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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. Hmm thanks for that, although I'm not quite sure what I can do about it
  2. Sounds a little to me Nig that the only justification you seek is for your own state of understanding. I might also venture that your observations sound more like an argument raging in your head that any convicted position (I could be wrong) despite some quite convicted statements in your posts various. My take on it is that music deftly and beautifully escapes the conditions you're trying to constrain it with, and I would cite the following as evidence. Early classical music was happily defined and along came Bach an arch improvisor, the world of Pop bass (having evolved from one of THE most improvised art forms history had known, Jazz) was plodding along in simple enough form and along came Jamerson... These are just 2 examples in the world of music that defy condition. Further, in every case and example between and there are millions, reside proponents great and small, (sticking to bass now) from a Jaco Pastorius, through a Marcus Miller, an Entwhistle ..................etc............... down to yo and I, All just trying to make the best music we know how. Sometimes that requires a bit of solid 'what I have always played' and sometimes 'a little flare'. What it doesn't (in my experience at least) generally require is a set of strict conditions to make it work (even though they CAN work) which makes for a tough definition... if you see what I mean..... or... Shut up
  3. [quote name='51m0n' post='947772' date='Sep 6 2010, 10:58 PM']Would this £200 include the DSUB output and input cables Jake?[/quote] I only have the input cable mate as I was using it with a DAW, but does come with the input cable yes.
  4. I'm doing a charity gig for the Teenage Cancer Trust on 26th of this month. I don't usually promote paying in gigs on here but i'm making an exception for this as it's for such a good cause. If anyone fancies going I'm sure the link will show you how to get a ticket. The lineup is pretty good...! Cheers Jake [url="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=128483930520634"]http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=128483930520634[/url]
  5. I went digital and bought an interface with very good pre amps in so this is now redundant. I think somewhere in the region of £200 would be about right but I am open to offers. It comes with a multi core din to 8 male XLR which fits into the back. A quick google will find you the specs on it, here are some pics. Any more info required just ask. [attachment=58282:P1000735.JPG] [attachment=58283:P1000736.JPG] Cheers Jake
  6. [quote name='charic' post='946859' date='Sep 6 2010, 07:47 AM']I actually really like the song! Well outside of my usual musical genres aswell. Very well done indeed. Theres something about the beginning though (guitar and vox only) that makes me very uncomfortable. It feels a little bit rushed to me (i think), it fits well in the context of the song as a whole (and probably would as part of an album too) but IMHO theres just SOMETHING thats making my ears prick up and think "I wouldn't have done it that way". I think I maybe would have mixed the vocals a little bit different at the beginning, just slightly less reverb and a very slight touch of delay then into the mix as it is. All IMO ofcourse and overall I really like the song. Nice one [/quote] Please don't take this the wrong way, I find it interesting what you say about the vocals and would point out 2 things, first is that they were recorded live, in the room, on the mics you can see in the vid, i.e SM58 and SM57. So that takes a little of the separation facility away... onto a mix point, the mix engineer was Al Stone best known for his work with Jamiroquai I wonder if that would make any difference to your view had you known that first? As I say, I don't want that to come across as arrogant (and can see how it might sound that way, not meant at all) I just find it interesting that you would pick up on those points. As for the arrangement I guess thats just subjective, but thanks for the overall kind words
  7. [quote name='51m0n' post='946986' date='Sep 6 2010, 10:43 AM']First thought - damn she's got a fabulously rich voice! Second thought - who's that monkey on bass, what an imposter, no way he deserves that beautiful instrument, clearly he should be giving that to me and taking up a career as potatoe integrity technician... Third thought - they're a [b]really [/b]good band aren't they... Fourth thought - maybe I should be giving away my kit and becoming a potatoe integrity technician....[/quote] Funnily enough Si I have been considering retraining recently... Spuds have not really entered my thinking though. Lovely band, lovely songs and singer = 1 very lucky boy... I love it!
  8. Thanks fellas, Shergold I really appreciate your comments, especially as you're honest enough to be objective when it's not your thing. We had great fun doing it and it is a very nice band to play in. I'm the MD of this group and I feel lucky that I am surrounded by people who can interpret my incoherent ramblings into such great performances, of course the major credit should go to Yamit who writes it all. She's a bit good
  9. Got a youtube channel link here to a recording i did back in the early summer, it was at unity studios (where my avatar pic was taken) it's 100% live, done in complete takes with no overdubs. [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/YamitMamoMusic?feature=mhum#p/a/u/1/3j6iMJINIrI"]http://www.youtube.com/user/YamitMamoMusic...u/1/3j6iMJINIrI[/url]
  10. I do have a nice little story on this one, I was doing a gig at the Distillers in Hammersmith a couple of years ago and a guy came up and said "I like your playing, I'm a producer, give me your number what do you charge?" I thought, heard it all before, gave him my number and promptly forgot about it, but was civil nonetheless About 18 months later I get a call to do a session for him which I did and it went well and it turned out to be for Eliza Doolittle who seems to be flavour of the month at the mo. I know we often have to tolerate rubbish from punters sometimes but my example goes to show that it's always worth treating folk nicely.
  11. jakenewmanbass


    I've only just happened across this bloody awful news. I had a series of long conversations with Si by PM, even offering to exchange a few lessons for his invaluable web savvy advice. I'm absolutely distraught to hear this news... So sad.
  12. [quote name='Marvin' post='942557' date='Sep 1 2010, 07:53 PM']One highlight of the thread though, that picture of Jake in his best bib and tucker, very fetching and the monocle a very nice addition.[/quote] Just for you Marvin here's one of me with said monocle in situ, as you can tell, I don't take myself too seriously.... [attachment=57920:IMG_0196.jpg]
  13. [quote name='Linus27' post='942115' date='Sep 1 2010, 02:16 PM']Whats that in the background, it has 6 strings? Is that a geetar? You bad man, how dare you post that on a bass forum [/quote] No, it's the new Ampeg bass has lower notes than any other bass but with lighter gauge strings it's made from the same material as the sun though so it's bit heavy
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='942083' date='Sep 1 2010, 02:05 PM']Best derailment ever! It's a good look you've got goin' on there, by the way... nice one![/quote] Fanx gorgeous
  15. Hello Boys... just saying hello cos haven't been around for a while (been busy) and I noticed that most of Basschat was in here anyway here's a nice pic of me playing a really beautiful 200 year old german double bass that was provided by the promoter at my gig in Hamburg over the weekend. I didn't use an amp so sorry for the topic derail [attachment=57893:IMG_0197.jpg] This bass is insured for €30,000 it was a bit heavy but not as bad as an Ampeg
  16. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='921596' date='Aug 11 2010, 01:49 PM']Charleston fusion. The drummer is too syncopated and the pianist is playing late 20c style licks. The drumkit is a post 50s setup. OP's post is motivated by art. Performing in a professional context is not all art, it is work and public entertainment - perhaps public amusement, as in the charleston fusion above.[/quote] That was my point, I was pointing out that the world of the professional is often revolved around entertainment and one has to do a job. Luckily for me I am pre-disposed to giving people a good time and feel no shame in that, I was asking Rob if he could see that before idealising the world of the Pro which from my conversations with him I know holds a certain attraction for him. As for the content, it's certain that later influences will be in the players because they have existed in later times... I completely disagree about the drummer being 'too syncopated', I have been involved in music of that era for over 10 years so I'm not making it up.
  17. [quote name='Marvin' post='920194' date='Aug 9 2010, 11:25 PM']I can play badly for a lot less than that. And that bit there Jake, could probably have done with a bit of rephrasing. Although I have got a very smutty sense of humour.[/quote]
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' post='920153' date='Aug 9 2010, 10:33 PM']That video you posted was fine, Jake. Not my favourite sub genre but it sounded like it was supposed to; it swings, people's phrasing is ok etc. My videos are just off the scale for plain wrong. That band got paid £600 for that gig. I have seen people sentenced to prison for less.....[/quote] I agree that your vids were pretty poor but tbh £600 is not a lot for a function band (you get what you pay for...) we had a decent fee and accommodation (more than double) for that gig as it was in the west country me and the horn being London(ish) piano, drums, vox from Manchester. I understand your point about my vid being fine but my question was would you be happy doing it? I enjoy it because the guys are really good so the genre matters less to me. What I'm getting at in my question is that being pro means that if you struggle to get on in a gig like that then you are setting yourself up for disappointment. I just feel blessed to have a bass in my hands at work so will do gigs like that very happily. I'm hinting towards what it is that drives you to satisfaction in music.
  19. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='920148' date='Aug 9 2010, 10:30 PM']I really liked that. Are the two women dancing at the front with the band?[/quote] Sort of, they were hired separately but worked with us, or rather we worked with them by playing along while they taught the audience to charlston etc, it was nice because we tinkled along really quietly while they spoke and then louder when they got the crowd dancing, and we varied the tempo as people got more accustomed to the moves. The girls were really nice and moved very well. Edit thanks btw
  20. I wonder what you think of this Bilbo? yours truly on a twenties gig, what I love about this gig is how the guys just play it right, they are all good players in my view and do what is right for the gig each of them is capable of playing very convincingly in a myriad of settings. I get your point regarding quality but I get the feeling you'd not like to do this gig? am I wrong?
  21. Check this out, I've got one and it's ace... [url="http://www.bkelec.com/Pro/Amplifiers/MXF1200D.htm"]http://www.bkelec.com/Pro/Amplifiers/MXF1200D.htm[/url]
  22. A mate had a ticket for me and i thought I could go but then gigs came in. Was sorry to miss it but so glad he had a good effect on you
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='899157' date='Jul 19 2010, 05:29 PM']So If I (erm sorry Derek) were to claim the pre EB stingray and Genz rig against this years takings I would get a rebate from my (Sorry his) everyday job?Thats how I see it and it appears the way but contradicts earlier posts? Obviously they would not allow it forever and the gear would belong to the company rather than...... er Derek?[/quote] I've known plenty of pro musicians that also do PAYE work in colleges and universities (including me at various times) even though I never got a rebate I got reductions in my self employed liability due to having already paid tax at source, plenty of the people I know DID get rebates because of the ratio of teaching to gig pay. I tended to gig more/teach less hence not getting a rebate. Some colleagues (on my advice) did the proper declaring 2 employments thing and got rebates of between 300-600 quid. It's important to realise that the HMRC does not see your musical employment expenditure as claimable against your PAYE employment it's more that one employment will show a substantial liability and the other can even end up as a loss, or a very modest profit (unless like me you are a full time gigging musician, in which case it is from where your entire liability is derived) once the calculations for the 2 separate employments are made then the total liability is balanced between the two. IME it is well worth being 100% above board with income declaration. For peace of mind AND as a part time muso it may well net you a little rebate...
  24. Hi John, would you like a swap for an old set of spirocores? probably on the bass for about 5 years but still with life... Jake
  25. Funkifying the Clave is a fabulous book, it has a full explanation of all the original grooves across the Latin spectrum, and it also has some stonking modern funky versions of the same, all written out and brilliantly demonstrated by Lincoln Goines and Robbie Ameen. Definitely worth getting IMV It is conceived ala a NYC Salsa rendition of all the traditional grooves. Highly recommended.
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