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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. [quote name='Mog' timestamp='1323974585' post='1469463'] Seems like you answered your own question lad, good luck with it. Not trying to flame the thread but that one comes across a bit presumptuous lad. [/quote] I can see that you would think that, but my experience on here tells me that the vast majority of contributors don't work in the industry, anyone that knows me knows I would not presume and judge on any basis, my information is fairly sound within the parameters of what one could expect from the reasonable analysis of a similarly reasonable human being (I too do get things wrong) I have been a regular contributor here for thousands of posts over 4 years I know lots of the guys personally and have taught a considerable number of them. [quote name='Mog' timestamp='1323978826' post='1469533'] Back up the truck chap, I'm not doubting that for a second. I know for a fact that he can offer excellent inside advice and info. I was referring to the comment that most of the posts were from people who didnt have any experience of being a working pro. Whos to say someones post is irrelevent if you dont know what experience they have. [b]I certainly dont know how experienced the majority of members are[/b] and therefore when reading their opinions on a given subject try (and fail a lot of the time) to take their opinions as a valuable input. [/quote] I guess I'm saying that probably to a slightly larger degree I probably do... and I can't resist pointing out that it's a little presumptuous of you to suggest that I don't
  2. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1323891555' post='1468476'] to the op. A good idea may be to PM Jakesbass. He's a fantastic guy and is a professional working musician. i'm sure he will offer you plenty of things to think about and it will be far more useful than reading through this any longer. [/quote] Thanks Ollie, I have indeed changed my user name to jakenewmanbass... I've been a pro player for over 20 years now been playing for 36 years (and I'm only 44) There are many considerations for the OP and the industry has changed a lot in my time and will change further. Chris2112 has points but he seems to relish spoiling a bit too much for me to take him seriously. A few others have chimed in on one side or another... most voices seem to be coming from those who don't work in the industry. I for one would not attempt to speak advisedly (certainly not to the extent of offering advice) on global economic matters just because I have a bank account, but quite a few chaps seem to think they have a handle on the music industry because they own a bass to the OP PM me, or call me (I will PM my number if you like) I have a few insights and will give a level and unembittered view of da biz.
  3. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1323811737' post='1467481'] No, not Logic. The mainstage app is now available stand alone for £20. I have mainstage 1 but fancy mainstage 2. [/quote] Ahh... I figured!
  4. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1323808404' post='1467439'] I have used Logic since 1.9. I am on 8 and have no reason to upgrade at the moment, but was going to 10 when it appeared because I want Mainstage 2. With this I do not need to. I can get what I need for £20. Thank you thank you thank you for flagging this up. [/quote] Hey Owen, are you saying that to upgrade is £20? if so I shall do the same!!
  5. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1323705290' post='1466037'] Steve Berry not Bury* (not being a smart arse, Jake, just makes it easier for the OP to Google him if he spells it right). * Unless it was spelt wrong on every Loose Tubes record and his own trio LP!! [/quote] Yes mate you are absolutely right. Steve is an absolute diamond too...
  6. I can't 'REALLY' play the bass.... YET, is the only answer you need from this pro of 20yrs+
  7. Gary Culshaw is in Preston, dynamite player. Steve Bury is in Blackburn but he's more of an upright player but nevertheless a very highly regarded educator.
  8. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1323602309' post='1464804'] Didya get one? Didya? Didya? [/quote] Sit down Bilbo, there's a good boy, I'm sure the nice man will tell us all about it when he's ready
  9. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1320267084' post='1424688'] www.airstudios.com Seriously, ask and you never know what might happen. [/quote] that budget is a half day without engineer or pro tools at AIR, in studio 1. Lyndhurst hall is more. I would look at: http://www.bigbluemusic.biz/Site/Welcome.html Steve Ancliffe runs it, I did some sessions with him the other day and he was superb. Another option would be the church in crouch end, it's owned by David Gray but you can get it on a day rate. I'd go for 2 days and get a good engineer, I worked there with Kevan Gallagher who was equally good. Most importantly, be prepared... will save you time and money. Know absolutely definitive versions of what you want to record. It takes half a day to get properly up and running then it's be ready ready ready. If you want some contacts then give me a PM I know lots of these guys from working in various studios and if I don't know them myself I will know somebody that does. You can sometimes get downtime at a decent rate. but be prepared to jump if the studio is not booked or cancel if they get a full rate booking...
  10. I'd go so far as to say his ideas are some of the nicest I've heard in bass soloing, I'm easily turned off by chops but this guy is so melodic that his improvisation takes nothing away from the beauty of the piece.
  11. I lost my Mum when I was 15 and my Dad 3 months ago, music has always been a refuge and outlet for the pain associated with life difficulties, but is also represents, in me at least, outpourings of joy, like the birth of my kids. When you get my music, you are getting me.
  12. It's all relative, I can only give you tips as far as my sensibilities reach, Edgar Meyer would have considerably more to say than I, and I'm absolutely sure that would apply to my performance of it every bit as much as yours... which is a nice thing about music in my view, it constantly challenges.
  13. Ps the traditional bass transpose key is C (for double bass) as some of the higher notes in D might be a little hard to reach
  14. Overall it's nice. I would want to hear the following: Technical The right notes. there are some notes in there that you have misread eg the last note of bar 4 is a C#, you play a D, At 36 seconds you return to the root diatonically when it should be an arpeggio, the descending run at 57 secs is rushed and inarticulate and lands on an A when it should land on a G# to create an E7 chord with the following notes G# E B C# D then drop to G natural sequence of notes G E A B C# I think to really get it sounding nice it would be great to rectify those issues, the harmony of this piece has a real flow and wrong notes undo that. Style I think you should soften the attack of your tone, it is too thumpy, so each note is highly articulated when there should be more legato in the phrases. this can be done with playing softer. Where you are using time expression (ie pauses and rubato) sounds a little contrived, listen closely to the shape of the phrases and try to use expression that rises and falls with the intensity of the harmony. There is a lot good in what you've done so don't be deflated by my comments it's simply that there is room for improvement. I love this piece of music and especially like Pablo Casals version... if you haven't heard it you must, all you need to know about that piece is in his version. Good luck with the rest and let us hear it when you're done
  15. hmmm and now it's randomly stopped happening... curiouser and curiouser
  16. the page does go back it just ask to re send a form as per my OP
  17. Hmmm I was just about to put my basspod up for sale and now Bob and Nige have re-ignited my interest in it... programming you say.... Nigel you might be due a visit
  18. Now this is a good idea...! I have an old set of spirocores knocking about somewhere... I'd happily swap them for a lower tension set of anything, they are quite old so I'd be happy to try old sets that folk might have.
  19. You must say the following post in 1950s over enthusiastic American news reader voice for full effect. In latest news forum member 'Mike' breaks fellow bass enthusiast Jakesbass with an incalculable concept.... Jakesbass is said to be stable but will need reprogramming before his next gig. In other news... guitarist shares the limelight....
  20. [quote name='Mike' timestamp='1323100713' post='1459266'] [b] over[/b]emphasising the root in this case! [/quote] I'm a bass player.... I-am-un-able-to-pro-cess-this-in-forj a bk ckrgbarif ifvaic v[i][u]ebf ovwfWF[/u][/i]
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