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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. Ok sorry about the delay, I did PM but obviously not in time so count me out.
  2. Hi Geoff, just realised you're in manc, Jon Thorne has really investigated the bass buying thing to the max he's had a Seitz, a bespoke Pollmann and several other mid range basses just to my knowledge (so I'm sure there will be more) If you haven't already spoken to him I'd say he'd be a good point of contact (I can put you in touch if you wish) also Steve Berry is up your way in Blackburn another very helpful bass brother. There is a lovely bass player in London called Tom Mason he bought a new bass I think it was in the 7K region and he was lucky it sounds really fab but I agree with Chris about the unknown possibles of a bass settling down. It seems to me that you really are going to struggle below 10K to get something that will last you a lifetime.
  3. [quote name='51m0n' post='772904' date='Mar 12 2010, 04:12 PM']You may find a use for them if are treating the room. Not as treatment per se, but as a way of building some big ole bass traps (you'd have to drill alot of holes in them though. To be honest its probably just not worth the hastle! Did you manage your full 5 hours today? ( Lucky git - I've been reviewing stock file specifications today, that is [b]not[/b] rock'n'roll )[/quote] ahh lol... It's a busy time of year for me as a very keen veg gardener so that competes with my playing time in spring... so I did an hour sight reading and then some impro practice before breakfast. I did a DB warm up session too as I have a nice Jazz gig this evening (which I count in my daily playing) So I'l end up at about 4 hrs in all today... and the doors are on their way to the tip.
  4. [quote name='51m0n' post='772858' date='Mar 12 2010, 03:28 PM']Are they very dense? If so then its possible they may be useful, if not they are a waste of space.[/quote] Nah Si, not dense at all, which is what I suspected would be the question... Tip it is!
  5. Just a quick further question for you guys on this, I am just beginning to clear out the space that I will be using and I was going to take some doors to the tip. I just thought I'd ask before I bin them, if they would be any use as panels with rockwool and muslin (I have about a cubic mile of rockwool that I got for a pound a roll at focus) Should the doors stay or go fellas, they are the pressed fibre board ones with eight square panels, NOT wood. (could they be used like plaster board panels?) willing to be shot down here, just applying the old waste not want not adage...
  6. I really think it's worth investing the time in getting your ears tuned into what the bass is doing on a highly detailed level, the reasons for this in my view are 2 fold: firstly if you can hear it right you have a better chance of playing it right, and so you are more likely to play your part in context, secondly it will accustom your ears to listening to the whole sound. As the bass is so ingrained in most mixes learning to decipher it makes your hearing very sensitive and you will eventually (if you work at it) be highly aware of what every player is doing. It's no surprise that the industry is full of bass player producers... So therefore you, your ears, a music making machine and a bass is all you need Just wanted to add purely for the purposes of information: Transcribing means writing down what you are listening to, what you really mean is learning by ear.
  7. [quote name='MythSte' post='769182' date='Mar 9 2010, 01:21 PM']I'd like to think this can work, but part of me says that the offender could come back at you asking you if you'd paid your royalties to play it in the first place! Funny old world, I think im with WoT though [/quote] We as performers don't have to pay royalties to perform a piece, only the venue is required to complete a PRS return and it's collected through the license fee.
  8. It's a tough one, I think it's the height of bad manners to not ask your permission but increasingly that seems to be the accepted norm. I stopped playing at a gig because the promoter made tapes and then sold them to the audiences of subsequent gigs. I had a few stern words.... and never worked there again
  9. [quote name='Wil' post='767772' date='Mar 8 2010, 12:00 PM']I have a confession to make. "The Heart of Saturday Night" by Tom Waits has made me reconsider my blanket hatred of all things jazz.[/quote] Mate the whole of 'Nighthawks at the Diner' is Jazz and it's brilliant.
  10. Bossas = minims in my opinion... it's all about the feel and you should work on making the minims feel massive, any quavers are best (IMO) barely heard or implied there is a nice Joe Henderson Album called Double Rainbow. some lovely latin stuff on there.
  11. this is like an episode of 'curb your enthusiasm' great entertainment guys keep it coming...
  12. [quote name='bassbloke' post='761649' date='Mar 2 2010, 11:16 AM']Not really. However, band is gaining profile - bigger gigs, endorsements, etc... but still at the stage where investment is required from individual band members (merchandise, backdrops, photoshoots, web hosting) so we're considering a formal agreement setting out expectations, etc...[/quote] It's a very good plan as it can be surprising how people show their colours when money is to be divided (also possible for it to all be cool tho) The MU have information on this. I used to be a committee member but that's a few years ago now. I would recommend all of you looking into what the current info from the union is and if they will offer advice (they may even have standard agreements) then join. There are plenty of other benefits too, the best of which is £10m public liability insurance for each member.
  13. There are a lot of views here and while I don't particularly disagree with the ones I have read (which is not all) I would add these thoughts derived from my own personal standpoint. I want to play the gig right so learning material is paramount, if it's my gig then the stakes of that are quite high, there are varying degrees of how much time I can devote to that end but it's my stock position, I don't always achieve my own standards (usually through time constraints) but the standard, which in my mind should be 'excellence at all times' is my goal. The only way I can achieve that standard is to be match fit, the only way to be match fit is to be practised in whatever discipline I am required to perform. For me the most challenging of the disciplines is reading as I am primarily self taught and therefore did all my early learning by ear, so reading is something that requires constant work. In summary Nig you really need to know your sh*t, because as you have found out to your cost if you don't, when the spotlight is on it tells. [b]Do[/b] beat yourself up over it, because that will be a major motivating factor to improvement.
  14. +1 to all of Cairobill's post above and Steve Watts is a fabulous bass player.
  15. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='759310' date='Feb 27 2010, 06:28 PM'][attachment=43709:sleep_bass.jpg][/quote] I recognise the shiny head of Mr Hargreaves there
  16. Hi Steve, I've never tried the honeys but I have a set of Silver slap (also by Innovation) on my primary bass and think they are great. The only problem is they will choke if played very hard but up to that point they sound great, thats recorded sound too... Jake Ps they are also nice under the bow (not that I do a lot of it)
  17. [quote name='oldslapper' post='754665' date='Feb 23 2010, 08:13 AM']Jake....thanks, I've just read through this thread. You're a diamond for posting pics/advice. I'm new to gigging the DB/EUB and find it exhausting, but exhilarating. I thought, as a an e-bass player of some 30 years, that I'd be "match fit" to go out with an upright. But I was wrong. Jazz quartet plays mix of Gypsie/20's/30's type dance stuff, which is 2 to the bar I, V stuff, but I'm knackered after. Intonation, intervals, scales, etc not been a problem (to my cloth ears anyway), but I think my posture is a problem (6'4" height) along with "self taught" technique, so this has prompted me to go and invest in some lessons. Anyone know of any DB tutors near Dorset? How far away is Jake???[/quote] I'm in Hampshire OS but probably as far from Dorset as I could be whilst still in Hampshire. I am in the very North east Corner in Aldershot on the Farnham side. If you ever come up this way though I'm always up for giving one off lessons. Jake Ps thanks for the thanks
  18. [quote name='farmer61' post='756257' date='Feb 24 2010, 05:04 PM']HEATING [/quote] LOL I was considering refrigeration actually just to test my students at sub zero temps.... Thanks for all the info guys, all very interesting. I'm not concerned about total silence, more to give my neighbours a bit of protection. Being a muso I can record during the day and it's pretty quiet around my way... (apart from the occasional Chinook)
  19. Hi TNIT, I see I've missed a couple of posts here but in the interim you've had the info from a teacher, thats great and it's better that you adopt the advice of the person standing in front of you from now as there is no substitute for a proper close up look at your technique. So much can be lost in translation via text but I hope it's been useful so far. Good luck and feel free to PM me with specific concerns should the need arise (here is fine too but I tend to respond quicker to PM) Jake
  20. I generally let properly interested parties have a go, especially kids I'm with OG on that one, light the fire and all. I never let pissed punters near my gear though and will defend with considerable force if necessary. I once did a corporate gig for a leading firm of stadium builders (for the Manchester commonwealth games site launch) and a pissed up guy came up and asked the guitar player if he could have a go, the guitarist was a shy retiring type so I leaned over and asked the guy, "what car do you drive?" "Porsche" came the reply, I said, "tell you what, give me a bottle wine and your keys, and I'll let you go on his guitar" He declined.
  21. [quote name='escholl' post='754065' date='Feb 22 2010, 05:05 PM'][url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Home-Recording-Studio-Construction-Build/dp/1598630342/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1266593305&sr=1-3"]Buy this book.[/url] Seriously. I know it's not that cheap, but, in the long run it will save you time, money, and tears. Even if all you do is a relatively inexpensive soundproof of the garage, you will still want to get the most for your money.[/quote] Thanks for that, can I ask why that one in particular? I noticed there are a few, have you used that yourself, or had it recommended? Cheers Jake
  22. First things first... I don't want to be alarmist, but you have no frame of reference coming from BG as to whether or not your posture is correct, this could lead to injury so caution is required. I think it's safe to assume that if the pains you are getting are anything over and above tiredness then your posture and technique are [i]at least[/i] sub optimal. I use that terminology because optimising is exactly what you want to do to get the most out of your muscles and of course this is a new set of tasks for them. In a nutshell... Get some lessons. and get your LH position as close to this: [attachment=43316:P1000284.jpg] as you can also, check out this thread for more pics and general advice on the same: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=67545&pid=741820&st=40&#entry741820"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry741820[/url]
  23. Ok Guys I have been reading the pages in this forum with interest and from time to time I've gathered that some of you have experience of creating recording spaces. So I'm looking for general advice for soundproofing my garage for recording and for the kids to practise in. It's going to be a one room thing with no control room and I'll be using mac and logic (pretty mobile) I want a corner of the room with a desk, the rest some shelving for storage and a live area. I have a garage about 25'x12' I intend to dry line it and build a stud wall 5 foot into it with a door through to the space, the 5 foot bit being storage for my wifes business equipment. I have a load of rockwool that I got cheap in a focus sale so that will be my main material for gap filling. I'm looking for advice about what materials to make the dry walls with. Any suggestions are welcome I'm open to anything and cheap and cheerful is the order of the day... I will be using some baffles and the like to create a bit of isolation when recording...
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