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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='295565' date='Sep 30 2008, 04:07 PM'].....and also one for miserable old men who could do with a bunk up![/quote] you offering gorgeous?
  2. Not meant to insult BM and definitely heavy handed. I should really have just not responded to the debate as I have heard so much on this issue before and just get tired of certain individuals inability to give credit where credit is due. I think there is a big difference between not liking something and undermining it's validity in the eyes of others I will desist in future. As for calling me a cockface, thats fine.
  3. For my money books rarely show anything beyond 'how to' wheras listening and copying gives you the 'why to' reasoning as you either like it enough to copy it or not.
  4. What I find unendingly amusing about this is that the people on either side of the debate seem to have never ending reserves for thinking that their view is the right one. You are all dum shits if you don't realise it's a variety of music that makes the whole picture, you are not required to like it all. I like lots of music but don't really dig opera, I don't however, go around calling in to question the integrity of the form and it's patrons based on what they wear, how they present themselves, or what they do in their pyjamas. Have a view fine but for f***s sake stop with the one sided hystrionics and let others get on with what they enjoy. I'm f***ing bored of this now. BBC, Bassmunkee, Budget Bassist. the tone of your rancour suggests nothing other than caveman like envy.
  5. I had a Warick thumb 5 from 1987, it was a very well built instrument, I only sold it to buy an Alembic which is better than anything else on earth in my opinion. If I'd been able to afford to keep the Warwick I would have as it had qualities all its own. I do like my Fender Jazz though it'a a '78 which in some peoples eyes makes it a lesser instrument, it's a joy to play and sounds great.
  6. [quote name='chrkelly' post='294595' date='Sep 29 2008, 03:25 PM']Cheers guys, I think if it isn't sorted by the end of today the card refund is the way to go. The company in question is Concert Systems in Manchester.[/quote] I'm really surprised by this Chris, I used to be based in Manchester and have had CS supply PA on many gigs. They've always been good. Perhaps their retail skills are not up to their PA service. It's bad news. Hope you get your money back Jake
  7. Add me to the list Chaps. I'm sure it's an interesting read. Jake
  8. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='294782' date='Sep 29 2008, 06:27 PM'], gigging I use any old bit of tut they've got laying around.[/quote] Gigging eh? Where's my 20%?
  9. [quote name='TPJ' post='292205' date='Sep 25 2008, 09:28 PM']Makes you wonder how the guys used to do it in the old days with no amps/PA etc... They must have been brutes.[/quote] Three serious answers. 1. everything (especially drums) was quieter, if certain notable jazz drummers are to be believed. 2. Some player (especially in big bands) used to stand on wooden risers that were hollow, and consequently amplified and projected the sound. 3. Playing loud does not mean playing hard, therefore not necessarily strained. I'm sure some players in that era had trouble too.
  10. I was supposed to be going as part of the bass collective, sadly a gig has come in. I've known Stevie for years and think he and the other organisers have done a fab job. It's an event they can be proud of. I hear that it's growing in populrity, I hope that continues and that one day I'll be able to say no to the gig offer (there always is one) and come along. Jake
  11. Hey Andy, I think all the advice so far is sound. AMT do a high rejection condenser mike (expensive though) that is mounted on a bar that clamps (with neoprene) onto the body of the bass see [url="http://www.appliedmicrophone.com/products/show/11"]here[/url]. Pete Turner (in Manchester) has one and says they are great up to certain volume levels. I could put you in touch if you like. I use an underwood which is a bit stringy in the sound but sounds good with my Alembic pre and a Schroeder 212L. I bumped into a chap (great player) Tom Mason on a gig in London, he had a Realist with a Sansamp DI through a makrbass combo and it sounded amazing. He said that with the Sansamp he could basically dial out any offensive frequencies. Give me a call if you want to chat about it mate. or PM. Jake
  12. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='290943' date='Sep 24 2008, 03:39 PM']Unfortunately most guitarist's seem to take the opposite view !![/quote] What that more is less? LMAO It's against physics I tell you
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='290896' date='Sep 24 2008, 02:55 PM']Hey! We all know Duck Dunn is a genius, right?[/quote] Yep [quote name='wateroftyne' post='290896' date='Sep 24 2008, 02:55 PM']It's a minor detail, I know, but those little gaps are inspired.[/quote] Minor detail my arse (said in Jim Royle voice) It's what makes the difference between bass playing and bass playing genius. I've got ears like Dumbo and I hadn't noticed that before. Content, substance, poise, choice my dear fellow. Jake
  14. I sold two Wal basses before the prices were silly. Not that I need them but I could do with the extra 2 grand I would have if I'd held onto them for a few more years.
  15. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='286893' date='Sep 18 2008, 10:21 PM']Easy fella, this is a really good course run by trade body, the Music Industries Association. It's not a money making scheme. It's a great course for bedroom musicians who don't know how to make the leap from bedroom to band. The money covers rehearsal fees and instrument loan. There are usually good discounts at the end of it with local guitar shops.[/quote] Thanks for the clarification. I also thought it was a kind of advert, but now knowing the full story it sounds like a decent scheme.
  16. [quote name='chrkelly' post='287206' date='Sep 19 2008, 12:04 PM']My advice is stop playing upright now and go to your doctor. If you keep playing through, you'll end up with a severe injury. Check out these guys for advice specially tailored for musicians. [url="http://www.bapam.org.uk/index.php"]http://www.bapam.org.uk/index.php[/url][/quote] +1 pain is not something to get through, it must be addressed, If not you may be unable to play upright for a long time perhaps never.
  17. [quote name='barneyg42' post='284565' date='Sep 15 2008, 09:52 PM']Yeah,but I'm a GIT too!!!! [/quote] Oh Yeah
  18. I must ask you to remove your description under the trades description act. I <----- am the fat ugly bass player in this village...
  19. I was lucky enough to work with some of Zappas band members, they told of an incredibly strong work ethic with an attention to detail rarely encountered in pop and rock. They went on tour knowing 150+ tunes and the set list would be announced just before the show. Segues and musical interludes were indicated with a sophisticated set of hand signals. It was an amazing period in rock/pop and those guys were at the top of their game. I saw Zappa live twice and did a three month tour of Europe with one of his long time lead vocalists Ike Willis. I was so very sorry when Frank died as I felt that he was actually arriving at his true potential as a serious composer when he died. This takes nothing away from what he did achieve which was immense. Jake
  20. Sorry to sound cynical but it just seems like they're after some music for free.
  21. A very insightful piece thanks for that. Jake
  22. Nice resource, cheers matey. Jake
  23. Great, thanks for that Steve. I shall look at it, could be useful to all. Jake
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