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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. Owned both had 2 Wal customs one fretted one fretless, nice basses but don't think they are as versatile as Alembics. It is defined for me thus: Me paying a Wal sounds like me playing a Wal. (and that goes for many basses tbh) Me playing an Alembic sounds like me. To very many peoples ears there is probably little to discern but to mine it is everything. I still own the Alembic btw
  2. I often don't like this sort of thing... I like this! It has fun, life and personality in it which I have not heard from the things I've come across before (I choose those words carefully because I always suspect that people that achieve as much as HF has frequently HAVE something that will come together with the enormous hard work at some point)
  3. I think it's another of those 'inability to distinguish between what you don't like and what isn't good' debates. She is clearly a very good player and has clearly worked hard on that. She doesn't set me on fire but I have a lot of respect for what she has achieved, as for getting where she is because she is female... I think thats laughable, I've worked professionally in music for over 20 years and in my estimation being female is NOT an advantage.
  4. That looks great Garry, I shall be getting my teeth into that!
  5. there is an issue with the stems and values in that line...!
  6. I gave Clarky a lesson on that instrument so can reliably report it is indeed a bargain.
  7. I do know a guy that has done our sound in Hamburg several times, he travels all over. He's brilliant, but tbh I would expect that whoever is booking you would sort it for you because they are MUCH MUCH more organised than we are about this sort of stuff. I'll ask my band leader for his details if you want... Jake edit. He actually did our sound in Frankfurt once too.
  8. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='1283575' date='Jun 27 2011, 12:36 AM']Screw it - DON"T BURST THEM!!!!!! I hate being the odd one out. [b]ESPECIALLY[/b] amongst bass players. How ironic.[/quote]
  9. It's very simple Clarky... the fluid in a blister has a natural hardening agent contained in it, so the longer the blister fluid is in contact with the skin underneath (that will eventually be your callous) the quicker the path to blister free playing is. Sorry Gareth, but your method prolongs life without callous in my view (right upper cut.... on target)
  10. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1280082' date='Jun 23 2011, 08:12 PM']I've heard a fair amount of his playing, Jake. He just has it all. [/quote] He really does
  11. I guess it depends where you are looking Pete, I wouldn't think of him as overlooked having toured and recorded with Benny Green in his early career and being sufficiently admired to make solo albums and play for Sting amongst a host of others. He is a fabulous player and was at 19 when he first appeared.
  12. And another thing (waves fist) The moment you go beyond someone's understanding, unless they are open minded individuals, which lets face it is rare in most walks of life, you cease to indulge [i]them[/i] ergo you will be considered in most cases to be indulging [i]yourself... [/i]Feck 'em I say.
  13. [quote name='SteveK' post='1278856' date='Jun 22 2011, 06:27 PM']Jake, I'm surprised that you've never been asked, by a producer, if you have a Precision. I know a couple of guys who favour that (retro?) sound.[/quote] Steve, I've always just found that Fender... or summat else will do. The minute I get past the "how is that" bit of the conversation they are happy, because both basses sound great.
  14. [quote name='RhysP' post='1278772' date='Jun 22 2011, 05:19 PM']I heard you the first time. [/quote] Lol don't know what happened there, ended up with four posts
  15. [quote name='RhysP' post='1278765' date='Jun 22 2011, 05:13 PM']You've obviously lost your mind - can I have your Alembic please?[/quote] on my last session... 8 songs 5 on Alembic, 1 on Fender Jazz, 2 on upright.... there's your answer
  16. [quote name='Marvin' post='1278743' date='Jun 22 2011, 04:54 PM']Can I assume, and for once I'm being serious, that you feel a P-Bass is a bit like a blank piece of paper on which you can create what you want. Yes I know that sounds ridiculous but hope you get the drift. [/quote] It's just a sound I hear a lot, and when deciding what would sit well in a track I sometimes think 'hmmm a P would fill this one's ass very well'
  17. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1278685' date='Jun 22 2011, 04:29 PM']Ah, the P bass. The last resort when all inspiration has left the player. [/quote] I'm pleased to be able to report that the only direction of my ideas and inspiration is up (but not up the neck)
  18. [quote name='silddx' post='1278644' date='Jun 22 2011, 03:47 PM']Jake, do you know WHY you want a Precision? Or was it just a magickal thing when you played some in the shop? Knowing you at least a little bit, I might suggest you borrow one you like on approval before buying, and use it on some gigs and/or recording sessions. I think, quite often, an instrument can delight in isolation, only to find it doesn't work for you in an ensemble situation.[/quote] Nig the truth of it is that as you well know I have a couple of killer basses, I can get an extraordinary range of sounds from the Alembic (I'm still finding them) The main thinking is for the studio when I want an arsenal of sounds, I can get a sound that suits my playing a million times over from all my basses acoustic and electric, I just think that the P would finish the picture and mean that on a session I can supply everything that is required... Don't get me wrong I get a lot of good feedback from engineers and producers about my sound but to pull that last classic bass out would finish it off.
  19. So many great replies and offers thanks guys, Linus and Lojo so very kind of you to offer... I'm going to get one, I'm just going to play many until one fits. I have some serious tools in the shape of the '77 Jazz and the Alembic, both record exceedingly well, and I spend at least half my working life on my 1880 German DB so I can bide my time Chris, that D'Angelo track is seriously grooving... And Barrie.. you were posting at the same time as me.... seriously... thanks.
  20. [quote name='Beedster' post='1278346' date='Jun 22 2011, 11:40 AM']Nothing to discuss Jake Don't spend several grand, buy a decent '62RI (especially if you can get an early 80's Fullerton which are pretty much as good at the pre-CBS instruments without the price tag) C[/quote] You're ahead of me Chris, I was going there, I just wanted to see what the wealth of opinion was....
  21. Not helped by my visit to New Kings Road Vintage where I played a number of 60s basses. Help! I need not to spend another several thousand on a bass (unless I can sell my spare upright)
  22. My stock response when people ask what I like is... 'Good music' beyond that labels matter not (and it's me that gets to decide)
  23. [quote name='paul_5' post='1277978' date='Jun 22 2011, 12:09 AM']i love self-indulgence, i really do. [/quote] are you referring to *ahem* teenage exercise?
  24. [quote name='risingson' post='1277418' date='Jun 21 2011, 06:00 PM']The intimacy and appeal of an acoustic guitar and a voice like James Taylor's isn't comparable to a Victor Wooten video, or any bass solo video. They are two totally different kettles of fish![/quote] one is a kettle of fish the other is a fettle of kitsch
  25. [quote name='Beedster' post='1277403' date='Jun 21 2011, 05:48 PM']It doesn't exist without video Jake [/quote] It's on my to do list... I will have the last word on this (wants a gauntlet emoticon)
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