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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. A different album project, another studio this time the artist is [url="http://www.sophiehiller.com/"]Sophie Hiller[/url] (backing vocalist for Tom Jones) the studio is the Church, formerly owned by Dave Stewart currently by David Gray... lovely place nice ambience, great piano. It is a fabulous band. [attachment=80325:IMG_0461.JPG] my room... [attachment=80326:IMG_0462.JPG] my view... [attachment=80327:IMG_0463.JPG] Drums belonging to a very fine drummer Graham Cutill in the distance [url="http://www.mattbacker.com/"]Matt Backer[/url] on gtr (great player with lovely vintage gear, '63 strat, early Gibson 335 and a 1940s Gibson acoustic) [attachment=80328:IMG_0464.JPG] on Piano (barely seen behind the screen) Rob Taggart, a really lovely player [attachment=80333:243328_1...088274_o.jpg] everyone A really tremendous band. We had a lot of fun. 2 x 12 hour days, 8 songs all played live. 1 rehearsal.
  2. Good thinking... I just think its worth you starting to pay attention to the fact that DB speaks a little slower than BG so it's worth learning to get your crotchet right up at the front of the beat, the way to do this is to experiment in playing ahead to get the attack of the note really consistently driving. Listen to Ray Brown again... in many cases he races but the pulse he produced was so phenomenally compelling. I presume you have Night Train and all those ..... 'sits in with the Oscar Peterson trio' albums... if not the ones without drums are a must to hear just how driving he was and then any of the trio albums with Ed Thigpen... just a fearsome feel always. If you get that right...
  3. [quote name='phil625sxc' post='1230909' date='May 14 2011, 01:15 PM']here's the chart I'm working from - enjoy ! [attachment=79870:Not_Yet___016_Bass.pdf][/quote] That reads very nicely ta... I prefer it written in cut time too as the 12 bar head makes for unnecessary 6 4 bars in the A section when counted in half time
  4. [quote name='lowdown' post='1230899' date='May 14 2011, 12:59 PM'][b]To be fair Jake - sometimes its down to the Score software [and if he is new to that programme][/b] But otherwise i agree with you... Always better on the eyes if you use dotted quavers and tied semi quavers across the beat. No need to make something hard even harder. Thanks Michel for the part. Garry[/quote] Absolutely... point taken Garry.
  5. [quote name='Michael Currie' post='1230098' date='May 13 2011, 04:26 PM']I really like this track, and it's got some great playing on it by the big man himself. This took me an hour or two, and had to resort to slowing it down to catch those crazy runs! I wasn't sure what he was playing a one or two parts, mainly the triplet, where I just stuck in the root [b]Please tell me any suggestions/improvements[/b]! I'll have a midi file up soon.[/quote] I always hate chipping in because it's so hard not to sound snotty.... BUT the rhythm you have used in the 6 4 bars is not what is on the version I have, and even if it were, as a reader I hate it when people write dotted quavers across a stem line, it's really easy to lose a sense of one when you can't see the the beginning of the beat, so I regard joining quavers with dots rather tan ties the cheapest way to write and the most expensive way to read. I'll post my version in a bit. Otherwise great tho.
  6. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1230673' date='May 14 2011, 07:56 AM']Thanks for that, Mike. [b]I guess my goal is to play it well and not just to play i[/b]t. Its been a long time coming.[/quote] we can all always improve.... will PM some thoughts if you think that would be useful.
  7. I used to do the odd gig with them and did some album tracks for them too Say hello for me Jake
  8. [quote name='SteveK' post='1223479' date='May 7 2011, 05:51 PM'] But, that's not how it goes.[/quote] Exactly... which is why calling it strictly Dorian is (as I pointed out) incorrect And, I'm talking about scales in context, and the usual reason for wanting to know what scales fit chord sequences is for the purposes of improvising over them. I was simply pointing out that the whole line is derived from two modes not one.
  9. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1223339' date='May 7 2011, 04:01 PM']True enough, but the first half of the riff is about as pure dorian mode as you're going to get.[/quote] indeed because it is in fact simply a dorian scale, who'd have thought it.... (shock horror) a bassline... no THE bassline made of a simple scale
  10. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1222141' date='May 6 2011, 12:38 PM']Dorian = Good Times [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTusMLs9SJE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTusMLs9SJE[/url][/quote] Not strictly all it is, as the sequence is II-V, therefore from a modal perspective it's mixolydian too. If you laboured the dorian sound over the second chord in the sequence you would really miss the importance of the C#-G relationship of the A7 chord.
  11. [quote name='paul_5' post='1222864' date='May 7 2011, 08:55 AM']Lydian = Steve Vai, it's one of his preferred modes to solo with. Don't know if this helps or not.[/quote] Which he inherited from Frank Zappa no doubt as Franks compositions are littered with Lydian devices.
  12. I think what Bilbo is getting at (and it's also how I like to view modes) is that everyone of the modes is derived from a mother, major harmony centre (key) I like that approach because it means that learning one scale over the whole instrument gives muscle memory access to all the modes found within, so then it's learning to use stresses and groupings and how to 'handle' a sound that is the way to achieve fluency as the mechanics have already been taken care of Eg I play every key from the lowest to the highest note on the instrument and make changes to the order of notes as dictated by the key signature, that way you realise that some incarnation of any given sound is within reach wherever you are. It's also worth noting that every scale contains either E or Eb and F or F# so you can go from the bottom to the top (of a four string bass) just changing the order of notes to achieve the desired sound. (I also use this idea positionally eg 1st 5 frets then 5-9/10 then 10/11- 14 then I think of the fretboard as repeating itself) Another way to view this is that I play scales from any starting point, not necessarily the root and therefore using what's at your disposal (in a given position) to make a successful rendition of a sound or tonal quality of the chord becomes more important, which in turn leads to a more thorough understanding of the significance of a note within a given context. It sounds very complex in text but in demonstration in sound is very easy to grasp.
  13. lots of root and fifth and play it with meaning. can be great fun.
  14. Say hello to Brian for me mate :0) Jake
  15. John Rutter Ubi Caritas. Was played at the royal wedding, I heard it on the radio a few months back and loved it so was quite pleased to be reminded of it by the wedding.
  16. Nice one Garry cracking tune and a very readable chart... wish they were all like that Jake
  17. [quote name='mcnach' post='1214967' date='Apr 29 2011, 02:51 PM']I'd like it to be sunny. I hate leaving the house and seeing those clouds. They offend me something crazy![/quote] You are a weatherist, I hate your kind all you do is offend with your offendedness go and read your *ahem* Economist
  18. [quote name='Wil' post='1214945' date='Apr 29 2011, 02:41 PM']Perhaps Golchen should be the judge of whether it was offensive or not to him?[/quote] Interesting thesis I think you'll find that Golchen has apologised elsewhere and retreated with "tail between legs" [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=133772&st=20&p=1214539&#entry1214539"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;#entry1214539[/url]
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1214939' date='Apr 29 2011, 02:37 PM']I do apologise Jake I have just re read it and missed the [i]I think[/i] which does change that part but its still [b]massively offensive [/b]to Golchen (who I dont know BTW). TNIT "I thought you were a christian? You're supposed to be one of our society's moral leaders, not advocating vigilante justice on the terraces. See this is why I think religion is a bag of sh*t. "[/quote] Thanks... I'm just a stickler for accuracy where quoting is concerned, as responding to what we 'think' someone said is fraught with danger. I think the world would fare a little better if we all calmed down a bit in the 'offence' stakes, they are only words and opinions, and I for one would rather have a variety of them on offer to widen my idea pool lest we all become as monochrome as eg the Red tops...
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1214919' date='Apr 29 2011, 02:15 PM'][b]"This is why all religion is a bag of sh*t" was TniT's quote was it not?[/b][/quote] No it wasn't so if you are going to quote people be accurate because all you've done here is drag that argument into an inappropriate location and misrepresented the mans words, I sometimes don't agree with many things many say on here TNiT included but I would never attempt to deny someone the right to express an opinion which is all he did in the post you have incorrectly quoted, if you disagree with someone, do just that don't then go on to present what you 'think' they said... very poor form whatever the subject matter.
  21. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1198815' date='Apr 13 2011, 10:27 PM']A way to go yet but all of this is pain free so the ghosts are pretty much laid to rest!![/quote]
  22. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1198291' date='Apr 13 2011, 03:34 PM']This drummer is at the WRONG GIG! LULz [/quote] I think he would be fine at the correct voltage (naughty but I just [b]had[/b] to)
  23. [quote name='Clarky' post='1194339' date='Apr 10 2011, 10:06 AM']BTW, the sound engineer had to virtually remove all the low-mids on my Fishman preamp to control the feedback[/quote] Clarky have you not tried finding a level that you are happy with which includes feedback and then simply flicked the phase switch? (age old problem tho mate)
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