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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. [quote name='lowdown' post='731476' date='Feb 1 2010, 11:24 AM']I just put it down to a spot of Monday morning glue sniffing! [/quote] Mate glue is so Passe... I'm strictly into uranium juice
  2. I'm laughing to myself because my poll questions were so ill thought out that I can't for the life of me extrapolate out a single conclusion
  3. [quote name='Clarky' post='731357' date='Feb 1 2010, 08:54 AM']I think the answer will more often than not vary depending on whether you are a pro, semi-pro or - like me - a dabbler/hobbyist. The latter camp it seems to me are more likely to view basses as beautiful objects and forever keep spotting ones that are even more beautiful than what they already own ... hence GAS. If I was a pro I am sure I would more likely have a small arsenal of carefully picked instruments that cover the sounds and situations I might need to earn a living - and trading instruments frequently would probably be not appropriate to this. Just my two penn'orth.[/quote] I think you're spot on Clarky, what surprises me a bit is just how much chat there is about gear here, again I don't have a problem with it, I just find it interesting.
  4. How do I make the poll thing happen? I fill in the questions submit the post and they disappear. I know it's pilot error... I've killed about 10,000 passengers already Edit Yay managed it but sorry it's a bit Heath Robinson
  5. I recently discovered that I'm not really that into basses in the way that some people here are. I don't think any less of someone for their particular interest but I just wondered what category the majority of folk here would occupy. As I get older I am more just into the music....
  6. Sorry to say this but £1100 is not an expensive bass at all. To get an instrument that serious players consider a good instrument will cost anything from £6-12K (and above), unless you are lucky. Even basses that are £3-5K can be a bit doggish to play (mostly not though) at £1100 you are at the very beginning of student quality instruments, which is why it is so important to try basses and find one you are comfortable with. Lower tension strings however can help...
  7. [quote name='crez5150' post='728968' date='Jan 29 2010, 05:30 PM']the bass on Moondance is at best..... appalling[/quote] +1, classic case of a rock/pop/blues guy blagging his way through a walking bass line. Interestingly though I think it's a tough sequence to play as if you go too jazzy it loses character. The original recording though I agree is absolutely terrible walking bass playing. I'm really shocked by that Rush one, definitely an editing error. Some dingbat shifted the global track along by about a 1/16th of a beat There is a very obvious vocal drop in on the Carpenters top of the world, can't remember exactly where.. no auto cross fade in those days. Tape splicing a go go
  8. I'm trying and failing to see what that has to do with Little Britain. Someone switch the light of for me would you...
  9. I would say that your chap's advice was a little out of date but bargains do come up so it's worth not rushing and waiting for the right thing to come along. I use a laminate bass for my 20s 30s gig which lives in a van, amplifies well, and has a decent tone (especially when used with a decent pre amp) if you're looking for something loud and darker in colour just keep trolling through the various ads and be prepared to kiss some frogs in your search. If you could spend up to about £400 then you will eventually find something. Best of luck and if you spot anything you want an experienced eye cast over then post it on here or PM me or some of the other DB players, we are generally a helpful bunch IME.
  10. So terribly sad to hear this, such a tragic loss.
  11. [quote name='Beedster' post='721502' date='Jan 22 2010, 06:28 PM']And of course Wales [/quote] There's a missing integer in your analysis Chris. It's (up to and including) 2:4:herd and before any cheerless git chimes in, I'm Welsh.
  12. "Why are the wires so fat Mr Fender?" "Well see here nah boy, thayse insumensts ahh stricleh fow stupid peepuh to play"
  13. [quote name='jamieariss' post='720520' date='Jan 21 2010, 08:47 PM']Im trying to work on my walking bass in a jazz style but trying to transcribe of the old records are allmost imposible ha.. I wanted to ask any fellow bassist who know any tracks or artists who have modern recordings where the bass is clear in a traditional jazz genre? cheers jamie [/quote] Really really really persevere with old records. Get any Oscar Peterson with Ray Brown, any Miles Davis with Paul Chambers, you must steep your ears in it. Get books once you've got a bit of it. It is so much about the lines and how they sound and feel. and that needs to be heard every bit as much as read.... Listen listen and listen again.
  14. For those of you having problems with arguments over tempos in rehearsal or on gigs it's simple. Take a metronome to the practice room, listen to it before to get the desired tempo and listen to it after to see if you've kept it. Most good drummers and MDs in the pro circuit carry metronomes.
  15. I think bass players are quite sensitive to this, assuming they themselves have good time, mainly because we are the band member that hears all, which in turn is why so many bass players are producers. For me it's what sorts the men out from the boys although even very good time keepers will sway sometimes (me included) and they have to be man enough to be told. When you are with a band that all feels the same way and all the members listen like you do then you're in heaven. I've been lucky and played with some really phenomenal drummers, so to a certain extent I've been spoiled.
  16. Slobluesline brought this to my house last year. It plays as good as it looks folks. The usual... if I had the money.
  17. Hi Steve, I've had a DB in a micra so I'd be very surprised if you couldn't get it in a mondeo. Jake
  18. I sent a bass to Romania (to Florin Barbu warwick forum mod). It was about 110 quid with UPS and was insured up to 1500 quid. It was very smooth and the bass arrived in perfect shape.
  19. These are fabulous Major. Really very useful info... Jake
  20. 10 words: 'The whole is greater than the sum of the parts' I've got a stupidly expensive bass, it is simply the best bass I've ever played by a huge margin. frankly I couldn't give a sh*t what it looks like, if it plays and sounds like it does. Thats enough. Doesn't mean that yours is not an interesting point, in fact I think it is, but ultimately for me, what I have put above completely cuts through that.
  21. Thanks Nik, I have indeed thought about such a thing, and may well yet try to put something in action for later in the year. It's the sort of thing I would need a partner for as I'm good on the content but being a full time bass player and MD and producer make the organisational aspects of this tough for me.... hmmm food for thought. I realise that Basschat would be an ideal platform for something like this... *cogs turning sound*
  22. [quote name='Jase' post='708765' date='Jan 11 2010, 01:11 PM']Same here Jake. Good set up though, took a look at the website etc[/quote] Update (which I should have done before) I was offered an audition for this week but had to decline as I've just taken on a big production/playing job for Feb and March. But yes they seem like a good bunch. I can understand them wanting a local guy but to get a full timer they might have to look further afield, which they have said they will do. So keep trying guys looks like a good gig. Nice to see these types of ads on here as proper recommendations can be made as we get to know each other better through gig sharing (which I've done with a few basschatters) and meeting at bass bashes or gigs...
  23. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='708692' date='Jan 11 2010, 12:02 PM']£500-£1k is a sizeable budget, especially if you buy second-hand! Try everything you can get your hands on. Hopefully, your guitar playing / purchasing past should stand you in good stead when considering instruments, and you should have an idea of what tone you want and how you'd want it to feel. Got any bass-playing mates? Take one along for a second opinion. Unless you're in a rush, take all the time you need. Do bear in mind that a new set of strings and a decent set-up can make all the difference. Brand-wise, there's loads to choose from. DO have a look at Fender, Musicman, G&L, Warwick, Lakland, Sandberg, Ibanez, Yamaha, Rickenbacker and all the usual suspects, but not exclusively. I've done well out of picking up something I've never heard of that was being neglected in the corner of a showroom! Just because you may not have heard of it, it doesn't mean it's not potentially excellent. Happy hunting![/quote] This seems to be very sensible advice....
  24. No idea about new prices etc but I think you'll go a long way with a Precision or a Jazz and if you look at the for sale threads here you'll find one. TBH in your price range there are a ton of nice basses you could get, FWIW tho If you find you want to change after a while, a Fender would be easier to shift I reckon.... what do the rest of you think about that?
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