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About Killerfridge

  • Birthday 28/10/1987

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  1. True, but even as someone from Guildford, I always enjoyed popping in when down there; they always had some more obscure stuff than Andertons (i.e. Phil Jones Bass amps)
  2. That was essentially the whole deal with the original Japanese line. They were built by his protégé in Japan to stock specs, so you couldn't get a fancy top, or chambering (or other custom options), but were otherwise "off the shelf", hand built stock. I haven't tried the German Metro series (and I'm sure they are excellent too) but I do feel like they've lost a bit of the small boutique magic
  3. This is the earliest video I have if myself, about 18months into playing bass. I was 17 and obsessed with it and would regularly play/practice late into the night. I think I made more progress in those 18 months than I have in the last 18 years!
  4. These are phenomenal bits of kit; I remember when they were must-haves for pretty much any studio
  5. I'm enjoying learning/transcribing No Way by Alain Caron:
  6. I think I would just go with the two bass option. I take a spare anyway, so just have one tuned to Eb and one to E standard
  7. The Spector Euro RSTs with Paulownia bodies are excellent, incredibly lightweight
  8. I fear your actual insider knowledge is going to get lost here! Interested to know if it's "not currently taking orders" or "not taking any more orders ever"
  9. I love my 750, great underrated head from the era of amazing TC bass gear
  10. Yes, that's literally the first thing I said. But notice that it says "will support trade" i.e. will be a factor that goes in the "might be trade" column, not "is trade". It's a judgement call based on those badges
  11. I'm fairly sure he either flubs a line, or plays a simplified version of some of the unison line somewhere near the start of Not Yet by Michel Camilo. Probably was a choice he made though, but still
  12. I think it's an argument to HMRC, they are the arbiters of this. Like I said, they look for these badges of trade, but it's not a hard and fast rule for any of them. I think ultimately they can chose to either believe him or no. Whilst he's not selling them cheap, it doesn't look like he's trying to "flip" them as such, just not selling at a loss
  13. It's not about making profit or volume of sales (although they are elements of it). If you're buying something for your own personal use, and selling it once you're bored/want something else, you aren't liable for income tax even if you made a profit. HMRC look for "badges of trade" to make a decision as to whether you should be filing self assessment: https://www.gov.uk/hmrc-internal-manuals/business-income-manual/bim20205 Assuming he's not just buying with the intent to sell, then he should be fine regardless of the throughput.
  14. Not to derail, but have we heard any updates with this one, assuming you're talking about who I'm thinking about
  15. I mean, it probably depends more on the make and model than the scale length and string numbers no?
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