. I run a rack mount x32 mixer and then carry a 16 ch analogue in case
  23. Im with you. In ears allow us to sound bloody good because there's no ambient amp noise and no bleed!
  24. I don't get through many strings, but if appears that several of the d'addario strings are widely out of stock. Is there some issue or is it just coincidence?
  25. Hey it has been recommended to me that I store my pops rosin in a cloth (in the tub) However the cloth I have used (a glasses cloth) is just sticking to it Is there a type of cloth you'd recommend?
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