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Everything posted by gapiro

  1. (thread revival batman) I noticed this last night, then realised, the other strap is on the stand. Its actually not thatttt bad playing it like a normal bass But think its meant to be for carrying
  2. Depends. Our act involves wearing aviators (fakes) so I'm usually wearing lenses.
  3. [quote name='Clarebear68' timestamp='1366236527' post='2050092'] JTUK - what would you define as over done 80s stuff? I'm asking as we've been asked to do a couple of sets of 80s covers at a gig alongside a DJ for an 80s night. [/quote] I could give you some pointers towards 80s set... as an 80s band (but based down sarth) we have some good ideas. PM me!
  4. Our drummer _tries_ to do everything. We reign him in. I typically do posters, and contracts etc. Basically printing/ editing documents, and sending them off. I usually also set up the sound system, in part. Our drummer is a sound engineer by profession, but his kit is so absurdly big, I usually set most of it up and let him faff around after he's done. Keys player is a builder -> has van -> transports gear + 2 people. I usually collect our singer from a train station somewhere to go whereever we're going.
  5. I'm sure if you suggest that they post in the Bassist Wanted forum here, they will find someone. What sort of things is it? If the set list isn't interesting, i'd still do it, its something different to do, and better than twiddling thumbs at home... and you never know! My current band started off as a jazz funk band that I depped for a couple of times, the drummer and keys player from that band , along with me and another regular dep (guitarist) started the 80's band we are playing in now...
  6. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1365549726' post='2041117'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Fanks! [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It's with Generations (metal covers band)[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]this Saturday (13th of April) at The Green Star, Smallthorne, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 1RD[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]We're on from about 9:30pm til Midnight[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Entry is Free![/font][/color] [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/277677872335281/"]https://www.facebook...77677872335281/[/url] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Any Relayers coming to do a handover that evening?[/font][/color] [/quote] Apols, I was in stoke the weekend just gone (6th) and wont be there again until may (for one afternoon only - friday 3rd)
  7. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1365594117' post='2041464'] Try "Nottingham guitar and drum" near the ice arena in hockley. "Sounds live" aka millenium music is nearby but has a very poor bass section Music room in the Victoria centre is nice if a little pricey, joe is the bass guy there . They do price match IF you ask It's a bit thin tbh [/quote] Nail on the head. Nottingham Guitar and Drum the best of a bad bunch, but not great, and it is not exactly in the most safe feeling area of nottingham
  8. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365434825' post='2039567'] HAHA! Silly postie Our regular postman is pretty decent. [/quote] The postie is the one person you should ALWAYS be nice too. get a bottle of wine for him at xmas etc
  9. Where are you? ( on phone and can't see a location)
  10. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1365002478' post='2033965'] I've got a set of DR Black Beauties waiting to be used - hope that the "G" isn't dead - I bought them about 6 months ago just haven't used them.. [/quote] I had a set of the red ones arrive with a different colour B string to the others. Sorted it out fast although the supplier sent me the wrong colour red on the first attempt at fixing
  11. In the east, the villages / etc tend to be better for your pub bands, and the cities tend to gravitate to the "original" bands . There are always gigs to be found, if you get your arse in gear it is not hard at all.
  12. Depends how you define cheese. Some of my friends call Bon jovi cheese. I guess for total 80s style you need Peter Gabriel sledgehammer. Awesome song but some call it cheese
  13. Mr roboto. Has to he on ther http://touch.dailymotion.com/video/x7kxo_styx-mr-roboto_music
  14. She blinded me with science is great Most f the stuff we play In my 80s band has been listed anove
  15. Watched it months ago online, good series. According to interviews the actors are all playing the instruments too. I particularly liked the reggae version of we are family later on
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364582764' post='2028552'] True, but on the other hand carpet burns can be a serious occupational hazard for rock stars... [/quote] Unless they put patches on all the knees of their jeans and elbows etc
  17. Damn I would have been in stoke on the sunday of the 6th for a complete change in direction to Cambridge.
  18. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1364561172' post='2028168'] 36 years without trying anything different? Wow! Strings are probably the single biggest thing that affects your tone, your bass will sound completely different with D'addario Chromes compared to Status Hotwires for example. Or Fat Beams to Ernie Ball Slinkys. Do some experimenting, you'll be amazed. [/quote] at 35 quid a set (average) its a bit hard to do experimenting!
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1364150334' post='2022558'] That's online though, none in the laminated book of dreams! [/quote] Bill Bailey references for the win... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggOa9aSG-Ow"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggOa9aSG-Ow[/url]
  20. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/156589-couriers-packing/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/156589-couriers-packing/[/url] check that thread out
  21. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1363734799' post='2016916'] I agree with the piano part but I don't agree that Rock is 'ignorant' of music theory. At all. I bet almost all of rock musicians know music theory, maybe not to the same level as classical players but enough to get them by. This in itself doesn't make them ignorant. [/quote] IMO It's actually usually a case of they know the theory but don't know that they know ( and are unable to communicate it as such, eg what sounds nice after an e? Aha. B
  22. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1363752323' post='2017034'] Oh I don't know. I love me because I'm the nicest person I know. I don't get out much... [/quote] Do you love yourself for your mad chops or for something different though?
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1363645673' post='2015368'] IMO the ability to work out an existing song by ear is the musical skill you should learn immediately after you've mastered fretting and plucking notes. [/quote] And in my opinion it's more important to learn how to fit in with a band. ( as a bassist )
  24. In my work environment, it's everyone ripping into each other So yeah they know i play bass. But I am always referred to (mockingly ) as failed guitarist etc The director of development last year got a group of us together and we did about 5 songs at the company summer party. I still get the piss ripped but at the time they did acknowledge I was actually "quite good"
  25. I actually use a laptop bag I obtained from work. Fits an amp and a b3 pedal. And enough cables. But thn I only have the b3 and no other pedals.
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