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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. Hi Guys, it's that time again. Yamit is taking the stage at the Bedford on Sunday the 20th Dec as part of the Spice of Life Festival. If you haven't checked Yamit out look [url="http://www.myspace.com/yamitmamomusic"]here[/url] to get a taste of this quality artist. Yamit has featured vocally on the film score to Death at a funeral and had appearances (with more to come) on Dr Who. As well as being a great singer Yamit also writes some really top quality tunes. I'm on bass and MD'ing a great band including some of London's finest pro players. Seriously worth a check out guys.... Jake
  2. [quote name='basshead56' post='682235' date='Dec 12 2009, 03:28 PM']Thanks Jake. After reading some posts from other BC users, I will definately take your word for it. May I ask if you know of anything somewhat similar but less pants sounding? Many thanks Colin[/quote] Being honest mate I don't. I tend to drool over basses that are 15K
  3. I played one of these things once that a friend had, it had less acoustic resonance than my electric (unplugged) I kid you not. Dullest sounding bass. Steer clear.
  4. It's all been covered so the only thing I'd add is a term. The notes you refer to are called 'compound intervals' because they broadly (but not strictly In chord spelling) come from outside the first octave of a scale. The particular type of note and 'it' in combination with other notes make for great variety of expression where chords are concerned and an intimate knowledge of what makes a chord or scale sound like it does is the path to freedom of expression where playing is concerned.
  5. oh yaahh thats the start of something good right there. What's interesting mate is that the feel is there and the organic nature of the instrument lends itself enormously to that. Your right hand is making really good percussion already so when the left hand develops it's role a little more, facility will be yours. The ideas are clearly there already. And that bass sounds good...
  6. Never got round to putting this on anywhere else, so I'm just bumping in case anyone fancies buying themselves a studio for Christmas. The monitors are no longer for sale so it's just the Yamaha
  7. ohhh yaaa and listen to that back beat from Ricky Lawson yowser.
  8. Chris I take it we can presume there is a significance to June '64, which makes [i]you[/i] a pre CBS model too doesn't it? Well done mate... now then... if after 6 months you return to Beedster form and let this go, I think for the sake of the forum I shall simply have to exterminate you
  9. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='678015' date='Dec 8 2009, 03:10 PM']I hope to see Jake in the new year - sorry I've been slack on the pm Jake but this chemo has been an energy sapper! Well up for seeing you & be in touch[/quote] Having Chemo lag seems like a proper reason to me mate... Just get yourself well and I'll still be here then Jake
  10. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='677130' date='Dec 7 2009, 08:17 PM']A lesson with Jake is bespoke, folks, not off the peg/one size fits all.[/quote] Courtesy of Bilbo...... The Double Bass player.
  11. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='677599' date='Dec 8 2009, 10:16 AM']I think it all depends on the circumstances. As a jazzer, I am not actually 'in' most of the bands I play with so, if I am booked alongside a musician who I don't 'like' personally, I only have to behave for one evening. In truth, there are very few people who I can't get along with on a civilised level but, then again, in these circles you are generally playing with intelligent people who are interested in the music and are sufficiently humble to know that we all have a lot to learn and a long way to go before we can start badmouthing/looking down on other players. I know I am generalising but, in jazz, you don't get the arrogance that you sometimes see in some popular music genres. We could all use a little humility (I have more than most....)[/quote] Is pretty much my situation... But I'm more humble than you are
  12. Guys you're very kind. When trying to explain how I see what should be done, inside I [i]feel[/i] like the very picture of ineptitude but you guys always seem to have very nice things to say, so I really appreciate that. I do realise that what I do say seems to hit home but for some bizarre reason that doesn't translate into confidence in my ramblings, maybe that's what keeps me trying to get it right....?
  13. Really sorry to hear of the theft Jack. *&^E!£*&!*&^!%@£$^&%!£$*^£&%^!@£ Scumbags
  14. I've got a pair of beyerdynamic DT770pro. They are great for bass. they might be a bit more than your 70 quid but worth every penny IMO. Most important feature for me is they don't tire your head and ears.
  15. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='672972' date='Dec 3 2009, 11:05 AM']I guess the label doesn't really matter. Its the noises they are making that count![/quote] In truth this, of course, is all that needs to be said on the matter
  16. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='674074' date='Dec 4 2009, 12:15 PM']Please please convince me that Kind of Blue is based on a modal concept. (I do love a heated debate !). The Major[/quote] To my mind it's largely to do with the historical context, Miles sought to cool everything down, the 10 years prior to Kind of Blue was faster higher faster and yet faster with more changes and more improvisational gymnastics than at any time since Bach. So the idea was... how can we move away from all that freneticism and still retain an improvisational integrity? the answer apparently was not more but less changes... So how few can we have? well why don't we try just one chord for a while... can we blow on it? yeah of course the chord is just the template... what happens when we run out of steam? we'll just move the chord up a semitone and see what happens.... and so on (a fictional conversation obviously) As XB pointed out chromaticism is a hallmark of jazz so it follows that it would be retained in this much cooler version of what had gone before. As I said in my original post it is true that (as you pointed out) there is a minimum of adherence to strict modal expression but to my mind that is irrelevant when trying to grasp the idiom, and the guys who do grasp it well will have a facility of all of the history of the music. And love it or hate it (the term that is) it's deemed to be playing modally.
  17. Buff bought my old monster Peavey head. The transaction was v smooth with him organising a really good courier service. good communications and all round nice chap (on the phone at least ) Jake
  18. Cheers Buff, I have bought and sold a few things on here but never had a shiny feedback section so may thanks for that.
  19. [quote name='obbm' post='673570' date='Dec 3 2009, 07:46 PM']Thanks Jake. It was a pleasure. I'd really like to hear that gorgeous Alembic one day[/quote] Anytime Dave, I had to go out for the kids yesterday so if you fancy a listen at some point I'd be more than happy to oblige.
  20. I had some, hand delivered (by Dave Himself) leads come yesterday. It was nice to meet Dave as my nearby fellow basschatter, he told me that the leads should make a difference as the ones I had were not really fit for the job, I was expecting a little difference in the sound quality but I wasn't really prepared for the incredible increase in clarity, tons more bass got through to my Schroeder 2x12L, it really was a surprising difference and the prices started out good and got better as Dave gave me a basschat discount. I really can't endorse this gent enough. Buy with utmost confidence. Jake I bought. 1x3m instrument 2x0.5m instrument 1x0.5m speaker with speakon connectors. I had a combination of straight and angled jacks which were all Neutrik and the cables are Van Damme and Klotz.
  21. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='667923' date='Nov 28 2009, 01:17 AM']Pretty much as the title says really. I picked one up a few months back and have been getting on fine with it, having even gigged a few times with it. However I would like to improve my right hand techniques and iron out any bad habits I may have at this early stage. I'm in no rush and probably looking at just a couple of lessons initially to put me on the right road. I play roots music / Americana stuff so really looking to learn in that style - techniques like double slap appeal I have to say. Thanks for looking.[/quote] I'm not that far from West Berks (NE Hants) but I don't really cover the techniques you're after. I could help with left hand but I don't do double slap etc
  22. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='672875' date='Dec 3 2009, 09:30 AM']I know Kind of Blue very well. And I'd be hard pressed to find many examples of true modal improvisation in this seminal album. The Major[/quote] Whist I agree with most of the content of your analysis I would offer you this point for your consideration, it's philosophical more than technical... The [i]concept[/i] is modal. And taken in historical context that is all that's required for this to be the seminal album we all (seem to) agree it is. I think Paul Chambers achives a good deal of modal playing as does John Coltrane and Bill Evans, whereas Cannonball is relying on changes that aren't there to get from point A to point B in the charts. You might argue that I'm pointing out the obvious, but when faced with an analysis such as yours I think it's easy for the reader to overlook this core concept and so it's pertinence needs to be added in to the mix. Whatever the players do (and I agree much of it strays from the stated harmony) the structure is a modal one.
  23. Hey Major , A fabulous Lydian melody is 'Inca Roads' by Frank Zappa. Really lovely melody. Frank was a big fan of Lydian.
  24. [quote name='zachholdsworth' post='672217' date='Dec 2 2009, 04:19 PM']cheers mate.its a beautifull bit of kit. what are they worth do you think? [/quote] not a clue sorry
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