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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. I've got a 1212L, it's absolutley superb. I have a five string Alembic and Alembic pre going into it via a power amp and it handles the full range that they throws at it with ease.
  2. The info in the thread so far says much of what is needed. Do remember that roots are derived from modes too so when playing any root for any chord sequence that is derived from major harmony you are already playing with modes. You can expand on this concept by playing diatonically (step by step) from the root of whichever chord you are on, to the same note an octave higher retaining the sound of the key or chord you are serving, and hey presto you have played a modally derived scale. Learning which notes from those scales serve bass playing and the music well is where the work lies in this subject.
  3. Hi Spiltmilk, as suggested by Bassace I have given lessons to a few starters on here, I work in London a lot (I live just a little way out) so could possibly tie a lesson in with a gig or rehearsal, although you are not short of some really great players within London itself, plenty of whom teach. The advice so far is sound, if it's a double you want then an EUB is not sufficient for the acoustic factor, although some of them are very decent instruments, just different really. A double bass is a big commitment so I would definitely go along with the idea of having a try before buying, also you'll get a sense of what a decent bass is like as any teacher you find is most likely to have a 4K upwards value instrument. I would think it very sensible to spend a bit on a couple of lessons and see how you feel then. PM if you want further info Jake
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='380176' date='Jan 14 2009, 12:29 PM']That's a bestseller, right there... [/quote] I love it, will you be my publisher I reckon we could get into the tens of sales...... got to be 50 quid each in it as long as we dissolve the company quickly enough
  5. So to answer the OP a metronome will do, it's what you do with it that counts. Jake
  6. [quote name='SteveK' post='376431' date='Jan 10 2009, 08:45 PM']If you can afford it, definitely drum machine. I can't think of anything more boring than playing to: [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click [b]Click[/b] click click click etc etc 5 minutes of that and I'm ready to kill Music's s'posed to be fun...right?! Steve[/quote] Not quite with you on that Steve, I take great pleasure in turning those clicks into a good sound, with the right consistency and feel you can make a metronome sound like it's swinging, grooving rocking.. whatever you want. It's a central part of my more advanced teaching method, making "fun with metronomes" if you play with a good feel you will make a click sound great.
  7. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='375957' date='Jan 10 2009, 10:12 AM']So there's no way I can afford an Alembic but if I could and the right one came along I'd be seriously tempted but like the Rics [b]it'd stay in its case most of the time and come out on holidays [/b][/quote] I promise you it wouldn't. I've got one of these and it goes everywhere with me. [attachment=18456:MKDlx5Re...erLED2TN.jpg] I would love to compare my bass with yours as it seem Alan is upholding a similar ethos to Alembic. Especially in the "these are musical instruments to be played" regard.
  8. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='371625' date='Jan 6 2009, 09:03 AM']Would that be Steve Berry? Met him once - what a lovely guy and really supportive. I know he had lessons with Dave Holland.[/quote] I used to borrow Steve (Berry's) flightcase so going to get it would usually involve lunch, Steve is a diamond, watch out for his kids now too they are forging ahead well in the music game....
  9. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='370950' date='Jan 5 2009, 02:38 PM']You're right, Jake. You are me.[/quote] hehe... told you... now get my goatee off [quote name='bilbo230763' post='370950' date='Jan 5 2009, 02:38 PM']One of Holland's strengths is his consistency.....[/quote] I know it's not quite what you meant but: I was once talking to Mike Walker who had recently (to our conversation) gigged with Kenny Wheeler. Dave Holland was also on the gig, Mike picked him (Dave) up from the airport to transport him to the gig. Mike described his playing as follows: "I felt like I could walk up to him and hit him with a sledge hammer and he wouldn't drop a beat"
  10. [quote name='mcgraham' post='370828' date='Jan 5 2009, 12:37 PM']Jake, any suggestions on a Dave Holland album that I should assimilate into my brain? Mark[/quote] Bilbo has kindly done it Mark so thanks for that Bilbo. I think Dave is at his improvisational and support best with Kenny Wheeler (helped by the fact that I think Kenny is a compositional genius) They have an affinity for each others gifts that make the music awe inspiring. My fave albums are Music for large and small ensembles, Angel Song and Flutterby Butterfly. Also the Metheny and Roy Haynes Question and answer Bilbo also mentioned is great.
  11. [quote name='steve-soar' post='370525' date='Jan 4 2009, 11:59 PM']No, I mean objective, because an opinion is a state of the individuals fact based system, ie, that they know who they think is the best. You can not have a truly fact based opinion of what is better in musical terms, it is far too abstract. [/quote] I may be wrong in my understanding of the terms but I believed subjective to be 'from within' and objective 'without of' one's perspective. Correct me if I'm wrong as I really am interested to know exactly. Edit: For the avoidance of doubt I went and looked it up. It appears you have it the wrong way round objectivity requires facts, subjectivity is opinion based see below: "KEY TERMS! OBJECTIVITY & SUBJECTIVITY The difference between these two important ideas is the difference between fact and opinion. Facts are objective and provably true; however, if no clear facts exist about a topic, then a series of balanced opinions needs to be produced to allow the reader to make up his or her mind; opinions are subjective ideas held by individuals and so are always biased. If unbalanced opinions are presented as if they are facts, they act as propaganda or persuasion, e.g. a newspaper headline might state: "Youngsters are the prime cause of trouble in this area". This is presented as an objective fact but is clearly a subjective opinion. An objective piece of information, therefore, needs either to be the whole truth and at least be unbiased or balanced, whereas a subjective point of view is biased because it is either not the complete picture or it is merely a viewpoint or expression of feelings. When studying literature, it is best to be objective when you consider a text's qualities. Of course, literature read for pleasure should be approached subjectively as this allows you to 'be there' with the characters, feeling involved with the plot and so forth. But when you discuss literature for an essay, it is far safer to 'stand back' and see it objectively for what it is: no more than an attempt to engage and hold your attention, build trust in its writer, and persuade you to a way of thinking - the writer's way! Looked at objectively, a text is no more than a 'vehicle' for communicating a persuasive message. This applies to characters and settings, too - all highly compelling and believable 'vehicles' for the writer to convince you to think his or her way!"
  12. [quote name='Mikey2341' post='370221' date='Jan 4 2009, 07:10 PM']Hi I'm looking for a Bass teacher, someone who will be patient with a complete beginner suffering from a mid life crisis! I live in Glossop but work away in York / Harogate during the week (school time) so could do lessons in an evening up in York/ Harrogate or weekend lessons in Glossop/Manchester/Stockport area... Does anyone have any recomendations? Thanks Mike[/quote] Ollie Collins is in Stockport(ish) I think. He took over from me as bass tutor when I left Salford Uni, I hear very good things about him as a teacher, and as a player.. well I taught him at Salford and I think he's good.
  13. [quote name='steve-soar' post='370458' date='Jan 4 2009, 10:44 PM']Hi Jake, I agree that he is a jazz giant, playing with Miles, Shorter and Blade but you can't say that he is the best, because it is so objective. Being the best in other peoples eyes (ears), is about how that musician makes them feel. He does make me feel spaced out though. Yum. [/quote] you mean subjective...? I agree, hence the insertion of "IMO". However I will assert that he is because I think so, and tongue firmly in cheek I believe myself to be a far more eloquent arbiter of taste and artistic savant than any of you
  14. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='370328' date='Jan 4 2009, 08:43 PM']It's a very poorly titled question really, ideally you should have different genres listed, so Mark King would be under pop, and Dave Holland would be under jazz, but Dave Holland still wouldn't win because Lawrence Cottle is tons better. Unless of course the question was 'Who's the best British bassist, currently living in New York, who's 1st name is Dave ?'.[/quote] well made points, re the title Lawrence is a great player but again IMO Dave Holland is in another league.
  15. [quote name='ARGH' post='370325' date='Jan 4 2009, 08:40 PM']I cant wait for a little kid to be attacked around High Bray[/quote] You are a sick minded individual at times. I really do think that is a f***ing stupid thing to wish for.
  16. Watching the videos of Victor Wooten that Urb posted (thanks) something occured to me. If you found yourself with that amount of music flowing from your imagination and had the time the inclination and the facility to execute those ideas would you really say to yourself "well that's not proper bass playing so I'm going to stop it at once"? would you f***, you'd find as many ways to play stuff and be as inventive and creative and pushing to the boundaries of your ability as you possibly could. It's human nature to do so. Victor is a fantastically inventive and able musician and he's humble. He knows whats important in bass playing and will do that when required better than any single individual on this board can. I would not choose to listen to some of the things he plays but that is true of many artists of all types. I think people should really be less critical of excellence and just give credit where credit is due and Victor Wooten and many like him are worthy of plenty of credit. If you don't like it don't listen, but come on, don't be stupid enough to denigrate just because it's not to your taste.
  17. [quote name='Bassmanc' post='370161' date='Jan 4 2009, 06:06 PM']I don't really care what you think of Level 42's pop songs, but best bassist in Britain? Be serious, there is no contest![/quote] The thread title is actually best british bassist and although he has resided in the States for many years now Dave Holland being originally from (I think) Wolverhampton, completely wipes the floor with Mark King, who I agree is a very capable player, so no disrespect to his achievements. Dave is a truly world class innovative all round complete bass player, musician and composer. Mark King has been very successful, can really play and has written some good songs, but IMO they are in different classes altogether
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='369852' date='Jan 4 2009, 12:37 PM']Alas, I find Quicktime to be evil.[/quote] +1, I hate it
  19. [quote name='BassBus' post='369310' date='Jan 3 2009, 03:51 PM']I can't believe no-one has mentioned [size=7] [color="#FF0000"]MIKE RUTHERFORD[/color][/size][size=7]!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/size] [/quote] He once played my bass at a function I did for Ron Dennis
  20. [quote name='urb' post='366861' date='Dec 31 2008, 09:19 AM']Er, any votes for Dave Holland, probably in top three jazz bassists on the planet today.... and one of the few to play with Miles Davis and still be going very strong today... and from Wolverhampton[/quote] I did already mention Dave see below from #20 "Don't really dig lists as they are subjective, although I can see the fun. Couple of players that deserve a mention: Dave Holland Lawrence Cottle. But Entwhistle as an also ran???? !![size=5]FFS[/size]!!"
  21. [quote name='chris_b' post='369225' date='Jan 3 2009, 12:50 PM']Then there is also Yolanda Charles, the incredible Phil Chen and the sadly late but great Alan Spenner.[/quote] I didn't know Phil Chen is British! great player
  22. [quote name='uptonmark' post='368707' date='Jan 2 2009, 06:50 PM']pookus jakesbass get a room ffs [/quote] Hey..!!! we've only met once!! we're flirting
  23. Hi Ray, I used to live and work (as a bass player) in North Manchester and know most of the bass players in the region. I'll have a look through my diary and pm you with some names and numbers. Jake
  24. Hi Greg, firstly whats your budget? Have a trawl through past threads in this section to find many conversations on this very topic. I have a Stentor which I keep in a band van for on the road and flying. Its cheap and sounds ok amplified, but it's not a patch on my old German basses. It really depends on what you are going to use it for and how seriously you are taking it. Best of luck and feel free to come back with further questions. Jake
  25. [quote name='budget bassist' post='368562' date='Jan 2 2009, 03:45 PM']1. True 2. no. Jakesbass seems a nice guy though. Maybe he could come to the bash and bring his upright [/quote] Thanks I would love to have been to the last one and will if i am free come to future ones, I tend to be gigging, which is no bad thing for me
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