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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. [quote name='urban Bassman' post='305478' date='Oct 13 2008, 01:43 PM']Got this beauty from the Bass Shop in Tonbridge Wells earlier this year and ain't she pretty Not only she look good but sounds fab and is lovely to play too...can't ask for anything more. [attachment=14719:Bass_Guitar_011.jpg][/quote] That is the very bass that made me decide to order my Alembic (played it twice) It's a lovely instrument.... ENJOY!!!
  2. My regular band have just bought one of these to take to Dubai (save shipping the big one) Anyone ever flown with one? Jake
  3. You can usually see from looking at the edges of the wood, on the outer rim or in the f holes. if it's laminate you should be able to see the layers of the wood (unless it's very heavily lacquered) Being really honest with inexpensive instruments a solid table (top) does not make a vast tonal difference.
  4. Bit of a nice one last night. I was involved in a charity night for the teenage cancer trust (so my services were my donation) I played bass for Leanne Jones (from west end musical Hairspray) I also played with Yamit Mamo (with whom I work regularly) and then did a 15 min spot with The Casablanca Steps (my bread and butter gig) As well as what I was invoved in it was a great night with a host of very talented people. Mark Goodier compered the whole evening Lawrence Leyton (CH4 fear of flying) did an act, Judy Tzuke, and a few other singers did a spot, but the ones that really stood out for me were: Lucy Silvas... great voice and nice material, I must admit I have never really paid her much attention before (she was also very complimentary to me saying I "added a bit of dirt" with my bass playing) and the headline was Graham Gouldman of 10cc who is a fantastic songwriter. It was great to hear him do those songs I have heard for so long. A good night was had by all and many thousands of pounds was raised for charity.
  5. [quote name='OldGit' post='304384' date='Oct 11 2008, 01:33 PM']A good way to do this is to park the theory to one side for a bit and use your ears. Free your creative side from the limitations of what you fingers can (currently) do, or from the listed notes of the modes and scales, by creating the solo with your voice, not your bass.[/quote] This is very very good advice indeed. In fact I'd go so far as to say you're better off learning the theory behind what you can already play first, which can prevent playing stuff because you know it should work in theory rather than because you really feel it. Given that your name on here is Rasta I would hazard a guess that you like reggae... a natural and felt form of music if ever there was one. Use your ears first and good luck Jake
  6. I know absolutely f*** all about the technical argument at play here (although I find it fascinating) But one piece of information I picked up about valve sound in general seems to ring true. I'll give it to you, you make of it what you will. Valves in their operation set up imperfections in the reproduction/powering/creating of sound (not sure how or why) and it is these imperfections that appeal to us as Earth beings as it represents natural based as opposed to synthetic or manufactured product. As I said this is a piece of information that I am simply regurgitating, so I would be interested to hear some informed opinion on it.
  7. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='301749' date='Oct 7 2008, 09:33 PM']...and to make things worse, the most likely place they have delivered it to is the shop below where I live. This is sh*t because firslty, they hut over 3 hours before I get home and secondly, they hate be because I'm constantly posting their rubbish through their letterbocks when they're closed after they fill up my wheely bin with their waste.[/quote] I can only marvel at the possibilities of what goes on in your head....
  8. Good points I have very high standards and can do most things on both double and electric to those standards Bad points I'm a fat, lazy, Welsh cnut. so the bits I'm not so good at don't get worked at.
  9. Hi Mark, I would recommend trying pre amps in a studio environment with as full range a reference as possible. Cabs so often have their own characteristics. I have an Alembic valve pre and I play into it through my own studio into either reference monitors or hooked up to my hi fi, have used it on sessions (all producers/engineers have said "WOW thats good") and Live either direct to PA or with my power amp and Schroeder 1212L. They all vary a little and I'm pleased to say the Alembic is a fantastically consistent and versatile amp. I have compared it with TLA, hand made pre amps in major studios, focusrite mic pres (with line inputs) and lots of others and it kicks all their asses with my Jazz, my Alembic and my upright. I'm sure there are others that are as good so have fun trying a few. Jake
  10. Welcome from a fellow Alembic user, this is a fantastic community. There are lots of really well informed and helpful folk here. So settle in and join in the conversation, it always has something to offer. Jake
  11. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='299987' date='Oct 5 2008, 05:15 PM']LOL! I thought I was strange, but I'm very much like you. I'll put on things I want to listen to on CD's or my iPod, but I listen to a lot of Radio 4 in the car. I suppose it's a bi-product of living, eating & breathing music for a job that makes you want a rest from it. I find that after teaching it all day (and at times all evening as well) and performing all evening, I don't want to hear any music. I find my mind analysing it all the time, so that's when R4 comes in handy! (Apart from the theme to the Archers which makes me want to scream!!!) Rich.[/quote] Another R4 listener here, but when it comes to music I have a very wide pallette. Basically if something is good I like it, an exception is opera although even some of the great performers touch me with their passion skill and musicality. If I can detect heart and care in music I will probably like it. eg: I love some country, I love the pussycat dolls song stickwitchu, I love Frank Zappa, I will listen to and sometimes enjoy some weird contemporary classical on R3, I can listen to Coltranes most manic output, I love all kinds of jazz, rock (especially english 60s 70s) I love all the early american songbook, I like some musical scores, I love some film score writing,....... in fact music is my air.... without it I would suffocate. I constantly have headphones on so as not to drive my family mad, I have my bass in my hands for up to four hours a day (more if I'm gigging) Whenever I'm on basschat I'm listening, I can listen to one song for weeks, months I listen to and become totally absorbed in every part on a track, I always know all the string lines, BVs melodies counter melodies, JEEZ I even spot edits. I think if I didn't do music I would be a mass murderer anyone want to book me for a gig
  12. [quote name='dr.funk' post='281758' date='Sep 11 2008, 12:36 PM']Bump[/quote] Hi, I sent you a pm regarding this. Did you get it? Jake
  13. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='299323' date='Oct 4 2008, 01:13 PM']FWIW, one of my bass tutors long ago told me he read the dots judging their distance from one another on the stave rather than recognising which line they were on/off.[/quote] As a standalone piece of advice it's a good one, I would go further and place that good tip amongst an armoury of devices and techniques. Whatever gets it done so to speak. If it sounds right, it is right. There is no cheating. Another major tip in this is to realise that physics dictate that you can't be looking at the note you're supposed to be playing.... it's too late already. So you need to be reading ahead of what you're playing, glancing back and forth across the stave all the time.
  14. I totally love Steely Dan, and so do all my musical mates from the scene I used to live in when I was in Manchester. So much so that they put a band together called H gang in which I played bass. We headlined the Manchester Jazz Festival and did a few nights at The Cinnamon club in Bowden. There is some evidence [url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=157445473&MyToken=534533d9-b841-4ab2-b5f4-b7a1d0d1d929"]here[/url] in the shape of a few recordings that were done at the gigs. They are No.s 2,3 & 4 in the player (its a myspce page) the mix is not that great but the playing I think is good and it was lots of fun,
  15. Of course it is. Good to have you back.
  16. Great, not quite sure how to pay via paypal, could you give us a clue Thanks Jake
  17. Don't worry Garry us old farts were with you.
  18. Hi there, I have the first one so if you find interest in that one I will have the evolving upwards from you. I will totally understand if you are reluctant to split. Jake
  19. I think Scott Thunes of Zappas band was a punk inspired bassist, IMO he's a great player, very musical.
  20. Save packing space by stuffing socks and undies into your shoes. Pack and then halve it. When going on really long tours travel light, buy clothes on the road and fling what you don't need. 57 consecutive late night hotel arrivals with a heavy bag is a real drag. Do the 'ready roll' before going to sleep (if you do) get everything ready to leave the room within 10 mins of waking up. On hot travel days take a light cool bag and freeze packs, wrap the packs in a flannel and use the flannel to wipe your neck during the journey, extremely refreshing, also one for hot days, get the B&B owner (or hotel) to freeze bottles of water for you, cheap cool water all day. Get pissed, shag birds (or blokes if you like)
  21. I've noticed 2 so far Kiwi, the first one I reported to BOD2 it was extremely graphic porn. I will keep my eyes open as I'm sure will everybody and let you know if I see owt Jake
  22. It's so wrong for one so young to leave the people he loves behind. I'm sure he would be happiest if you paid tribute to his memory with a long and happy life remembering him. very sad
  23. [quote name='redd' post='296384' date='Oct 1 2008, 11:44 AM']sunny? not this year manchester is up to its usual tricks, raining for 14 days at a time, you know the drill. Might be down your neck of the woods soon so if youre around be good to buy you a pint?[/quote] Definitely let me know.
  24. [quote name='redd' post='296167' date='Oct 1 2008, 08:44 AM']Btw Jakesbass, when you moving back up north so i can get more lessons from ya? heh heh, hope all is well mate[/quote] Too much fun in the sunny south mate!! Music is great mate ta!
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