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Everything posted by gapiro

  1. [quote name='opticfibre' timestamp='1470312081' post='3104989'] The minimum bend radius of our bespoke optical fiber is 2mm. Its quite flexible. [/quote] Assume thats for the fibre inside, so realistically the protective coating etc on the "cable" will have a higher bend radius due to the tensile strength etc.,
  2. [quote name='opticfibre' timestamp='1470311322' post='3104983'] My Pleasure to join, took a couple of days to get approved by the admin Don't think i should compare basschat to guitarchat [/quote] One of the questions I asked before was on the cable strength - one of the things that is typically associated with optical fibre is a low flexural strength - that is it is prone to snapping with low radius bends in the cable - what is the tightest bend you can do with your cables? Are you able to do something like this:
  3. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1470216832' post='3104104'] Is it true that the special choir was made by recording separate notes on each tape track, each note being many layers of voices singing the same note? Then playing chords on the mixing desk by moving faders. All in the days before fader automation.............?! LD [/quote] Indeed. had heard the same [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq7oGenbp2I [/media]
  4. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1470221607' post='3104157'] [url="https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/0-9/10cc/im_not_in_love_solo_btab.htm"]https://tabs.ultimat...e_solo_btab.htm[/url] Don't know how accurate it is tho. Dave [/quote] quite awful - already had a look
  5. Hi Guys Long and short of it is, has anyone got a transcription/tab of the solo (at around 2 minutes to 3 minutes of the 6m version) My lack of knowledge of melody is catching me out! It seems to be based around an A (with some fifth stuff) and a Bm ? What a tune though. The vocals were made by them spending several weeks recording several hundred clips of them going "ahh"
  6. [quote name='synthaside' timestamp='1469776153' post='3100929'] Blue ,the best way i think of using multi effects units live , such as my zoom b3 is a way of adding versatility to an existing board. For example I set up my most used 3 effects for constant use , ( tube screamer , octaver and and amp sim which is my clean boost .) It also doubles as my emergency Di, in case of amp failure, normally my Di goes out after amp shaping which means that if my amp goes pop the Di's gone too. multi effects are as much for convenience,as it also saves slots and power on my board compared to 3 boss sized or considerably more compared to big units, like a muff. I still use standard effects on my pedal board, ie my synth wah or compressor . The beauty of the zoom comes to light when doing new songs and you want to dial in a new sound quickly , or you need something for a cover you don't always use. The way I do this is using the zooms banks each slot of the b3 has little up down arrows for swapping that pedal and you can modify the order of the patches so if I suddenly need flange for 1 song mid set I can just swap off one effect that I don't need in that song to a slot above or below. [/quote] In fact, I usually use it for theatre stuff because I dont want to have to have 5 of the same type of chorus/type pedal etc (sound more like a U2 gig here) set up for different songs - so I just have different patches for different bits. Versatility is the name of the game here, theatre goers aren't there to hear your fantastic tone, but the sound has to fit the song. Being able to program essenially 100 patches/ 300 pedals is a huge plus. Same with wedding stuff - you might need an envelope filter one song, and different eq for reggae'ish songs etc.
  7. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1470035316' post='3102730'] When we got married, the venue, catering, flowers, etc all required payment upfront - why should the band be any different? Just a thought - if you're going to do this sort of thing on a more regular basis, it would probably be a good idea to invest in some sort of insurance policy to cover you in the event of you having to cancel (guitarist braking arm, etc) which could leave you open to getting sued for breach of contract. [/quote] If you're a "normal" function band, there are a ton of deps you can get to cover that - just need the contacts. I could probably fill a gig with someone I know up to an hour before. One of my bands insist on a deposit, but take payment after - we normally do 4 sets but if agreed on the night we'll do extra etc.
  8. See http://basschat.co.uk/topic/272164-invapay/
  9. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1470054159' post='3102903'] This. They failed to mention that nobody uses cables live, including their much-mentioned Cold play guy. Edit: how about a short optical cable from your guitar to your transmitter unit lol. [/quote] Indeed Music industry seems to fall into the following: Professional musicians want reliability - battery power is not reliable. Thats why pedal boards / power supplies were invented.... Live acts like coldplay etc want to be able to roam the stage. To do that they prefer wireless, and thus meaning no cable at all...... (or rather, a small patch cable but in teh case of this product, the advertised benefits are over distance) Average Joe wants cheap (ie £10 cables from ebay etc) That leaves maybe the middle aged middle management guy who has a £3k guitar, £3k rig and doesn't gig.... (each to their own) I'd be interested to know how tight you can have the cable in terms of bends. I would have thought the (presumably glass) optic carrier would be susceptible to breaking at a kink/bend in the cable?
  10. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1470010588' post='3102696'] Edit: here's an interview with the two behind Iconic Sound and if you listen carefully to the designer of the system it is stated that the system is purely analogue and works on the principle of 'light brightness' - I.e. AM. [/quote] Just because they are using the brightness (ie amplitude) to control the signal - doesn't make it AM. AM uses the input to control the output level of a carrier wave - Ie as per the bottom one here They are saying they can just use the modulating signal as the signal transmitted.
  11. No, MD just did a load of extra left hand work from what I understand!
  12. I'm gonna take my own stab at this - based on the UK specifically A cover band is [i]typically[/i] used to refer to an amateur / semi professional outfit that plays almost exclusively songs that are not their own A cover band can be [i]genre specific [/i]and sometimes a genre specific cover band will call themselves a tribute - eg "80s tribute" or "Ska tribute" A function band is [i]typically[/i] used to refer to a more professional outfit that will[i]usually [/i]play a variety of genres - funk/pop/soul/reggae/rock all in one night. This is the haunt of most professional musicians in the UK, and is one of their main sources of income (along with teaching instruments). At the higher level, function bands are often playing as per the record in terms of arrangements, and [i]are more likely [/i]to use deputies to make sure they fill a gig. A higher level of professionalism and ability is expected. A tribute band is typically used to refer to a group that plays just one artist/band but whom they have no association with. (ie Neville Staples regularly gigs round here - he is NOT a Specials tribute as he has links to the original recording) A function and tribute band both also count as cover bands, but generally a different wording is used to differentiate the level of professionalism/money.
  13. I'd quite like to do a slightly later era of music - 90's trance (ATB, Moloko, Robert Miles, Fragma) in a covers band, but that is basically 2 or 3 keyboard players who can play guitar that you need...
  14. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1468311168' post='3089955'] Can happen for any of a number of health/diet related causes too. I used to get it a lot when I was younger but the only injury I ever suffered that might have caused it was a finger dislocation when I was about 14. Most likely a medical coincidence and not related to your bass playing at all. [/quote] I would agree it would seem coincidental just bass players / white spots on fingernails , but its the fact that for both of us it is _ONLY_ on our two fingerstyle fingers that makes me intrigued.
  15. Hi Guys I've been asked by a local youth theatre group (who do great work with the local kids) at short notice to help out with their production of FAME in St Ives next week as their bassist dropped out. As it is youth theatre (ie no membership fees etc, and very community) is an absolute shoestring budget so can't offer much on the moolah I'm currently busy on the saturday (doing a different freebie - the bands one freebie a year!) so was wondering if there is any kind soul who would be willing to help them out for the night. As much as a I hate freebies, there is some petrol money in it so wont be out of pocket, only the time!
  16. Nothing as bad as it sounds! I was wondering if this is a bass caused issue. Based on a sample size of precisely two, I have noticed that both me and my bass playing mate have Leukonychia (or white spots under the fingernails) on our right hand first two fingers - the two we both use for playing fingerstyle. There are several causes, damage to fingers, lack of calcium etc, but it seems somewhat coincidental that it is only affecting those two fingers for both of us! So i'm intrigued if its affecting other bassists as well I'll spare pictures because some people dont like pictures of fingernails etc but you can click here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leukonychia
  17. I have one of these as well. My main workhorse and fantastic bass (only 30 made) Info on the bass can be found at http://www.laklandowners.com/forum/content.php?142-The-LOG-Bass-is-a-go! (sounds amazing with half rounds as is my set up atm) Only Downsides is it needs long strings and a large case (same as any lakland 55/01 /Bob glaub)
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1466696474' post='3077984'] This is why I won't store my music in the cloud. [/quote] Just spat my Peanut Butter on toast out at that...
  19. FYI. Our company network has currently blacklisted basschat because a scan showing spyware - we have Cisco scansafe on the connection and that is blocking it. I can't get any more info than that I'm afraid.
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1464864379' post='3063227'] However if I was to find myself in a band with some of the people described here, I'd be tempted to replace the contents of the case with things that would do the job, but not in an easy or comfortable way. For instance the only guitar strings would be a set of extra heavy flat-wound jazz guitar. The jack to jack leads would all be either 4ft or 40ft long etc. Hopefully they would get used once in emergency and then the "musician" in question would sort themselves out so that they didn't need to borrow stuff off me again. [/quote] I love this.
  21. [quote name='Seer73' timestamp='1464778073' post='3062381'] I'm available. Can't access phone as at work, but can access emails and check regularly if you email [email protected] Cheers Harry [/quote] Replied/emailed and hopefully sorted!
  22. I've been let down by 2 deps (one legitimately has fooked his back and now takes 10 minutes to walk to the front door.... the other just double booked himself) and am now in a desperate need for a theatre dep for saturday, The Maltings Ely. Paid, but not much Score is pretty [i]easy as far as theatre scores go[/i]
  23. [quote name='sellisnba' timestamp='1463428534' post='3051320'] Hi all, I'm thinking of changing to flat wound strings, I currently have rotosound strings on the bass. Great strings but I really can't get past the scratchy sound. My question is, if I stick to same string gauge will I have to get the bass setup at all. I'm thinking of giving Ernie ball cobalt flats a try, I've tried Fender flats but found the tension a bit high. [/quote] Without wanting to be condescending or anything - if its just the scratchyness as you go up and down the neck , thats a technique thing that oculd be solved iwth practise rather than spending money
  24. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1464262211' post='3057982'] It looks to me like the guarantee is for the date, not the time, which seems pretty meaningless. It's something that Interparcel could do with clarifying. [/quote] That may be what the case, but if they state [quote] [color=#4D5459][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][font=arial][size=3]7.1 [/size][/font][/font][/color][color=#4D5459][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][font=arial][size=3]Collection dates and times are not guaranteed unless you have selected a '[/size][/font][/font][/color][url="http://www.interparcel.com/help/faq.php?category=Collection%20and%20Delivery"]Guaranteed Collection Service'[/url][color=#4D5459][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][font=arial][size=3] such as Interparcel Premium[/size][/font][/font][/color] [color=#4D5459][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][font=arial][size=3][/quote][/size][/font][/font][/color][color=#4D5459][font=arial][size=3]That suggests "AND TIME"[/size][/font][/color]
  25. ps, +1 to The Mojo slide, The Hot Lights - power Pop type stuff - https://www.facebook.com/TheHotLights/?fref=ts Delta Rhythm - Latin Jazz Quartet - https://www.facebook.com/deltarhythmjazz
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