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Everything posted by gapiro

  1. bleh, attaching files failed on me. try this link http://imageshack.us/g/199/img07261.jpg/
  2. Good Afternoon BC. I have two problems that need fixing. First I'll start with the Aria Fretless. I picked this bass up for about £30 on gumtree, As far as I can tell, the only damage is as the pictures show. The e string tuner has cracked the wood. Would you agree that the simplest fix would be to chuck some pva wood glue in, and put a new screw into the hole? Would that work sufficiently to hold it together? The second thing is finding a nut for my yamaha BB615. When I went to my local music shop, they said 3 months for a replacement from yamaha. Originally then, i got it remade by a luthier but it doesn't really work particularly well and thus need a replacement. Without the original, would a luthier be able to make a new nute that would fit perfectly? The problem i'm having is that the E String does not intonate correctly, even at the extremes of adjustment. The B string is also too near the E string on the new nut.
  3. HAts are the mark of a bass player. I totally concur.
  4. I have 5 basses in my possession, plus two my brother owns and i can use when I like. The lakland 55-01 gets gigged almost entirely every gig. I have a couple of songs I use a Hohner Fretless (cool little beast) on, and my Ibanez Gio (first ever bass) gets used as a Backup. I then have 2 basses that need repairing. I have an old Aria Pro 2 RSB Special (The cat or something i think its called) that has a tiny chip where one of the tuners goes. So that needs a little bit of work on it. The other is a Yamaha BB615 where I got the nut replaced by a luthier in cambridge. Only to find that said nut does not work on the E string (it doesn't contact well, and thus the intonation is also horrible) He refuses to reply and thus i need a new nut cut.
  5. so so soso so so tempted, but can't afford until next month
  6. I've been using the G30 for quite a while also. I have had problems in that the strap clip snapped off. Most gigs it is electrical taped onto my strap on in my pocket with a slightly longer patch lead. Rechargeables are great if you remember to keep charging them.
  7. Bump for ya. I kinda wish I could afford this .... alas I can't, and I have only a Yammy BB605 (which needs a new nut) as tradeable at the moment.... until I get around to rebuilding the Aria fretless I picked up for £30 quid
  8. [quote name='Dave Vader' post='1345495' date='Aug 19 2011, 02:43 PM']4HOURS!?!?!?!? In the Pig?!?!?! Are you bringing the gear in one lead at a time, on foot, from bideford? I still think turning up 2 and a half hours early to allow time for our 45 minute set up and soundcheck to go horribly wrong is too much. But it makes us more relaxed when everything does go wrong as *I* have time to fix it. Yes vocal PA and backline will do, maybe stick the bass drum in the PA as well, that should do it for most pub gigs round here. (and don't let my drummer and guitar player tell you otherwise, their channels are often muted, and only plugged in to make them feel better)[/quote] Actually I make our guitarists turn their amps right down and prefer it out of the PA. It makes them stay in their area of the stage, and I give em a smack with a headstock if i see them attempt to go near it after we have soundchecked. It also makes our sound far more balanced out front ime
  9. Currently on hold
  10. I've had dud batches too from them. Also had packs mixed with pink( when I wanted red). They sent me several replacements but kept sending wrong one. I thus have about 4 pink b strings and since got rid of the rest!
  11. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='1342197' date='Aug 16 2011, 06:05 PM']! I've got wood (For uprighters [/quote]
  12. [quote name='gapiro' post='1342513' date='Aug 16 2011, 10:42 PM']Pure. Win. I have an idea for this, something like a buiscuit shaped guitar body with a bite out of it for the cutout or something.[/quote] something along the lines below (brief knock up in paint whislt watching tv)
  13. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1342335' date='Aug 16 2011, 07:55 PM']Buttery Biscuit Bass [/quote] Pure. Win. I have an idea for this, something like a buiscuit shaped guitar body with a bite out of it for the cutout or something.
  14. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1341938' date='Aug 16 2011, 02:24 PM'][center]Bass Player Happy to do the overlooked role in the band Happy to whinge like f*** when nobody notices me[/center] Probably not going to be your biggest seller [/quote] haha, love it.
  15. [quote name='KiOgon' post='1341826' date='Aug 16 2011, 01:01 PM']I love the bumper sticker - but not £4 much i don't that's a hell of a lot for overheads BTW "All your bass are belong to me" ain't exactly good grammar is it! Ideas - yeah make 'em big & sell 'em cheap Cheerz, John[/quote] Yeah part of hte problem on zazzle is the pricing. Those bumperstickers charge me at 3.60 and can't set a margin lower than that ! its kinda stupid. All your bass are belong to me is a reference to the old MEME. (Check out [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_your_base_are_belong_to_us)"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_your_base_are_belong_to_us)[/url]
  16. I've been toying with making some bass related t shirts on zazzle/cafepress etc, just for a laugh and to excercise my graphic design on the pc. Anyway, Kinda stuck for ideas currently! Anyone able to help? [url="http://www.zazzle.co.uk/bassmerchandise*"]Check out what I already have here :[/url] ps, apologies if this breaks any rules, not entirely sure !
  17. Slightly intrigued by this, but would be coming from cambridge, and am complete noob. Whats the low down on what happens etc? S
  18. Bought a Cab off clarky. Excellent dealings and felt that he wanted to get it sorted properly (He was out of hte country at the time).
  19. Bought a Hartke Head off Mel. So far so good and very friendly and swift to deal with. Top notch!
  20. [quote name='chris_b' post='1340419' date='Aug 15 2011, 10:49 AM']If bass is easy then you’re either a genius or you’re not doing it right![/quote] easier to learn, harder to master!
  21. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='1338546' date='Aug 13 2011, 10:47 AM']What do you think would happen if the bass player started copying everone else's lines ? [/quote] I do it sometimes in rehearsal because our lead guitarist thinks its funny to do it to me at other times..... things like Molly Chambers (Kings of Leon) On the second verse the guitar plays a little riff on the octave after each line. It sounds quite cool with the bass actually! And it came in handy when we had a gig where he couldn't make it so I covered him and we just did a limited set that the rhythm could solo on....
  22. No interest? Down to £100! (Cambridge area)
  23. Just getting a feeler on this kickback style Combo amp. I like it, and it is a good quality amp, but it just doesn't suit me as it is too big to fit in my car feasibly (Has to ride on backseat to gigs as opposed to in the boot with the other stuff) I am intending to sell this only if my deal regarding a head/cab comes through, hence current feeler status. It is in good condition mostly, is missing one rubber foot off the bottom (not used when in kickback position) and has had 2 gigs (DI'ed) and a few practises only, as I would rather use my smaller behringer for practical reasons...
  24. [quote name='Clarky' post='1328438' date='Aug 5 2011, 10:59 AM']The previous sale of this barely-used Midget T cab fell through as the tweeter housing was damaged, we believe by the courier company en route to my original buyer, Mr_Bassman (Keith). Alex at Barefaced has kindly taken the cab back and restored it to as-new condition and is holding it for me. As I am the happy owner of a Compact this Midget is surplus to my needs and up for sale again now that it is in perfect working order. Please note the cab will be dispatched to the buyer directly from Barefaced. As before its £475 posted including a custom padded cover. I am currently abroad with only sporadic internet access so this is more of a heads up. I will be back and able to deal with this mid-August.[/quote] pm'ed
  25. [quote name='Evil Undead' post='1325408' date='Aug 3 2011, 11:18 AM']I'd ship for an extra £10 Interested?[/quote] Yes:P check pm!
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