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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. song comes first in all situations! great pleasure can be derived from creating a huge feel whether playing lots of notes or one repeated note, as long as the appropriate mindset is held by the player.
  2. Nice spot Garry... although I was just looking froward to the Christian McBride solo
  3. Being a fretless player will help as you are used to tuning/adjusting as you play and you have a motor recognition of positions. What you don't have (most likely) is a left hand technique that will sustain upright playing.... Get a teacher.... it's very simple.... it will save you eons of time.
  4. a good way to remember which spelling of a note to use is the idea that you generally won't have two of the same note in a scale so if you already have a C root, the next note up, be it a b9, 9 or #9 will be a D 'something' (i.e Db, D or D#) as C has already been used... that principle works in the vast majority of cases.
  5. It's a difficult one to tell, at the current bid (£200) any working bass is a bargain. If it's czech it could be a nice sounding bass. It looks quite well set up but it's hard to see whether it's laminate and whether it has an ebony board. ask those questions, and if you can get a chance to have a play. If it's carved/solid (unlikely) got an ebony board then anything under £1000 could be a nice buy.
  6. [quote name='deaver' timestamp='1326147266' post='1493068'] I had a quick go at this Rabbath lark earlier today and I think something might have clicked - lessons will still have to wait I'm afraid (time and money). Fairly sure I heard an improvement in intonation, I'll report back in a month or so [/quote] Have you had any lessons Deaver? even one would give you a huge amount to work on and to have a close up inspection/appraisal of your technique is IMO invaluable.
  7. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1326136950' post='1492824'] I agree completely, and the thread has been an eye-opener into a world that I've only ever briefly touched upon. I regret now not taking lessons with Steve Berry whilst I had the chance at Uni as he was a constant inspiration and a wonderful player. [/quote] Steve is a lovely guy, and a renowned inspirational educator. He also happens to be a friend
  8. I agree janmaat, I always say there is no such thing as a 'stupid question' a person cannot be unduly criticised for information they do not possess, unless they are unduly resistant to taking stuff on board. I think the British mindset can be counter productive in certain aspects in this regard as we seem to have a national tendency to ridicule people that don't know stuff. Held in balance that view does take account of the many positives the British mindset does possess.
  9. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1325872398' post='1489238'] Now you are the kind of teacher everyone should have, Jake. Willing to try something new when it comes along. That's what keeps techniques moving forward. [/quote] [quote name='fatback' timestamp='1325874067' post='1489275'] +1 to that [/quote]
  10. I have been using this method in my practise this afternoon, very interesting. I had always given it a swerve because I felt that using the third finger was fraught with tendon strain danger and given that I've been playing most days of my life since the age of 8 (that's 36 years) I didn't want to risk it. Now it appears that it's simply more about pivoting than necessarily using the third finger, ironically it's what I've been doing in thumb position for an age, just making little reaches for what ever 'makes sense' so I'm wondering if that is where the methodology was inspired... Tbh even though I have basically used the traditional position playing I do encourage students to basically forget that once the muscle memory is in place. Practising major and chromatic scales over 2 octaves (3 where possible with dropping to 2nd/3rd of scale) in 12 keys is for me THE single best way of being in the right position with your hand. This makes for very efficient playing because if your arm/hand is in te right place all you have do with your fingers is put them down.... I do get complimented on my intonation so I guess I'm doing something right
  11. I've always played guitar, drums and keys as well as bass, but it's only bass where my skills are at a pro level. I dabbled for a very brief time with bass clarinet when I shared a house with a sax player, that was fun... but very short lived!
  12. I find the idea of pivoting in Rabbath fascinating... good video, thanks.
  13. Going for the alliteration angle.. 'I do like a fiddle on a fender a'fore fondling a filly....! What! (puffs pipe furiously)
  14. depends on the ear of the listener, it comes as no surprise to me that if you deny people their senses (sight and smell) that their ability to judge something with the other sense is impaired. What really matters in this is how the instrument feels to the player and at that point it's over to subjectivity, doesn't matter if it's cheap, medium range or mega expensive. If the player is happy he or she will make it sing.
  15. Not always 7 Geoff, and the daytime sets tend to be 25/30 mins but still amazing for the stamina... says a lot for practising in 20/30 min spells.
  16. Nice report Bilbo... great to hear you're progressing, when I am in the busy season with my bread and butter gig we often to 5 sets a day (daytime) and then on to another 2x45 sets in the evening. During those periods, my strength becomes mammoth... there is no substitute for doing it!
  17. things like ebay really only work if people do it right (bit like society) so I think kick him very hard in the balls (metaphorically)
  18. Just want to point out that I have changed my user name to jakenewmanbass This fits in with my new website which is under construction, and to let you know that I will be offering skype/facetime lessons for users that have the technology to make it work. Also, as usual thanks to those that have taken the trouble to give me such positive feedback. :0)
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