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Posts posted by Papabull

  1. 6 hours ago, dave_bass5 said:

    Yep, i got one last month. Lovely bass. Very easy to play (with the right action, which i cant quite get yet). Feels good in the hand and hangs well. Wasn't took keen on the VVT layout at first, i prefer a toggle, but ive got use to it now.

    Im not 100% keen on the finish on the back of the neck, i much prefer gloss, but again im getting used to it and its really a non issue now.

    Tone wise i find it quite nice using any pup combination, but even the neck pup has a bit of a jazz growl (to my ears). Its not quite 'Fender' P sounding, but has a bit of a freq hump somewhere that just helps it poke through. Quite funky sounding even when played with a pick. Ive always loved using a BDDI with my basses but this is the first bass in a long time that ive felt is just right without needing any help. in fact since getting this ive more or less given up on using effects, as i feel this bass just sounds so good on its own.

    Not sure id say it was worth the money, as Yamaha basses seem to be of a very high standard across the board, but i appreciate what's gone in to making this.



  2. Hi all, I'm new here (to this forum) but wondered if anyone had any experience with the Yamaha BB P34  any comments would be very much appreciated especially if you've had first hand experience with this bass. Also how it fares withers immediate predecessors. 

    Cheers PB

  3. For sale is my Fender Jazz Deluxe. It's in fantastic condition. I've owned it from new. It's a 2014 model, with N3 noiseless pups. Putting a John East Retro pre amp took this  bass to another level. Super easy to get a full range of awesome bass tones. The neck is incredible, very fast and comfortable to play. Looks great too with block inlays and bound edges.














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