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Everything posted by gapiro

  1. [quote name='Rustyhornpipe' timestamp='1360394502' post='1969710'] The following are essential (some of them unfortunately ) for our wedding sets:- Sex on Fire - KOL Mr Brightside - The Killers Dakota - Sterophonics Sweet Child of Mine - GnR All Right Now - Free All of the above will pack the dance floor out for almost all age groups - apart from the usual Buddy Holly & Elvis brigade. [/quote] A good list in my experience . Also add Bon jovi living on a prayer to it
  2. There are two routes in my opinion Either pick a genre and base Your set list around that as much as possible. Then throw a couple of tenuous songs to the genre to entice other groups of people Eg an indie rock band can do some classic rock like the who etc This means people who like the genre of music you play will book you and they know what to expect Or make yourself as wide and varied as you like , and advertise as a function band. Unfortunate I think this route tends to require leaning about 5 times as many songs and having someone capable to call out things to go with the current dance floor and mood. You tend to appeal to more range of clients but might e a bit more boring or end up playing the same stuff week in week out ( mustang Sally etc) Either way you need to define wht you are going to be doing
  3. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1360398156' post='1969720'] So now I'm confused! If it's not my bass that's causing the problem, what is it? Can bad wiring in the building (more of a big shed than anything) we rehearse in affect my amp? I should also add that it was the first time I've had problems hearing myself there, and also the first time we've picked up interference from the band next door. [/quote] It certainly sounds like bad earthing to me. The old rehearsal space in Cambridge had the same issue as my mate rewired the place.
  4. [quote name='Antiloco' timestamp='1360222270' post='1966794'] What you say sounds pretty fair except for the simple fact that the meaning of words is not subjective. [/quote] Words a means to communicate. They are entirely subjective. To one person, "yes that is good" means that it is good, but could be improved. To another person, it is recognition that they have achieved something. Just my 2p
  5. Bump for these My brother has one courtesy of a BC trade , awesome bass
  6. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1360157417' post='1965743'] [url="http://www.rock-city.co.uk/"]http://www.rock-city.co.uk/[/url] They might get you on a multiband lineup or at the smaller 'daughter' venue next door; [url="http://www.rescuerooms.com/"]http://www.rescuerooms.com/[/url] [/quote] +1
  7. Haha they will let you claim 25 quid for 5 hours parking ?
  8. Ps. Digital village has turned massively guitar based recently. Used to be all hi fi only, but now a good range of bass stuff. Bitch to find somewhere to park near tho. Best bet is pay and display on st barnabas road and a 3 minute walk.
  9. It's not really good here for music shops. If you go to ken Stevens and want to buy anything tell them your bass Teacher sent you. Pm me if you want a name to use. Want any gig recommendations or want to come to a jam night whilst you are here?
  10. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1360045464' post='1963900'] Its still 2k no matter what it does! [/quote] Indeed but has most of the features of a mixer 5x the price
  11. As above for some other people My first ever bass sits on my wall at home. Naff old ibanez Gio thing. Worth under 100 quid. Shocking action on it ( higher than a stone Jamaican). The strings are probably worth more than the bass ( some flat wounds ) Never selling it though. I do occasionally (very occasionally ) use it to work out songs in Eb tuning variations because it's easier to tune 4 strings than 5 I also have a fretless aria pro 2 on my wall gathering dust. It just needs a replacement tuning peg but has been 18 months since I bought it for 80 quid or something daft from a cello player who couldn't get on eith it. Might be worth a few Bob if I fixed it and got it set up etc.
  12. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1359583236' post='1957187'] Soul or Sole. It's a big decision! [/quote] Which plaice would you rather be?
  13. 15 songs for an audition is rediculoush [i]imho[/i] should be 3-5 songs at most....
  14. I'm in an odd situation. Our band are split in 2 locations. I'm in cambridge. Everyone else is in Downham Market) Our keyboard player has a van. but it only has 3 seats. (5 in band) so we almost always end up with 3 vehicles if we aren't taking our soundman to a gig. (We'd prefer to take as few as possible) I almost always have to drive hte furthest due to the drummer booking gigs in norfolk, so always feel the short straw. OTOH, we have a 1/2 split in the gig fund that means that people who drive the most get some money. So say 60 quid in the petrol fund, if i drive 100 miles with 1 person, they drive 50 miles, 2 cars, 3 in one and 1 in the other, then I get 20 quid, whoever drives the van 30, and 10 for the other car. Complicated, but useful!
  15. I have to say, one of those REALLY caught my attention. Great tunes. (Is it ok to comment on individual songs?)
  16. Matt took a Hartke head and a tuner from me Unfortunately, the head did not survive the transit, it appears the previous BC owner , (or maybe pre them , have had no reply about it ), unbeknownst to me, seems to have done a repair job on it, and left it in a state, to the extent the circuit boards were not screwed into the case. As such, the amp shook itself to pieces in transit. Matt, a true gentleman, managed to get a chap he worked with to get the amp fixed, (naturally I covered the costs) and was a good natured person throughout the whole saga, with fast efficient communications Cannot recommend enough.
  17. I like it But mind = blown!
  18. You could always message ibanez with the serial number?
  19. I've seen it before. A while back I was lusting after one. IT was discontinued though
  20. I've been looking at something completely different A bit of Meatloaf - paradise by the dashboard light And Meatloaf - dead ringer for love Great fun
  21. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1358206798' post='1935038'] Stops ya bass getting eaten by moth's as a bonus! [/quote] Was that how the Mothman was born?
  22. As a band, we've decided to go for IEMs. Our drummer/lead already has a set, as does our keyboard player (they used to be in a band together playing with them etc) Anyway. The basic plan appears to be to run 3 channels out of the mixer for smaller gigs - vox1 for lead singer, vox2 for drummer/lead2, and a instruments mix. (for keys, me , and guitar) then we would have a 20 quid mixer each to mix as we chose I am a little worried that we wont be able to hear enough of ourselves in that, to which the reply was, you'll still have your amps on stage... but the singers just want to be able to hear themselves.... (we have no monitors in our setup, only the sound man has monitors for the bigger gigs...) My personal thoughts were , just buy a set of monitors.... or just a powered monitor , for the singer, we're fine with our amps. Long term we are going ampless anyway Anyway, the real question is : On a budget of say. 100-150 quid, what is a) good for a bassist? I'm reading most places that you want to get triple drivers. good sound reduction (I wear earplugs all the time) c) is it worth going wireless or just stay wired?
  23. Currently sold, awaiting delivery etc to Kingforaday
  24. Stephen Denman - Cambridge(shire, obviously)
  25. I'm in Cambridge. Item is currently on hold For some reason, I didn't get any notification to replies on here ... even though I subscribed!
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