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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. Just found out the next one is on 19th April to avoid Easter.
  2. I've just come back from the Berkshire Jazz Jam held at the Two Poplars on Finchampstead rd in Wokingham. It's run by a guitarist from Reading Jamie Howell, It was good fun and some very good players were there. Andy Crowdy (great player)on double and a nice fretless electric player (with a Wal custom) called Steve as well as the house band Jamie, Phill Berry and Fabio Ianconi on bass and drums. I would highly recommend it to anyone who fancies a blow or a listen to some really nice players. There are also a few novices but that's jams for you. It's held on the first Sunday every month if anyone is interested drop me a PM and I'll pass the email address t be added to the notification list. Jake
  3. [quote name='Prosebass' post='427941' date='Mar 7 2009, 12:11 PM']I find this thread Crass beyond belief.... Whats next who has the biggest c**k ? Or should that be who is the biggest c**k ?[/quote] I don't object to you expressing your view but I think to a certain extent it's a bit pointless to step into a thread like this if your sensibilities err the way yours appear to. For me the subject of value of instruments is much less ostentatious than simple work minded as they are my tools, granted I have an emotional attachment, probably a little more than one would expect of a carpenter with a saw, but they are still tools. For me it just happens that the bass that sounds like I want it to sound is an expensive one, if it were a cheap one (like my workhorse ply upright which lives in a van permanently) I'd be happy too, as I am no spendthrift.
  4. Dr Dave you make an interesting point and I was only thinking about this last night. I bought a Platinum pro Eq and on my DB gig last night went direct to the PA with it, so thats cheap ply bass into underwood pick up in to platinum into PA and it sounded awesome. Now a more expensive bass would have sounded better (sky being limit with uprights) but what struck me was the importance of being happy with your sound because as a result of sounding good to me I played my ass off. (I would therefore encourage young players to work hard to get a sound they are happy with high cost or not) In electric terms I have only achieved that with the Alembic. I've had, Fenders Wals Warwicks Blade and copies various, I've tried Musicman Smith Sadowsky etc etc (the list really does go on) but anywhere I plug that Alembic in up to and including Indigo 2 at the O2 and many top notch studios and BANG the sound is killer.
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='427808' date='Mar 7 2009, 03:02 AM']I should've known you'd be the first one with his head over the parapet![/quote] [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='427808' date='Mar 7 2009, 03:02 AM']It's unfortunate that you didn't compare it to Warwicks,[/quote] I sold a 1987 thumb thru to buy it. they don't compare in my view although I agree they are great basses especially the streamer SII
  6. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='427802' date='Mar 7 2009, 02:09 AM']According to an eBay listing I read once, just the Alembic electronics cost £6000. That gives you a pretty good idea of what a total f***ing rip-off they are. If you have to pay six grand for two pickup, a hum-bucker and a preamp, you're doing it wrong. How many hit records featured a bog-standard Fender and how many showed off an Alembic? f***ing mugs.[/quote] Don't believe everything you read on ebay, the electronics on Alembic series basses are expensive but not that much. All James Taylors multi million selling Albums since 1990 feature an Alembic playing bass player as do Grateful Dead, 70s Frank Zappa, Fleetwood Mac some Genesis, Level 42, countless country tracks. And clearly by your definition I'm a "f***ing mug" as I own an Alembic but I've compared it to Wals, Fenders, various customs Stinrays etc etc and it is by a big margin the best bass I've ever played, but don't believe me cos I'm a "f***ing Mug" still at least it is tax deductable (WDA) for me as a self employed musician, so really you bought it for me with your massively inflated PAYE tax code so thanks for my bass, you "f***ing Mug" PS Lest this rages into a forty page flame fest, I am tongue firmly in cheek and don't really mind what anyone thinks of me or my gear.
  7. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='426020' date='Mar 5 2009, 12:12 PM']because apparently, my missus would like to see me in the evenings and have coversations and stuff. [/quote] ???
  8. Bass players that do the job really properly are hard to find.
  9. Funnily enough just a few mins before coming across your post I was chatting to Jon Thorne (Lamb bassist) and he was telling me of an album he has just recorded with Danny due out soon. Reckon that'll be worth a listen, also any of his work with John Martyn (who sadly died recently) I believe he has also collaborated with some of the folk artists, not sure which though. Jake
  10. I used to watch my mother lick her fingers to turn pages and wondered why... I do it now I once saw a bass player with Chick Corea do it, I guess it provides a little temporary grip hence repeating the process.
  11. [quote name='jonsmith' post='423094' date='Mar 2 2009, 12:35 PM']I'm going to be a pedant too and point out that the Philistines were actually quite advanced in comparison to their contemporary neighbours.[/quote] Excellent observation.. see where would we be without these debates... learning about history and everything.
  12. [quote name='51m0n' post='423065' date='Mar 2 2009, 12:11 PM']Anyone care to judge the output of Stock Aitkin and Waterman purely on sales? And now apply some musical taste and discretion to you judgment; still the same? Then you sir are IMHO a philistine.[/quote] I thought the majority of your post was quite reasonable but I can't resist a sly tongue in cheek dig at the idea that branding someone a philistine can be done humbly Surely by definition that is a condescending viewpoint and lacking humility by a margin. Sorry.... I'm a pedant, I know.
  13. [quote name='4000' post='422528' date='Mar 1 2009, 06:30 PM']I think the point is they [i]move[/i] people, and that's something that is very difficult to quantify.[/quote] That is certainly true, and I wouldn't be stupid and try to deny the legitimacy of others enjoying it, in fact vive la difference, it would be a boring world if we all liked the same things
  14. Disliking something is legitimate. Slagging something off is pointless and should simply be ignored as the slagger is either not worth listening to, is having a bad day or has a raw nerve for the item. I think jumping on it as 'negativity' is not quite deserving of the level of complaint that seems to arise here.
  15. I don't usually join in these things because it's just down to taste but I must admit I am mystified by the enormity of U2s popularity. I listen carefully to try and hear what appeals to people and frankly can't. I think they've written a couple of good melodies but I'm stunned that that alone has sustained such popularity. There is not a great deal to commend them musically. To my mind they are The Police with none of the musiciancship or creative talent, so the jangling reverb guitar led trio sound without much to make it feature in my ears, and I'm willing to give everything a chance. I listened carefully on friday and could discern very little of what I would describe as good or talented or musical. Obviously millions hear something I don't. Or do they.......?
  16. [quote name='valentine' post='421834' date='Feb 28 2009, 06:11 PM']send me a link of something you think i should invest in then ie a cd or a program you recommend and i will invest in it safe[/quote] Sorry I wasn't clear, I mean Cds that you already have... of songs... Just listening to the bass parts to work them out is the hands down, most effective, sure fire way of improving you ears.
  17. Make your next 1-3 years learning aurally based (learning from cds) slow and simple at first, make sure you are getting it right, play the same passage 15 million times if necessary. In an amount of time, determind by how good your ears are and how dedicated you are to the process, you will find that it just gets quicker and quicker. I can learn songs whilst performing them live for the first time with a combination of good predictive aural skills and watching the left hand of the keys player or being hollered chords by the guitarist etc PS don't just limit it to cds, copy advert themes off the tv or theme tunes... anything Edit Oh and learn to punctuate your posts better, your question was hell to read.
  18. [quote name='OldGit' post='420835' date='Feb 27 2009, 01:01 PM']-1 Last time we did that (not a wedding) the hall manager and tech came up to us after and said "do that again an we'll never have you back here". It's a very nice venue and we didn't trip the sensor anyway as it was set sensibly for our moderate volume levels. The venue people have much too much at stake to risk it and it's not really for a band to say "Bugg3r your legal problems, we want to sound nice" even if it means the gig is slightly less nice sounding. And you just can't risk a big row between the band and the the venue people upsetting someone's wedding event. Molan can't get out of the gig now so he'll just have to prove how professional he and the band are and deal with it.[/quote] You're absolutely right and sensible OG, these things are a raw nerve for me so I'm going all unreasonable on them. I find them ridiculous as I have encountered hundreds of them and the vast majority of them go off as a result of high frequency sounds. We all know that the waves that pass through walls are low ones (bass from a passing boom box car or the bass rumble of a distant party) I've found that no amount of hammering away by me sets them off so they don't serve the purpose for which they were (badly) designed.
  19. [quote name='OldGit' post='420817' date='Feb 27 2009, 12:42 PM']Explain the situation to the bride, groom and both mothers in law and do your best.[/quote] Generally good advice... BUT In my experience, most of the time, no amount of explanation will make up for them being unhappy at what you give them, (usually as they don't understand) and if they want it rowdy you're going to lose..
  20. I just find a plug off stage and run a long cable to it. Not usually an advocate of flagrant law breaking, but on this I feel that the miserable twats of the world are having their way so f*** em. The chances of a complaint resulting in officers knocking on your door are slim....
  21. It surprises me that more people aren't aware of Jimmy Johnson, very much to my liking I have always admired his consistency and note choice, always putting the music first so will play really simply, but has absolutely phenomenal facility. So..... Jimmy Johnson
  22. Thanks for the heads up Chris, I know the seller says 800 quid but what would be a realistic price for this Item? (new or used) Jake
  23. Why is your flat dry? Radiators? above a shop? Find out and try to remedy. I think electric humidifiers are a waste of electricity as the air in a room is exchanged on average (if a chimney is present) roughly every 15-20 mins. I always have a bowl of water under my bass and keep it out of sunlight, never had any cracking. Keep it well away from radiators (if poss turn off in the room bass is in) and try to ensure there is water near it most of the time. If the water in the bowl dries up really quickly then you have a very dry atmosphere. I have one of those humidifiers (the green one in the pic) but I have never really needed to use it, but then I hate central heating and only use it in the very coldest weather. Jake
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