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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. So... now to add some serious advice. The single most effective way of conveying strong musical ideas that flow and sound musical is: learn to play crotchets with a solid driving feel, get a good grasp of the following four concepts, and become fluent with any tune or set of chord changes you may come across... 1. have a solid arpeggiated knowledge of each of the chords in the piece over the full range of your instrument. 2. have a scalar knowledge of each of the chords in the piece over the full range of your instrument. 3. Develop an awareness of the notes that are in common between the chords in the piece. 4. become familiar with the non scalar and arpeggio based devices that are commonly used to move musically and easily from chord to chord. [u]NB[/u] the enormity of those ideas speak for themselves so it's worth adding that it can be done a bit at a time, those ideas are the 'large' principles behind becoming expert at it. In the mean time any efforts in the directon of those principles will produce some good results. I would strongly recommend Rufus Reids' book 'The Evolving Bassist' it's a DB book but has line after line of ideas of groups of notes that work well on a chord and flow well into the next chord. PM if anything needs expanding. Jake
  2. [quote name='iamapirate' post='493375' date='May 20 2009, 03:52 PM']'so really it's just mucking around with the major pentatonic and throwing in a few notes that don't quite sound right to add to the groove'[/quote] I'm hoping thats a little joke because it should not be parading as sensible advice There is a tremendous amount more than that to good walking bass lines and anyone who tells you otherwise is likely not to understand the variety of construction possibilities available. To become very good at it is years of work and an ever evolving lifetime challenge.
  3. I think it depends on your approach, if you want to play with a high proportion of improvisation in your parts then fretboard knowledge is useful... If you want to learn parts by rote and nail them then a knowledge (of the note names) is irrelevant... I would say, however, that the knowledge that is most important is an aural one, theoretical (or note name) knowledge helps when explaining to others or working theoretical correctitude into your pallette, but the final test is an aural one and to that extent I regard aural awareness of the notes as the single MOST important aspect of one's own playing.
  4. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='495746' date='May 23 2009, 02:56 AM']I had the pleasure of seeing him play live last year at the Manchester Jazz Festival. Had a chat with him afterwards. Thoroughly nice bloke. He taught a guy called Ollie Collins up here who is now the bass tutor at Salford University.[/quote] It was great talking to you too Pete...and thanks to you too Ollie is a great guy and a great player too. Ps and he took over from me at Salford when I moved darn sarf
  5. [quote name='silddx' post='495732' date='May 23 2009, 02:21 AM']I feel so rejuvinated Cheers, Jake.[/quote] High praise indeed, I'm humbled... Thank you.
  6. Hi Sub, in my experience strings play a major role in tension, steel being the most taut and nylon feeling quite loose and everything eg hybrids inbetween. It seems to me (although I haven't experimented that much) that the looser a string is the fatter it is. I will PM you also. Jake
  7. Jayzus, if I had the need and the money I'd buy this, sadly I have neither...
  8. [quote name='Jarhead' post='491738' date='May 18 2009, 07:05 PM']How much you looking for for just the head? Zach[/quote] 90 quid?
  9. Continuing my sh*t joke spree ..... I think we ought to shut the stable door on this one guys ....Oh hang on....
  10. [quote name='alexclaber' post='491291' date='May 18 2009, 12:44 PM']Near-flat response from the Alembic preamps is 2-10-2, so 7-7-5 is quite a bit of mid cut and bass & treble boost. Alex[/quote] Alex thats a very interesting bit of info there mate, puts my dialling in a whole new light. Cheers Jake
  11. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='490998' date='May 17 2009, 11:20 PM']Some people complain about the "mid-hump" like it's a bad thing! I just say it's more "poky" [/quote] It's interesting that because I got one and heard of the hump (dromedary) but on my Alembic Pre the mid is boosted to 7 as is the bass with the treble at 5. So what I'm saying is that I don't really hear that in my rig... Could it be the Pre? Plus the Alembic bass has rich mid tones too, and the Jazz sounds f***ing draw dropping through it (especially with a bit of compression from the Fishman Platinum pro)
  12. Maybe its not cheap enough? It's really that I have no clue about what I should charge so I'll take offers, just want rid. It may be the case that nobody wants such a beat up piece of old kit. Still sounds as good as it ever did though. C'mon boys you haven't lived if you haven't........ (actually thats bullshit, anything to sell though eh)
  13. [quote name='shaundixon666' post='99971' date='Dec 6 2007, 07:31 AM']You will see quite a few confused French people wandering on this site now, expecting to see a nice big horse burger, [b]or maybe a few horse legs in a variety bucket.[/b][/quote] I'm just trying to visualise the bucket
  14. I'm selling this to make space, It lived in a van for a long time and has worked extremely hard. It's a very powerful rig very loud and very reliable. I haven't pictured the cab as it's in a corner of the garage under a pile of stuff but if someone is interested and would like to see it I'll dig it out. The condition is very scruffy on both items, on the cab the carpet needs a bit of glue along one seam Here's a pic of the head, the cab is in about the same condition. [attachment=25445:DSCN6656.JPG] [attachment=25446:DSCN6657.JPG] Given the condition I'll take £150 for the lot, or make me an offer, postage would be prohibitive so it's collect only and I'm in Aldershot. Jake
  15. [quote name='daveski' post='490466' date='May 17 2009, 12:31 PM']Yeah that was a custom order but when i paid for it last summer i was still getting 2 dollars to the pound so it was good value especially with all the discounts![/quote] I got mine in July '07 so had the 2 dollar rate good fortune. Makes a big difference.
  16. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='490474' date='May 17 2009, 12:37 PM']Went to check my Fender this morning and very disappointed to not find a 1963 priceless loft in it, not sure I quite understand this game yet but happy to become a member.[/quote] It's under the scratchplate divvy
  17. [quote name='lowdown' post='490460' date='May 17 2009, 12:24 PM']Can you add emptying your wifes handbag? Christ, have you seen what they keep in there! Garry[/quote] It's the first place I look for the step ladders Reminds me of the time that 'answer a stupid question on the phone and end up with a mortgage sized bill' TV program was investigated for spurious practices. The Question: "What item is commonly found in a womans handbag...." 75,000 calls and £15,000,000 profit to the blood sucking leech monger TV execs later (i made the figures up) No winner.... because.... The Answer: "A RAWL PLUG" c**ts...
  18. [quote name='Beedster' post='490457' date='May 17 2009, 12:22 PM']Noted Jake, I'll put you down as IEMLA/OGTMADFASVFSG founder member #2[/quote] Is there a hat for this position?
  19. Hmmm..... I've had a similarly disappointing experience in my garage today Chris so I wonder if you have it in your heart to LENGTHEN your catchy group title to: I Emptied My Loft and/or Garage This Morning And Didn't Find A Single Vintage Fender Support Group Producing the (I think) rather epic acronym: IEMLA/OGTMADFASVFSG
  20. Trades? 1920s Stuttgart factory Double bass, valued at 4500GBP (realistic sale value 3000). Worth a shot, but I realise you need the money
  21. I would say that you should not think of it as 4k to spend on a bass but to look for the bass that you absolutely love in every way and then spend however much of the 4k that it costs (I suppose it could end up being a bit more) Given the sort of stuff you have talked about in the past I would say you are steering towards a funk machine of some sort, lots of dark tones with punch and growl and the ability to dial in a bit of ping when needed. TAKE YOUR TIME! (not shouting at you just being emphatic ) Jake
  22. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='489419' date='May 16 2009, 12:01 AM']And for the record, the baby Jesus story is a myth designed to control the weak & anyone fancy some rabbit & puppy pie?[/quote] Are you mad!?!?.... no rabbit and puppy pie is complete without a side of Panda testes.... I don't know why I bother.... heathens.
  23. Can't believe I haven't added mine to this thread. [attachment=25317:resized_20.jpg] [attachment=25318:resized_21.jpg]
  24. I got one too... [attachment=25301:DSCN6652.JPG]
  25. [quote name='Rayman' post='488631' date='May 15 2009, 10:49 AM']That's it Dave, at the end of the day that's all that matters. Who cares if the bass costs a couple hunred quid, or a couple of grand? If it's right for you, then the money's irrelavant. Having had a go on your 73 in Colne a handful of years back Dave, in my opinion, I think you're got a cracker.[/quote] +1
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