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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1325204177' post='1481046'] Just a quick question from me to the double bass experts. Is it worth learning on an electric double bass, for example an NS WAV or is it worth going for an acoustic double bass? I did have one of those Stagg EUB a few years back which seemed ok but I have no experience to compare against an acoustic double bass. Due to other commitments, I could not really put the time in. Now I do have the time (kind of) and want to dabble again, I am not sure to go acoustic or electric this time. Any advice? [/quote] DB is the real deal... come round to try if you like...
  2. Radiators are a DBs nemesis, and extensive drying can cause cracking. Keep the area where you have your bass moist, a bowl of water on the floor near it will do. Or you can get humidifiers although I would think that less necessary for a ply/laminate bass.
  3. This bass is suffering from a very severe crack at the rear/heel/neck area, which is why I would imagine it is unstrung as it would fold in half under the string tension. I can see where the neck is lifting out of the body. Be absolutely sure that your luthier can deal with that before buying because in my experience luthiers will not bother re attaching necks on instruments of this value.
  4. Check out Ray Brown... if he appeals to you you're off because you'll be transcribing his lines in no time! [b][u]NB.[/u][/b] listening is as important as studying how to make walking bass lines
  5. fab sound, great groove... what more do you need in a bass player...
  6. A warm Christmassy basschat welcome, come on in... it's cold outside
  7. And yes of course to the above, Geoff gets good reviews in his teaching thread... you have a few to go at if you're willing to drive a bit.
  8. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1324664729' post='1476901'] Sorry, but I seriously doubt they can play like that because they learned how to in college - they were probably pretty awesome before they got there. [/quote] twas a very lighthearted comment Rhys, but then there you go... colours shown...
  9. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1324666869' post='1476939'] I don't think anyone said they were sh*t, Jake. [/quote] I'm going back ages Nig, there have been some extremely disparaging comments about music college over the years here. In a fit of Christmas goodwill I thought I'd drag up old forgotten comments
  10. they show just how playing with good feel and time makes for an incredibly full sound... everything is in the right place dynamically as well as in placement terms, it all works and so sounds like a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts.... very mature ability for such young guys.... I remember some threads on here about music colleges being sh*t... well obviously they are, if all they can do is produce players of this calibre
  11. Very hard to tell from those pics but the hat peg tuners make it quite old as far as I know... looks like a german factory bass, which means made by factory wood workers who would each make parts of a bass when work was slow in the factory and then bring them together to be assembled. The fact that it says 'made in Germany' suggests to me that it's less likely to be made by a bass 'maker' which would be a much finer instrument, as a maker would have left his mark on it. I'm no expert and my observations are nothing more than moderately informed guesses. My advice would be take it to a luthier. I have a Stuttgart Factory bass from around 1920 (looks quite similar actually) I put it up for sale in a shop in Guildford, the chap priced it at £4500 which I think was a bit too much... guess what it didn't sell. If that's what it is, with a bit of care and a good set up they can be nice players with a decent tone.
  12. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1324373329' post='1473417'] He made the bass and then simply ceased to exist?? [/quote] I wonder what happened to his atoms??? will there be a quantum irregularity due to this??? And if that bass did go for 67 squid... what a BARGAIN!
  13. Lead sheets showing Chords/root notes and song form write em out play along, play along, play along and then you sort of know most of it and they become an aide memoir.... It's the only way I tell ya....
  14. Nice to see a business survive, tough times...
  15. So sorry to hear this too... man, thieves Grrrrr despicable twats.
  16. oh f***... sorry my misunderstanding... that really is awful... I hope you get it back mate. I knew a guy that went to a takeaway in Stoke leaving his double bass in the car for 10 mins, when he came back it was gone, convinced they couldn't have gone far he rushed around the area thinking he'd see someone struggling away with a 6ft tall instrument, he found 2 kids in a snowy supermarket car park having smashed the front in and using his bass as a sledge. He did retrieve all the pieces (a hundred so the tale goes) and had it rebuilt.
  17. Sorry to hear of this man, but really.. overnight??? in a car... in Aigburth??? (I used to live in Liverpool) I know it's not a terrible area but there are a huge number of opportunist thieves around and about in Liverpool at night, t'was the same when I was in Manchester, I even had 2 guys approach my car as I pulled up after a gig one night. I drove off and found some police. Gear in a car is a massive target...
  18. As others have said it's the 3rd of the chord... to decide whether it's appropriate or not is the call here because technically it's not incorrect at all. You are effectively creating a first inversion of the chord and for the guitar player that will be uncomfortable because he hears an Eb min, with your powerful low note you are changing the nature of the chord. This is why, as the saying goes, bass is relatively simple to play (compared to other instruments) but difficult to master, because having a handle on the nuance that you create with every inflection is a lifetimes work.
  19. did not know... now know... who needs to retain anything with google a touch away...
  20. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1324054066' post='1470393'] I have thought about that, Jake, but I hope it doesn't come to that. I've been doing this band for almost 15 years and never missed a gig. I intend to keep it that way. Thanks for the offer though, mate...I would always have you or Neil in mind if it came to that. [/quote] No probs and I hope for your sake that it doesn't come to that too..
  21. Gigs only for me so not a problem. Seriously Pete if you ever need a dep I know the pad, and I definitely wouldn't be trying to hustle the gig off you, similarly Neil Fairclough (who Bryan knows well) would be able to step in. I know you probably wouldn't want it to come to that but you have to butter your bread dude...
  22. To give a direct answer to the question... No, i believe that music will go hand in hand with living on earth for the foreseeable, some may argue that the creators and producers of future music are not 'real musicians' I would hazard a guess that some musicians of long ago would say the same of me...
  23. Sorry to have missed the ensuing gents... Guess what... I've been in a sw***y London hotel earning a nice wedge for 45 mins of quality music with some seriously talented individuals... eg Pat Illingworth of Bass Day Marcus Miller accompanist fame on drums, head of music at Salford university Robin Dewhurst on keys and the dynamite Mark Crooks on Sax and clarinet, working for an old pal Simon Milner-Edwards who runs a few function bands, all long standing colleagues of mine. Last night I played at Newmarket Racecourse, tomorrow I'm at the same hotel, Tuesday I was teaching, at London Centre of Contemporary music... depping for Rich Brook who is on tour with Go west, I also taught in my home studio today and I have sessions happening in there and other places too... Earning a living from music is fabulously rewarding, I have been all over the world in my job, I have raised a family of three kids, (wife didn't work until the last child went to school) I have played in palaces, country manors, stadiums, (and muddy fields) for royalty, presidents and everyone else. I don't make a fortune but then I couldn't give a sh*t what car I drive, I meet and have met some fantastically interesting people... It's there if you want it... EDIT.. seriously mods... s_wan_ky gets asterisked?
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