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teen t-shirt

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Posts posted by teen t-shirt

  1. [quote name='markl' post='638896' date='Oct 28 2009, 11:00 AM']I've always practised in front of mirrors[/quote]

    Plus 1 to this infact I found my self practicing in the mirror and wearing glasses... its good practice just to add a bit of cool to your performance and plus if you get used to looking at your own ugly mug then you may feel more comfortable and confident to look at the wierdo's in the audience...

  2. I'm self taught for the last 3 years and never looked at a book before I started taking lessons a month ago..
    And he's started telling me my techniques are wrong and a book will teach you the "right" technique I say learn all your scales and the differences between majors and minors and all that jazz get your reading down then dump the books and find your own way of improving...

  3. I've been the frontman for my band for the last 3 years but now we've got a tidy little curvy thing as our frontwoman so am able to relax and actually enjoy doing what I do best... playing bass supposedly...

    So have been used to looking up and out and only glancing down for a second to make sure am sorta in the right area of the neck...

    Also with my acting it has dawned on me how different I am when acting on stage and when playing on stage when I'm acting I have em wrapped round my finger but when playing I have to fight to get some attention cos its all stolen by the drummer and both guitarist... the people at school just see me as the broken guitarist... :) f*** em there just jealous...

  4. [quote name='andyonbass' post='637031' date='Oct 26 2009, 04:22 PM']This is what i use on my Status Shark, which has brass markers that are a bugger to see under stage lighting. It wears of after about 6 months so i just give it another dab.


    I'm interested in that where would I be able to get hold of one and for how much?

  5. My first answer would be LED's but as you've stated already, future project...

    Err tipex emm :)

    There are some gadgets out there which can be adtached to the. Head stock to light up the fret board like LED's only less hassel to install...
    Ill see if I can the link to the website for you...

  6. I know what you mean about the grade thing but being self taught for the first 3 lessons and only having 4 lessons so far am just taking in what the bloke says and absorbing all I can from him and then using it to my advantage... well am paying the guy am gonna take from him all I can and use it and adapt it for my own...

    I don't believe I'm this grade or that... I'm UNIQUE. :)

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions keep em coming....

  7. Thanks for the suggestions guys some of them I know like hysteria and run to the hills but will definately take a look at some of the funk stuff...

    Please keep the suggestions coming though am wanting to expand to every style possible...

    And again with regards to the technique thing again am addressing the things that I think are hindering my development but keeping the ones that make my playing unique and all mine!

    Thanks all!

  8. Sorry I should of mentioned he'd noticed one or two things which id then recognised were restricting me but I understand what you mean I want to keep some of them to ensure I remain unique in my playing but there's being unique and then there's being limited to what I can do because of my technique...

  9. Hey guys!

    So here's the story...

    Am in a band at school and we have a new setlist, I have been self taught for the first 3 years of my playing and have just begun taking lessons from a very good teacher... and he has placed me at grade 5 as far as my technique and playing stand now of course I was pleased with this but he also pointed out that I had fallen into some bad habits as regards to my technique and we have begun working on this to get me out of the ruts I'm in...

    What I ask from you basschatters is knowing the. Level I'm at could you suggest some songs which will challenge me and help me improve as a player...
    With regards to the band I mentioned them because none of the songs in the band challenge me to a degree where I'm not comfy with them and this is nice but I'm looking for some to do outside the band to bring me up a few notches...


    Teen T-shirt...

  10. I would suggest trying to find a song with a simple guitar line and vocals and transpose it to your bass one example I can think of is chasing cars by snow patrol.. bass line is boring as hell but take the part and put it on. Your bass and it puts a new dynamic on the song... easy to sing to...

    Hope that helps...

  11. hey man nice to have another teen bassist on board it gets a little dreary with all this old people on here... :)

    *runs for cover from the canes being thrown at him*

  12. I've just taken ownage of what i feel is the best thing i've ever laid eyes and ears on!

    tis a 200 Watt Vintage Marshall Bass Combo!
    and my god the sound and the pure volume from it is amazing!
    i've yet to try it out with my bass only a cheap fender copy i borrowed from a friend which is quite appauling... lol
    i have been looking for a new bass combo for ages because my old one just wasn't up to it anymore but now this one makes my old peavey look like a freakin practice amp!

    i will post pictures as soon as possible but you know what the sweetest bit is...


    of one of my dads mates he told me when we went to pick it up that the stain down the front was from Jimi Hendrix pissing on it i just chuckled but i was just completely in AWE of this thing!
    and seen as i have been away from the forum for a long time i thought this would be an appropriate way to make my come back lol!

    i welcome any comments of anyone who has owned one previously and what you thought of it... i'm currently figuring out what all the knobs do to find my sound...
    tis a good day!

  13. Omg the band had there best performance ever on thursday evening...
    it was also my first live performance with the new bass...

    i started by playing chasing cars acuosticly and singing it, then the rest of the band got up and we blew the place apart with our rendition of monster with my younger brother playing lead on a borrowed yet still gorgeous golden les paul,

    and then we played a beautiful rendition of all right now by free, nailed the solo and left with a massive grin on my face...

    all in all a good night...

  14. i tried out a squier p 5 string today, and it was fantastic, weighed no more than a normal p bass... for about 700 quid...
    if you live anywhere near the town of lincoln, i suggest you get your self to the pink music shop near the bus station...
    fantastic little shop i spent over 2 hours in there today just playing...

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