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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. I have just been trying to explain in a post about note placement for a bassline that somone asked for tab for. Would it be possible to have access to a bit of score writing software on here? (could be an advertising/revenue opportunity too) So that rather than long wordy explanations of what it is, I could just write exerpts and post them on here. I have literally thousands on nuggets of bass goodness floating around in my head, most of which could be written in score form really quickly. Making PDFs of parts seems obstructively long hand. Any Chance??? Anyone???
  2. I hate to dispute but the second note is a B not a Bb. Otherwise correct. Its a great groove, the emphasis should be locking into the gaps around the bass drum, with a really quick soft/hard dynamic between beats before, and on the beat respectively.
  3. Thats very reasonable Daf. I would be surprised if you found a better deal than that. Jake
  4. Hi OG, I'd be really interested in the books and websites you mention as I'm in the process of learning to do upkeep on mine. Cheers. Jake
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='280222' date='Sep 9 2008, 11:19 AM']ROCK AND ROLL![/quote] Bit morally bankrupt that. each to their own eh? Some people learn with their ears and are successful, some learn with their eyes and are successful. Some people do the same and are not successful, and success to me is measured in how happy one is with ones own lot. Not for others to decide. Each side of this argument needs to learn to live with, and be less denigrating about the other side. To answer the original question it's important to whom it's important. To the others it's not.
  6. I wear a monocle and sport a centre parting.
  7. Assume that you're not going to do it and ask for as much as you think is not taking the piss.
  8. [quote name='ARGH' post='278785' date='Sep 6 2008, 08:04 PM']On Hols,wandering about round about down there.....Anything worth popping about to see?[/quote] If you've got kids (or an interest in castles) Pembroke Castle is a great day out. The beaches in Pembrokeshire are some of the best in the world IMO, and I've been to some of the supposed 'best'... Ipanema, Carribbean, Copa Cabana, Phuket, Devils Island, Red Sea, Persian Gulf etc etc, they are not a patch on Pembs beaches Some lovely shops in Narberth, if you like tapas be sure to visit Ultra Comida at the top of the high st fantastic cheeses meats and olives yum. Enjoy.
  9. [quote name='Rayman' post='278086' date='Sep 5 2008, 06:01 PM']I'd LOVE to see her live, but I can't be arsed driving down the M1 to do it. It seems to me that many artists like this feel that a gig in London is all they have to do for the UK. Marcus Miller is the same. I guess it's down to demand, and the lack of it for a full scale tour of the UK.[/quote] She did play the Boardwalk in Manchester a few years back, it's economically driven and tour organisers are the ones who know what money they can expect, where. EDIT: just been to the Jazz Cafe website where it says the show is cancelled. sh*t DAMN f***
  10. Marcus Miller, Walter Becker, Steve Rodby.
  11. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='275213' date='Sep 2 2008, 09:44 AM']James Taylor - Mud Slide Slim & the Blue Horizon. Purdy![/quote] heh heh, irresistible innit....
  12. Jeez, who resurrected this? I thought it was long dead. It's a good one though, even if I say so myself.
  13. [quote name='steve-soar' post='272071' date='Aug 28 2008, 09:54 PM']it's like your missus being manhandled by a stranger.[/quote] I could be persuaded to accept the scenario if video footage of the proceedings was made available
  14. Hi From another Alembic owner. Jake
  15. [quote name='Matty' post='269214' date='Aug 24 2008, 11:59 PM']Is this still for sale? Do you have a price in mind?[/quote] Hi Matty, I have agreed a sale with Ant on this and will be taking it off him as soon as I return from my Hols. BigredX has one he would prob sell too. Jake
  16. Thanks Guys. It is my Jazz, the one in my avatar. <--- tone is through my Alembic pre straight to desk and all parts played by yours truly although I think some jiggery pokery might have gone on in post production. Jake
  17. [url="http://www.myspace.com/yamitmamomusic"]Great Singer Songwriter[/url] Been recording with this girl with a really good producer, the first track is due to be realeased along with some others. Check it out.
  18. Apothem, I don't think the level of your anger is matched by problems here. As a community you might find more favour among us if you approach an issue with a more reasoned outlook, otherwise you will attract the likes of the first response.
  19. As I said earlier I would like to see him live as I'm sure there's a lot to see and feel from him. He's in good company and it's great that people report he is approachable, when the fire of youth settles down he has the chance of turning into an important voice in European jazz. Just remember though Jaco was 18 when he started playing with Metheney and they had a lot down by then, taste and skill!
  20. I've played at 2 funerals. And I didn't do it with them, but my regular gig band played on an Italian TV show, were dragged all the way over there to play three 10 second links to the advert breaks!!
  21. [quote name='mistahbenn' post='260078' date='Aug 11 2008, 03:56 PM']I just found this groove I made a bit ago with the P.[/quote] Fair play thats an awesome sound. If I had the money I would have it. Next year...
  22. I'd like to see him live to feel the energy in his playing. While his ability is outstanding, nothing I have heard recorded is exciting me. I like to feel a sort of bristling excitement from players.
  23. [quote name='TPJ' post='262063' date='Aug 13 2008, 11:31 PM']Practice in the dark along with a simple song you can play along with. Gain intonation by ear, not eye. Afterall, it's sound your making.[/quote] Err thats what I said!??!!
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