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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. Sorry to have gone quiet on this mate. I'm a bit busy at the mo. Will be in touch in a few weeks if you've still got them.
  2. Another day at my favourite studio... [attachment=65071:IMG_0359.jpg][attachment=65072:IMG_0360.jpg] [attachment=65073:IMG_0361.jpg][attachment=65074:IMG_0362.JPG] It's studio 1 at AIR studios in Hampstead. I love it there
  3. "Hi all, a quick note to introduce myself. I play both upright and electric live near London and work wherever I'm needed, which luckily so far has been all over the place. Jake" were my first words... and it's still true
  4. Hmm. I'm tempted to try them Clarky... How does the thickness compare with the silver slaps? If they are as thick then the extra tension might be a problem... And how is your hand btw?
  5. I saw a Flecktones gig once and Vic was jaw droppingly good, so it was a great live show. I wouldn't really listen to albums of the stuff he's involved with but that is a pure taste decision, I think he's a really great player. Boy, what a feel, he IS the groove when he plays, you can see the groove trance in his eyes.
  6. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1029908' date='Nov 19 2010, 09:00 PM']Jake, i think the key of what your saying is .....some are not aware of what theory there playing.......[/quote] Yep [quote name='bubinga5' post='1029908' date='Nov 19 2010, 09:00 PM']i could be wrong but i would hazard a guess that most of the time your not consious of the theory your playing when your in the throws of a good bass line...it comes from muscle memory, and your ear.... your emotion dosnt come from the theory you have learned..thats a basis from where your emotional expressions can spring from...[/quote] They are inseparable because without having put ideas into a format with which my brain-finger pathway is familiar I could do none of it. However my ideas become more accessible the more I understand what I'm doing, but I do agree that one has to be musical to have ideas in the first place and it's certainly true that there are some very capable players out there to whom I would not choose to listen, because they can play[b] anything[/b] but little of it is musical, which I suppose brings us/me to the other side of the fence from which i have presented most of my thinking. I just think there is absolutely no excuse for not learning your stuff unless you are incredibly gifted and it just oozes out of you, who among us can make that claim? [quote name='bubinga5' post='1029908' date='Nov 19 2010, 09:00 PM']i still wish i had your knowledge mind..[/quote] Thats the easy bit Bub
  7. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1029166' date='Nov 19 2010, 12:29 PM']You're too kind man, too kind.[/quote] Nah Just realistic.
  8. So to get really technical on your asses... It's not possible to play without theory (it's just you don't necessarily know the theory) so the notion of 'best' (I repeat) is absurd. Put another way, theory does not cease to exist whilst the uninformed are playing, it's like some sort of philosophical puzzle... If someone in the audience observes and correctly, theoretically describes to another musician what you have done (I would be able to do that) then you are, whether you know it or not employing tasks that can be defined theoretically... get it...? I'm just rambling for fun now... feel free to come and switch me off...
  9. I think what I've been trying to say all along is that the two are inseparable. When playing any single thing on the bass you are playing something that can be theoretically determined. The broad difference between people on here is that some are conscious of the theory behind what they are playing and some aren't. It matters not in which camp one is, in result terms, because if you're a good player you're a good player. I try to be a good bass player (that's a relative statement because there are much better players than me out there) and I've learned what I'm doing along the way. All that means is I can do all the things I can do in any key, or from a page, or learned almost instantly by ear. I have enhanced my skill set as much as I've been able... the result... other human beings want to hear it. Quite a simple equation really. BTW Within that skill set I have strengths and weaknesses, so there is always work to do
  10. Donny Hathaway Someday we'll all be free.... A masterpiece!
  11. I learned DB whilst staring at the page so have never really looked at my hands much, I do for reference sometimes, but more on BG. And on the Alembic I have the LEDs so that does away with the stage conditions issue.
  12. Arthur's a dude. Having worked with Ike and Bobby Martin I felt I could make contact with Arthur to thank him for all the great things he gave me to listen to whilst growing up, he was very gracious and replied with some kind words and told me how lucky he felt to have been part of it all. The stuff he has written there sounds like it was a lot of fun.
  13. [quote name='Wil' post='1027103' date='Nov 17 2010, 05:31 PM']Random note generator?[/quote] Thats a trombone innit??
  14. Rather than trying to get a quick time (despite me and Charic having a bit of fun) I would say it would be a good idea to work out the note and then visualise where on the bass you would play it. Once you get good at that then try to play them in different places and imagine keeping your hands in as limited a space as possible.
  15. [quote name='charic' post='1026957' date='Nov 17 2010, 03:23 PM']Sir! I challenge you to a duel [attachment=64182:newrecord.png] [/quote] Bring it on suckah...! [attachment=64188:Picture_1.png] Mr Posh pah
  16. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1026911' date='Nov 17 2010, 02:34 PM']Hmm, I think someone is crying because their score sucked. [/quote] Lol Hmmm, here's how good my computer keyboard skills are: [attachment=64179:Picture_2.png] Still need to work on sight reading tho
  17. Good fun game but remember folks that placing the note on the fretboard is way more important than knowing it's name or where it is on a computer keyboard...
  18. I'm also sorry to be pulling out of this as I now have to be in deepest darkest Wales on the day. Very sorry folks but the lesson in the raffle offer stands if anyone wants it...
  19. [quote name='lojo' post='1025153' date='Nov 15 2010, 08:27 PM']Apologies Jake, it just twigged I should have posted some feedback before[/quote] No sweat lojo, it's not an obligation, but very much appreciated all the same Cheers Jake
  20. Opinions, friends, are valid, if they don't chime with your own then show a little grace and allow for difference in the world eh...
  21. [quote name='wal4string' post='1022982' date='Nov 13 2010, 10:49 PM']At last got the upload to work. No popping here, just gaffer taped thumbing. Except of course for the Intro/Outro. Different versions of this song, but its all here you might just have to juggle the bars to play along to your recording. Note: I will find it interesting to see how many downloads this receives compared to the Kid Charlemagne I posted.[/quote] Quick question... what music writing software are you using? If it's Sibelius how do you get the cross note heads for deadened note...? I've searched high and low! Cheers Jake Ps really nicely done transcriptions, I really liked the Dan one
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