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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. [quote name='Doddy' post='801444' date='Apr 10 2010, 01:37 AM']Donny Hathaway's 'These Songs for You' is a great album,but check out the album 'Donny Hathaway Live'. It's a masterclass in groove from start to finish,culminating in one of the best Bass solos ever put on record,courtesy of Willie Weeks.[/quote] +infinity... It is the archetype of groove, it has real freedom and musicality, with effortless style encompassing jazz and early soul vibes. A masterpiece!
  2. [quote name='slobluesine' post='795118' date='Apr 3 2010, 04:25 PM']she's sold... pending the usual.... [/quote] You're going to regret that John
  3. [quote name='captainsmee' post='793753' date='Apr 1 2010, 09:33 PM']I was under the impression it was sivad selim that wrote it?[/quote] hence my 'apparently'... it was contested (claimed by)
  4. although you have the credit wrong it wasn't resopmoc what wrote it, it was rekrap apparently...
  5. I have made a living from bass playing since I was about 21, I still play anything from 20 mins to 5 hrs in a day at home, I play nearly every day. I try to read a bit every day and I play along to albums and I improvise.
  6. [quote name='OldGit' post='790275' date='Mar 30 2010, 09:28 AM']Ah you can clear this up then. Is Mark Pino's cousin or brother? I wasn't sure. I have to go back today so I'll see if I can arrange a table at the reception for Basschatters to sit, arms crossed and say "Pino bleedin Paladino? huh! I can play Mustang Sally like that so how come[b] he[/b] gets the 'oo gig" OK?[/quote] Brother
  7. [quote name='OldGit' post='789799' date='Mar 29 2010, 07:31 PM']Chatting to the lad in the phone shop this week he mentioned he may get a jazz band for his wedding next year. So we nattered about wedding music, etc and he mentioned his mate has a band that does all sorts. Of course being a local muso I asked who was in the band "Mark and his cousin who plays bass. His parents had that restaurant on North rd, Palladinos. I think his cousin has played with some famous people" Yes folks, Pino Palladino is playing his wedding Cheap too I explained who Pino had played with - like the Who at the Superbowl this year, Paul Young etc.. He was surprised but not that impressed Of course if you are 21 it's all ancient history ...[/quote] He He I used to play with Mark many years ago Si...
  8. [quote name='Bilbo' post='790014' date='Mar 29 2010, 09:56 PM']Well, I did it. My first double bass gig. Three 45 minute sets of jazz standards in a piano/sax/bass trio (the b******s made no concessions to my limted skills - I played faster and longer last night than I have since getting the bass in December!!!). Exhausting for me and my playing was not exactly radical but everyone was happy and was offered another gig on the strength of it. To be honest, I had the Wal with me but only turned to it for the last two tunes having started to get the beginnings of a blister on each hand. I have managed to avoid those developing. More importantly, no hand pain after the fact - a bit sore (like if you have been shifting bricks or something) but, after a nights sleep, no problems. Technique was not perfect but whatever was wrong with it, I wasn't doing any harm. Lots to think about, to process and more learning points that I can count but, quiet victories, I did it.[/quote] I feel a quiet sense of pride... Well done mate.
  9. [quote name='molan' post='790023' date='Mar 29 2010, 10:06 PM']This pops up just about every time someone gets a topic going about great funk playing - and none the worse for it either! I love the tone he gets from the BC Rich - I've seen Maceo a few times and he always plays this. However the bass nver sounds quite like this version. . .[/quote] I love that clip too... Have you noticed that the guitarist looks very like James Jamerson...!
  10. [quote name='silddx' post='789708' date='Mar 29 2010, 06:13 PM']Jakesbass Not just an [i]idea about 'musicianship'[/i], a whole philosophy.[/quote] You're too kind Thank you...
  11. not a curse at all... when you add it to learning to read, which is a more technical skill, you have both, YAY winner....
  12. This is a really great explanation, most importantly Major I think the examples you give both verbal and musical make it entirely palatable. I really think this is worthy of publication. It would be a fabulous resource for student and tutor alike.
  13. Mate that bass sounds great... got any more forgiving strings on it yet?
  14. [quote name='Moos3h' post='785479' date='Mar 25 2010, 08:35 AM']Thanks guys, some interesting reading - I think my accountant has mentioned some of the stuff that's here, but because I'm only a glorified weekend warrior, there is some stuff that I think would be pushing it. The good news is that this year, I've been investing in the PA a bit so I do have quite a few receipts for big bits of gear which I've bought, so I can't see me making much, if anything! Cheers, James[/quote] Just be aware that large items (termed machinery) are claimed for as a capital allowance which a attracts a 50% first year allowance and 25% in subsequent years... Put simply you can't claim for the whole of it in the year of purchase.
  15. Moosh, I think the main benefit you will find from declaring your self employed income is that it may reduce your liability from your full time earnings. This stems from the fact that in order to declare your music income, in your self assessment return you need to have a 'self employment' which allows you to detail to them 1. what you have earned 2. what it has cost you to earn it. So I would suggest you look carefully at what your *'allowable expenditure' is and make sure it goes in against your *'turn over'. If you do a full and proper breakdown from income and expenditure you will probably find that your profit is not huge and it is this factor that makes the difference to your entire tax bill. As tax is calculated on a percentage basis your gig work produces a little vacuum, as it were, in your overall tax liability and the vacuum is filled from your main income (your job) ultimately if the vacuum is big enough you will get a tax rebate. I personally don't think it worth using an accountant for this small amount of earnings as there are some very able minded posters here who will give you really good advice and any benefit I have alluded to may well be taken up by an accountant fee. If you already use one for other matters then of course it makes sense to give them this workload. * allowable expenditure is what is in Garry's list above (pretty much covers it I think) *Turn over is your total earnings before allowable expenditure is taken off... leading to profit which is what your liability is calculated on.
  16. Nice job mate, but I have to ask what's with the stems on the semiquavers/quavers being joined up across beats call me old fashioned but I like to see beats divided up by stems...
  17. I'd agree with Doddy that you're probably hitting the upper frets with the string as you strike it, so a revision of your right hand technique is required if you wish to eliminate it. Bottom line is: whacking the bass does not necessarily equal more energy in the music. In fact having a dynamic range that extends below 'really hard' will widen your palette. That may not suit your style of music so it's your choice.
  18. [quote name='throwoff' post='779791' date='Mar 19 2010, 01:59 PM']specs?[/quote] errrmmmm I think it might be a P2 with about 512 ram, but it's been a while since I fired it up, if you are interested i will put some coal in the firebox and see what the specs are. Otherwise It's off to the tip.
  19. There is a shame in the whole sought after thing, and that is that good instruments can become out of reach for young players. This is more true of the double bass market.
  20. I have an old Dell desktop that I got for the kids to mess on. They have now inherited my old laptop so have no need any more so free to anyone willing to collect. I'm in Aldershot. It has a CRT monitor and was in it's day quite a powerful machine, fine for kids to mess around on or WHY.
  21. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='778246' date='Mar 18 2010, 08:40 AM']I love the Evah Pirazzi's (orch guage) I have on both my basses. Great for jazz but also superb with the bow. I can't recommend these highly enough. The Major[/quote] I haven't tried the strings but I do know that above is a very experienced voice. I am struck with my innovation silver slap, I don't bow a lot so that is not such a concern and at around 70 quid a set not too expensive to realise you don't like them. I suspect you'll be kissing frogs...
  22. I'll swap it for a lifetime supply of lessons Barrie It looks gorgeous!!
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