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Posts posted by gapiro

  1. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1348674335' post='1816794']
    Our drummer uses one, and another friend plays them often. Great little things and apparently sound best when mic'd with an SM58.

    Have a play with a few and what you like best, from what I've seen they start from about £70 and go way upwards, so you should have plenty of choice.


    What you need to do, is put it at an angle so that it isn't pointing straight into the hole then you can get a nicer sound without the air going straight onto the mic (like blowing)
    Hard to explain, but hopefully makes sense.

    Of course, really you want two mics, one at the back one at the front.

  2. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1348441734' post='1813776']

    I think one or two people might be labouring under the slight misapprehension that these things are going to be detrimental because 'strength' isn't necessary factor in playing bass guitar. Quite right, however strength in part comes from improved muscle mass and that will simply not be achieved with these powerball things as the work the muscle group is doing simply isn't strenuous enough

    Excuse me for ignorance, but how can building more strength have a negative effect as opposed to a lack of positive effect? Is it because you have more to move ?

  3. My guitarist friend has got one of those powerball things (the gyroscope wrist strengtheners things)
    He [i]claims [/i] it made a huge difference to his wrist strength and helped him with guitar speed.

    I'm a bit sceptical (he talks a lot of crap) so I thought i'd ask the BC population of their thoughts

    (link to the sort of thing I mean: https://www.powerballs.com )

  4. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1347983379' post='1807656']
    All rehearsal rooms should have at least 2 fans.
    And not the adoring groupie kind.
    One for the drummer, and one for the rest of the band.
    Just as good in the winter as in the summer.

    Better parking, storage, access and security will encourage bands to bring their own gear, so you may not need to invest so heavily in amps for the rooms.
    Naturally, you'll still need a drum kit and PA for each, though..
    Or aircon, although aircon can ake soundproofing problematic (you need a pipe out to get rid of the air...)

  5. As above, just make sure you are as prepared as possible. (I have this bad habit of listening to songs so much that i learn to hate them, but know them back to front, he says , listenign to a playlist of 60 1980's songs for a gig this weekend)
    Be chilled, have a bit of fun, and look interested

  6. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1347792638' post='1804932']
    [size=4][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I have a Line6 Relay G30 wireless system and love it, makes no noticeable difference to the sound, always use it for gigs and found it very reliable.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I tried it at the top of my 125 foot garden, and I could here it loud and clear in my house.[/font][/size]
    [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Great for sound checking too, as I can walk out front and have a listen myself.[/font]
    Agree, the g30 is excellent, and being able to do the sound is very beneficial
    Goes down to low B with no problem, and good range. Although I did find that one of the channels on it knocked out my wireless router (or rather drowned out )

  7. As mentioned above, a lot of important points have been covered.

    One thing that Is crucial and that seems to be failing a few places around here is good quality earthing and wiring.
    Failure to have a really good earthing (or seperate loops etc) means that you can get electrical noise through the wiring.... to the point where my bass amp has been playing guitar noises from the room next door.

    I dont think getting "good gear" is a good idea. I'd suggest rugged gear. Like the Roland Cube Amps etc.

  8. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1345919574' post='1783200']
    A pub near to me has, over the last couple of years, become a regular venue for bands. The landlord has built the pub up nicely, with good ale on offer too.

    He's just put out a message on the pub's Facebook page saying that any band that attempts to play the following songs will be fined £40.
    Wishing Well, Sex on Fire, Teenage Kicks.

    I laughed when I read it and I suspect it's been done tongue-in-cheek.
    I know, from conversations I've had with him, that he's a genuine music fan. Maybe some of the regulars have been grumbling to him, I don't know yet.
    What do you think? How would you feel if the landlord asked you to knock certain songs out of your set?
    We got told we had to drop a snow patrol song once, because it reminded the landlady of her child that died at childbirth. Fair enough in my book.

  9. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1345739628' post='1781137']
    Make all students pay a lesson in advance (double fee for first lesson) which is non refundable if they cancel without 24 hours notice. In addition, make it clear that you have lots of students wanting to take lessons and if they miss more than 3 lessons at short notice in a specified time period (mine is 2 months) that it would be considered unreasonable and you'll remove them from your list of students. Simple.
    [/quote] yep this is what most do here. Or even call the first one free ( but pay your deposit) and just pay a week in advance

  10. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1345635758' post='1779732']
    I was playing Masterblaster using a pick as I couldn't get the speed then watched an online lesson and realised I was playing in the wrong area of the neck, changed position and it all came together with the fingers. It's a birthday party we are playing so dance floor music all the way. Makes a nice change from bashing out Bon Jovi, ACDC etc!

    Yeah different positions on the neck make sense for different people.
    My friend plays the second solo down the 10th/12/10/13/10/13/10 area of the neck, whilst I do it 10/7/10/7/10/8/10/8.
    The important thing to learn is that they are pentatonic scales and the shapes etc suddenly fit into a HELL OF A LOT of music and other Stevie Stuff. (look at Sir Duke for example)

  11. [quote name='bassicinstinct' timestamp='1343737281' post='1754343']
    Amen to that!!

    Plus, if you have access to iPhone, iPad iPodTouch or an iMac, the iRealB App is astonishing value at £9.99 IMHO.

    Available from Apple App Store and worth every penny.
    Is it really that expensive now? I can't remember, had it so long.
    Big +1 to iRealb, you can also create your own, and download them from the irealb forums.

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