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Posts posted by gapiro

  1. For a laugh, I watched a few more videos....
    Of note was lady marmalade....

    Hes playing with a punchy attacking sound and isn't bringing the main bass riff through on that....

  2. To bring this up again.
    Took the case off the amp.
    Turns out that the amp seems to be in working order, however there is a ribbon cable that connects the front board ( the eq etc) to the main board. Wigglign that around causes intermittant functionality but full functionality.
    Going to seef if there there a dry joint!

  3. So, heres a question for you to answer
    I blew this at a free paid gig (my friends a music student and they needed a bassist)
    Should I be pursuing them for money if it costs me a few hundred quid to repair? There is one show left tomorrow night and i'm using a practise amp.
    I'm going to open up the amp and look at it tomorrow.

  4. Indeed I know the output jack is a mechanical not electrical failure. Could a loose jack really blow an amp?
    I guess I won't know until Sunday at best when I get a chance to open up guitar and amp. Time to play follow the circuit !
    It did seem to me that some reason of a reverse current going to the guitar looked a good possibility for failure but I would have thought that the pedal would have stopped it going all the way to the bass

  5. Hmm
    BEen doing a show this week, first night tonight and halfway through first song. pop. no bass.

    Found that the passive parts of my pre amp working ok, got nothing coming out of active( got an East SP2 inside a Lakland 55-01)

    When I have pedal attached to the cable chain, I get huge whiney noises above about half volume on it.

    When I have the bass straight into amp, I get lots of interferance ( and somehow the speaker cable jack socket seems to have come a bit loose....)

    Any ideas? I assume it must be a surge to be all at once, but RCd didn't go out ...

  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1334828789' post='1621845']
    Drop Alex (at Barefaced) an email and explain what you've got and what you need.

    He'll set you straight.
    Will do, i've dealt with him before seemed sound

  7. Cheers for the many replies. Given me stuff to think about.
    I always have amp off floor anyway. Be it on my cable box or a chair or whatever.
    I think a compact maybe the way forward. Now I need to save up !
    With regards to cabs in series. How do you do it. Midget only has an in and no out ?
    The problem is that it is right on the border between loud enough for pa support but not quite for non pa. again maybe a case of you can turn down but not up !

  8. Yeah, how is the compact? I've never really got my head around amps, If i have a 250 W amp and connect both outputs, is that 250 wats on each cab, or 250 split between the two? (brain farting today really)

  9. Hi chaps
    Currently I have a Hartke HA2500 running into a Barefaced Midget T. I love this setup, I love the sound and the cleanliness of it.
    However I am simply not getting enough volume at gigs from it.
    I do a fair amount of sub gigs, and the problem is, some of the bands refuse to mic up bass etc for their smaller gigs (understandable).

    So i'm kinda stuck, what would be the best option? I am unsure if it is better to get another cab and use the other output of the hartke, or to get a more powerful amp, but I love the sound as it is! (I like my bass as clean and natural sounding as possible, my main bass is a lakland 55-01)


  10. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1203498533' post='143530']
    We're a slightly rockier modern covers band and we get plenty of weddings. People who are getting married now are (mostly) the younger generation, IMO they don't want WetWetWet and Robson & Jerome. We're doing a wedding in August where we've been asked if we can do some Rage Against The Machine........oh yesss ;)

    Quoted for Truth. My previous project to my current ones was the same sort of music, and people in their late twenties and early 30s are the current target audience. Sex on fire, Bon Jovi, Foo's, Muse are all good wedding game now

  11. I met a guy with a wierd technicque at my jam session. He plays Left Handed basses, Right handed, and tuned upside down. (ie as an upside lefthanded bass)
    I asked him about it he said, I dunno why i play like that, Its how i learnt when i borrowed my mates bass...

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