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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. I've recorded in studios with ridiculously powerful pc's running cubase and they still have basic functional problems. No such problems with mac and pro tools or logic, they just work and they work well, easy interface, simple intuitive software. I'm not saying cubase is not a good piece of software it's just that you need it to work consistently. The studios I mentioned only used it for midi tracks then hooked it to a LaCie or something like that. I'm sure there are people here who have used pc and cubase with no issues but there'll be more mac users with a 'no woes' story. It's incredibly infuriating to have to re record or re programme work that you've spent hours on. I did an album for a band I work with and had one track with some midi in it we used the keyboard players pc with cubase.... Nightmare glitchville central. We recorded and mixed the audio for the entire album in 2 and 4 days respectively but the midi work took a separate 2 days for one track and it was not pilot error.
  2. [quote name='alexclaber' post='630835' date='Oct 19 2009, 10:06 PM']This is it: [url="http://www.amazon.com/Fingerstyle-Funk-Francis-Rocco-Prestia/dp/B0000633EX"]http://www.amazon.com/Fingerstyle-Funk-Fra...a/dp/B0000633EX[/url] The notes don't really matter, it's about how and when you hit the strings! Alex[/quote] That's not exactly right Alex, the note choice when held in balance with rhythm and technique is possibly more evenly distributed than with other styles of music. But to say they don't really matter is a bit misleading. So to the OP: Listening to what great funk players play both in terms of rhythm and note choice is definitely a good approach, in fact for any type of music. Also learning to play with a consistent feel helps. Try to make all the things you do now for practice sound funky by playing them with a certain feel eg play an E major scale over 2 octaves in short punchy notes as though you were locking with a bass drum and avoiding a snare...
  3. [quote name='lowdown' post='630193' date='Oct 19 2009, 11:22 AM'] Just snake charmers. Garry[/quote] now THAT made me laugh
  4. [quote name='beerdragon' post='629773' date='Oct 18 2009, 08:11 PM']There's No Soul in it, thats what i mean i suppose, unlike this vid. totally different music of course. but there should be some soul in the music you make otherewise you are just going through the motions[/quote] There is soul in it, it's just not apparent to you. I have no problem with people not liking it (I actually am not so keen myself) but Marcus is a great artist and has bag's of groove and soul. Horses for courses... move on!
  5. 3 great players. Meyer's technique is frighteningly good. Wooten has a natural sense of melody. but Ray Brown is just Ray Brown... nuff said.
  6. Take everything, and don't expect to not have to do the odd drop in, although modern editing has reduced the need for even that. Playing perfect takes comes with knowing stuff really well and rehearsing, or being very good at reading. It's surprising that when you adopt that ethos just how much you will get right, simply because you've removed the pressure with your attitude. I'll repeat, everything you play should go down, the fact that you're less pressured should increase the accuracy of your performance and if it doesn't you've got lots of material to edit. I did a session for a producer in Brixton. I was booked for 1 song in a 2-3 hr session. I had never heard the tracks until I was there but had given them enough for the 1st song within about 20 mns of recording time... I went on to do another 4 tunes some of which were just first takes, one run through. Why you may ask is this information possibly helpful to your question...? well I hope it gives you hope because emphatically YES, I feel like I suffer red light fever, but experience has led me to devise the coping mechanisms detailed above. In a sentence: if you're relaxed you'll perform better, anxiety prevents relaxation.
  7. [quote name='51m0n' post='628585' date='Oct 17 2009, 11:16 AM']Very tempted to add some drums to this Jake, if I get some time and you dont mind, just for a bit of fun.... BTW I dont suppose you have the two bass parts on seperate tracks do you ?[/quote] Hi Simon, send me an email address via PM and I'll send you the tracks (there are actually three) And of course I don't mind. Jake
  8. [quote name='tarcher' post='628476' date='Oct 17 2009, 03:15 AM']Thats what 5 hours of practice a day does.[/quote] Sadly only 'up to' five hours. I do try and get it in my hands every day though and will do a minimum 1-2 hrs. 5hrs is a good day.
  9. [quote name='silddx' post='627842' date='Oct 16 2009, 01:21 PM']Bloody hell, fast! Obviously my perception is coloured somewhat, but I'd say that sounds like you, it's your personality in the sound.[/quote] I'll do a slower one...
  10. [quote name='molan' post='627571' date='Oct 16 2009, 09:04 AM']Looks like I've wangled myself a 4 day working week starting with almost immediate effect - might give me some time to get organised (at last!).[/quote] Thats what I like to see Barrie, getting your priorities right
  11. Helen is great, I played on a few tracks on one of her albums about ten years ago. I've also gigged with Chris (snake) a few times.
  12. there are various schools of thought on this, some think a days work is a days work no matter how long it takes to get there. If the expenses are covered just charge a fee and don't get into conversations about the number of days work just ensure the fee is high enough that everyones says yes and low enough so that the client doesn't feel ripped off. Personally I'd want between 4 and 6 hundred quid. but if it was in january i'd do it for some beer and a blow job
  13. [quote name='tarcher' post='626582' date='Oct 15 2009, 12:10 AM']Thanks for that Jake,very much appreciated.Can't seem to copy and paste to my desk top.missus will probably sort that for me hopefully.[/quote] Hmm, it should just play when you click on it mate, calling all buffs!!
  14. Ok I've just done a little version of the piece, [attachment=34477:Output_1_2.mp3] I tried it at the dreaded 138 bpm and after a few takes got it down with only one tiny edit for the very last phrase so it's a bit warts and all and deviates ever so slightly from the written for the odd rhythm or note. It really is just a bit of fun so I'd welcome some comments. I've added a couple of harmony figures from the high register of the bass just to add a bit of colour but they're panned wide enough to not get in the way. Enjoy. Jake
  15. Giving this thread a cheeky bump on the back of the SE Bass Bash workshop. I've got a couple of fortnightly slots going for anyone interested in learning. Jake
  16. [quote name='lowdown' post='625127' date='Oct 13 2009, 03:52 PM']Here you go Jake... [Finale not Sibelius] I have left the beams over the rests, Easier for the novice readers who struggle with the grouping. Funny how we all hear things from another angle. To me, it sounds like it is in 4#'s [E] But then again you wrote it - so it's just me talking out of my ar#e! [attachment=34392:Bass_Bash_Groove.pdf] Garry[/quote] Brilliant cheers for that Garry, I must get some software, I was using sibelius on the pc but need to get something now I'm on the mac. I know what you mean about the key, I just sort of hear it as E7 and A7 with a blues centre for each chord, but 4 sharps would get rid of some of the silly accidentals. Anyway that finale looks nice....
  17. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='625038' date='Oct 13 2009, 02:38 PM']Moi? [/quote] you're a very naughty Bilbo now clean up this mess
  18. [quote name='51m0n' post='624846' date='Oct 13 2009, 11:56 AM']Have you seen this Jake? [url="http://www.noteflight.com/login"]http://www.noteflight.com/login[/url] Its 'free' (like heroin, in that they give you something for nothing then ask for cash for the best gear ) and pretty fully featured (I've only looked at the free version, I can give it up if I have to, its just a cold, just say no etc etc). Just a thought, since as an educator it might be really helpful, esp as its online, and I think you can set up restricted public availaility blah blah blah.... Si PS Love the sig [/quote] Thanks for that Si I'll check it out... Churchill was a sharp witted man....
  19. [quote name='OldGit' post='624708' date='Oct 13 2009, 09:07 AM']Fancy a trip to Cardiff in November? [/quote] Hmm, tempting as my family are there. I'll give it some thought...
  20. BTW I find that as a piece it works best when wearing a floppy bow tie and moving your hips ala Austin Powers.
  21. Ok fellas here it is: [attachment=34386:Bass_Bash_Groove.pdf] Here's the thing, I don't have music notation software so I've penned it, so forgive the scrawl. If one kind individual felt like popping it into sibelius I'd be most grateful. As I said on Saturday it can be played quite successfully at a variety of tempi the best being 104 for swing, for funk 120 works but it really comes into it's own at 138. The point is to learn it to the extent that you can mess with the form, and as it's a call and response natured thing you can exchange either the bass part or the melody part for notes of your own choice. I have started on a recording of it. I'll probably do 2 versions, one just 'as written' and one with some improvising. Watch this space. It's quite a challenging piece at top speed but over all it's meant to be a bit of blowing fun.
  22. Hi Mark I had in ears for a dep job I did in Germany in June this year. It was a rock band with orchestra (45 piece) in a small stadium. I also had a (provided) Markbass 4x10 and 1x12 with a big MB amp, the in ears were great but I could feel the rig and that really helped. My verdict would therefore be... depends on the size of the gig. Jake
  23. [quote name='silddx' post='623943' date='Oct 12 2009, 01:33 PM']I'll have to check the YT later. Looking forward to the transcription, and seeing if I can get to 139bpm Thanks Jake, that was such a superb tutorial, and you're a totally natural coach. Cheers![/quote] Thanks mate...
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