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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. It would help you greatly if you gave a few more details here, as in location... rough idea of pay.... guys here are from all over the country and range from total beginners to long term pros so with a bit more info you might illicit some interest... Good luck with your search
  2. [quote name='kjb' timestamp='1334936352' post='1623775'] Unusual shape for an Orion. Almost like a series 1. Nice bass ! [/quote] I think it's defined as an Orion by the electronics so the fact that it has Europa electronics makes it interesting. The shape is a standard point. I believe this bass used to belong to Dave Houck, moderator on the Alembic club forum.
  3. I regularly use my iphone with ireal book (in fact I used it on a gig last night)
  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1334794632' post='1621549'] Good evening, Jake... Sorry if this comes across as 'harsh'; please don't take personal umbrage from my opinions... It seems to me to be a fallacy to believe one could (or should...) '...base ones earnings value on a realistic desire to have a home and feed a family...' Those are one's needs, not one's value. An absurd illustration could make the point: I may have spent a great deal of time and money in becoming proficient at twirling lollipop sticks with my ears alone (yes, I know, but it's just for illustration, please bear with me...). I may have (or wish to found...) a family, I have domestic outcome just like everyone else. If I ask the rate needed for my upkeep to put on my 'show', this does in no way mean that anyone else attributes value to it. If my needs are reduced (supposing I only have 1 child to feed, rather than 8...), the 'value' perceived by others is unchanged. In short, I don't 'buy' the need to recognise the equivalence of a 'normal job', and say this as an ex-professional drummer of many years experience. Whether I'm good or not, whether I spend my time practicing or not, whether I have family to feed or not, etc. are not factors for justifying the rates I can obtain. What anyone is prepared to pay me is what I will get, not necessarily what I need (or want, of course. Not to be confused...!). Is this a morally healthy situation..? That's a completely different debate, I think. Musicians (nor lollipop-stick twirlers...) do not have a divine right to have their needs met. Sad, perhaps, but true, imho. There are also very many 'real' jobs that do not meet the needs of the employee, either. Nothing new here, then... Hope this helps; no malice intended. [/quote] I'm happy to hear others views and I'm tough enough to take ones that differ from mine... (and enjoy hearing them tbh) I'm really talking about an internal debate, and believe that we should strive to achieve realistic goals, I just have a suspicion that many in the UK market undervalue themselves because of some legacies of our societal views of music as a profession. So I'm not suggesting being naive and pricing oneself on unrealistic principles, I am however encouraging people to have the internal debate and use some of the measures I have described to reach some conclusions. I speak of the UK market because I've been lucky enough to have worked (in music) in over 50 countries and have discovered a very wide ranging attitude towards musicians at various levels. My overriding impression is that comparatively speaking in this country music as a profession is taken less seriously than many countries I have played in. I happen to believe that some musicians themselves play a part in perpetuating that attitude, and pricing is one way in which they do it.
  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1334827724' post='1621815'] that model isn't up there with the P and J copies. Is that the medium or full scale model? If you look on gumtree/ebay cash convertors in glasgow/partick has been trying to shift one for months. That said it's probably not a bad bass but I would look at the SGC Bass collections first [/quote] Thanks, but no idea actually, as I said I've just been given a small amount of detail, the chap wants to sell...
  6. Been asked by a friend of a friend what the value is on a Tokai Super Ltd Series from approx 88/89 the only details I've been supplied are as follows: Pearlescent White TW451 basswork revolution on headstock all original good condition made in Japan. Any clues gents?? It's likely to appear for sale on here so I'll take this opportunity to say it is not a person I know, just been asked by a mates lodger.
  7. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1334785520' post='1621403'] No idea what your on about. I don't recal saying any of that. I've seen musicians who put bugger all effort in to it yet moan like hell that they should be getting much more money, those are the people I'm talking about. As for a proper job, being a full time musician is a proper job as far as I'm concerned, although not one I would chose to do. [/quote] I was asking questions as to why you felt 'some musicians had head up arses...' so didn't mean to ascribe any of the sentiments to you, they were questions. I wondered what led you to make such a condemning statement.
  8. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1334763538' post='1620859'] I quite agree. I get the impression that some musicians have their head firmly up their ass when it comes to how much they think they should be paid. [/quote] By that do you mean that to base ones earnings value on a realistic desire to have a home and feed a family in unreasonable, or should we all just get proper jobs?? Should musicians not be able to earn what amounts to an average salary? Where does your feeling for the above sentiment come from?
  9. an interesting and timely article on this very subject: http://www.publicemilie.com/post/20223649899
  10. A true gem of music history, sad to see him so...
  11. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1334572196' post='1617667'] Good comment. I am acutely aware that musicians who "don't need the money" should not go around charging very low rates - as if we all did that, we would harm the income potential of those who do need the money or who did it for a living. That's part of the reason that I asked the question in the first place. [/quote] Thanks!!, it makes a refreshing change to hear that attitude, musicians are either seriously undervalued or paid vast sums in our little corner of the worlds music market, I've been lucky to have a regular gig and a decent amount of freelance work, for most of my working life. If you're lucky enough to have a good balance between a day job and gigging then charge professional rates I say and get the value from your skills and a serious bonus to your annual, as I said earlier, other industries are not shy about charging, and life in the UK is expensive.
  12. I would take this as an opportunity to remind all people that gig, but not really for the money, that there are lots of us that do (I've been pro for 20 years) work your fees out on the basis of trying to pay your mortgage/feed you family etc, that way we will all be valued the way we should. Try to get 2 plumbers to your house at unsociable hours on a saturday night and see what they charge!!
  13. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1333379322' post='1600847'] That would be of little relevance in a dispute over songwriting royalties. [/quote] I meant it as a starting point not as dispute resolution.
  14. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1334062071' post='1610277'] It's nice. Well sung, well played. But I'm afraid it's just a bit too one-dimensional for me. No allegory in the lyrics (unless it's about his dog or something), not enough interest in the arrangement, a bit too much playing to the folk-pop zeitgeist, all a bit bland for my tastes. But he does have a nice natural voice and I can imagine young girls swooning (unless he looks like a dog or something). Sorry Jake [/quote] No probs Nig nor need for apology, taste is a personal thing and yours is as valid as mine. I just like it for the innocent niceness of it.
  15. I'm sure it's fine on the spike, it just raises the centre of gravity thereby increasing the possibility of damage from a fall.
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333975818' post='1608964'] Yep, working now... A jolly bit of country-pop. Voice too quiet in the mix IMO, but that's just me.. I like it. I like the other track too, 'I Don't Want You Any More'. Not quite as up-beat, though, obviously... [/quote] Yes indeedy, I'm sure it's just a quick logic mix, the kit is loops, but if you listen closely the bass playing is rather fine, he is a nice player, does that professionally too, shows and such. But he plays the gtrs and sings.
  17. this any good? http://soundcloud.com/elephant-basin/my-very-favourite-girl
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333974767' post='1608933'] When I copy the link address, I get this: [url="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Felephant-basin%2Fmy-very-favourite-girl&h=kAQFQpUdK"]http://www.facebook....irl&h=kAQFQpUdK[/url] [/quote] Even more bizarre because when I click on that link it takes to a soundcloud page...?? I wonder if it's because I already have listened via facebook... I'll go and have a fiddle with soundcloud
  19. I love my Alembic, it was expensive, but it's tax deductible and has earned it's keep.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333970969' post='1608837'] Link wants to take me to FB for some reason..? [/quote] Hmm not sure why... It's on soundcloud!
  21. A chap I know is a rather talented writer and he wrote this... [url="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Felephant-basin%2Fmy-very-favourite-girl&h=kAQFQpUdK"]http://soundcloud.com/elephant-basin/my-very-favourite-girl[/url] anyone like it?
  22. I'd put the spike away. But otherwise what you describe is fine
  23. I can't believe no-one has brought this to the thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqbXBT6rVXg
  24. By suggesting that songs would sound different with another band he is implicitly acknowledging that you have a creative input, if there is even a sniff of a prospect that there will be any revenue from your efforts GET IT IN WRITING!!!! Some of the best 'friends' in the music biz have been brought to deep hatred stakes over this sort of disagreement. get it n writing, agree the terms, get it in writing, and finally get it in writing. If there is no prospect of revenue then I suggest you just continue to have fun!
  25. 4 and 8 makes for clumsy expression I think, I'd rather use 1 2+ 3+ 4, 1 2 3+ 4+, because that way you see the beats of the bar.
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