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Posts posted by Papabull

  1. Hi all,

    Can anyone let me know if its possible to get/buy strings for a normal 34" scale 4 string bass that have al low string tension or feel? I realise that this may well be a stupid question as I guess string tension is governed by scale length i.e. the smaller the scale / neck length the lower the tension….. however if you don't ask you'll never know..

    many thanks


  2. Hi
    I'd be really grateful if any one can tell me if i can use a standard BOSS power supply on my LINE 6 G50 wireless receiver…. For the techies out there the LINE 6 is 9V at 500ma

    Any help gratefully received


  3. Thanks to DAD3353.
    You make really valid points…..and I'm certainly not offended. re the relaxing thing, i think you're bang on. I've put myself out of my comfort zone (I'm a sax/reed musician for the last 40 years) and have been playing bass for 2 years. The one thing I really know is that by playing with good musicians it 'ups your game' and can make one improve rapidly (although this is far from comfortable) . The thing is this , the band never rehearses , so its a sight reading gig for everyone.
    Apart from playing i have to sort out the geography (i.e. what areas are open for solo's, when backing figures appear etc etc as well talk to the audience , and of course make sure count ins are accurate. This all sounds like a load of excuses but actually can be really stressful. I'm also trying to evaluate my own performance, ensure my reading is accurate maintain balance etc on an instrument that is relatively new to me…. maybe i need some illegal substance to chill me out!!!
    Seriously though I realise i need to be more relaxed but find this a bit tough at the mo………things can only get better (i hope) I'll be wicked by the time I'm 70!! (ha)

    Thanks again to everyone...

  4. Sincere thanks to everyone for your help/suggestions and contributions. This has been extremely useful. What an amazing community this is……………!!!
    i'm going to try Auralex isolation, turning VLF and VLE completely off, flat (ish) eq on the bass and a scooped mid. If i get the chance I'll also use another cab for definition (not volume)

    The obvious thing that everyone has been too polite to say is……. that maybe my technique is rubbish. If this is the case i can only hope i'll improve with time..
    thank you all

  5. Ed….. thanks for this …. so much to consider….. i think i play harder / dig in deeper on gigs….this could be part of the problem. pan position tends to be more or less central. generally finger over the pups. I've tried turning down on the last gig and this has definitely helped but occasionally suffered a kind of drop out at certain points. also noticed on gigs that playing in first or second position makes a massive difference i.e. low Bb on A string sounds better than low Bb on E string…. aaarrrghhh!

  6. thanks gjones……. really appreciate your comments…… and that makes loads of sense too…… but i really want to enjoy my sound. i tend to play betters when my sound is good and compromised. This has never effected my sax/reeds playing. am getting frustrated as you can probably tell!!!.. love practising and recoding in the studio…. it's just the live stuff thats driving me NUTS!!….. maybe its a lack of experience too!!

  7. Hi Woodyratm, gigs are inevitably loud ( but your point is good one) i can't exercise much control re volume. What does uncouple the cab mean….. I should explain I've only been playing bass for 2 years and am really a tenor/alto sax player at heart. (30 years) . I really enjoy practise and playing but this room is sending me around the BEND!!!!

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