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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. I would politely inform them that under those conditions they will not really be getting a live music performance. I find it incredible that people cannot tolerate a single night of celebration without selfish self interested complaint
  2. I know it's a trek but there'll be some major players over for Cork, might be worth trying to get a few 1-1s then.
  3. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='231789' date='Jul 3 2008, 09:40 AM']PM'd Rodby is another of my favourites. I love going back to some of his Metheny stuff and just listenig to his tone and time feel. I have a love/hate relationship with the Metehny Group cd 'We Live Here' because of teh core rhythms but Rodby's bass sound on that cd is awesome. Like Steve Swallow, he gets the job done without the unnecessary fireworks. THey can burn if they need to but recognise that it is rarely the most musical option. I wish I had their discipline! In fact, I wish a lot more people had it!!![/quote] This is interesting. Forgive this lack of modesty but Mike Walker recently said as a compliment to me, "when everbody else is trying to play a million notes you are trying to play one as well as it can be played, If I ever need a true minim I will give you a call" I was hugely flattered, and it sums up what I am about, I want to play the simple stuff as devastatingly well as I can. Given that this is in the 'I Love Jazz' thread maybe it will encourage some discussion on what is the most musical option, because as you say those guys' recognition of that is what sets them apart, and in my view makes them the guys to aspire to.
  4. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='231778' date='Jul 3 2008, 09:17 AM']That's too weird to even contemplate. I think we have just both been conditioned by periods in Cardiff playing with Andy Maule. He just wants everyone to be Steve Rodby Anyway, you're a pro. What are you doing up this early?[/quote] I looooove Steve Rodby. Did you know Andy sadly died? I've got kids, and I don't need more than 6 hrs a night
  5. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='231773' date='Jul 3 2008, 08:57 AM']I always found NHOP to be one of those people that played clever for the sake of it and not because it was musically valid - bit like John 'I'm gonna stick this 32-note fill in now whether you like it or not' McLaughlin. I also found Pederson's tone to be a bit thin/whiny But, when he keeps a lid on it, its cool. Just not one of my faves.[/quote] Are you actually me Bilbo? In future I'm just going to post: "What Bilbo said"
  6. Mikey, I've been to NI a few times and honestly have never come across anyone over there, Be sure to visit the Giants Causeway if you haven't already. There is a bit of a scene in Belfast but....? I will ask the guys I know if they've heard of anyone over there. Jake
  7. Welcome Phil, Let me be the first Basschatter to congratulate you on your prospects. It will be fun. Jake
  8. [quote name='whynot' post='231618' date='Jul 2 2008, 10:24 PM']Would love to do this as I'm only an hour away but have a gig that evening in the Midlands.[/quote] I've got one in the Midlands too, daytime tho, tell you what lets dep for each other and still miss it
  9. [quote name='rjb' post='231436' date='Jul 2 2008, 04:04 PM']I think I was the one what done it. He just seemed to have a lot of front, or perhaps I'm getting old and cynical.... I'll keep me gob shut from now on.[/quote] Keep your gob open mate, the guy should be open to being asked questions, you asked them.
  10. [quote name='urb' post='231386' date='Jul 2 2008, 03:06 PM']Dare I be vauguely controversial here and say I thinki Hejira is one of Joni's finest and quite possibly Jaco P's most complete and successful studio date ever - the empathy between the two of them is just stunning - Jaco is like a second 'voice' and the songs are some of Joni's best IMHO - I have the Both Sides Now double CD too and it is beautiful - and Mendoza is a monster (check out Brown Street by Joe Zawinul for incredible big band versions of the Weather Report stuff) - but I prefer Joni's voice on her earlier recordings. Just my thoughts on the subject. Mike[/quote] Not controversial at all Mike, just the bits you like. We all like different bits, which is great
  11. I don't really listen to punk these days although I loved the Stranglers and the Clash when I was a kid. The bass player with Frank Zappa for the latter years of his bands is what I can only describs as a punk bassist. Absolutely superb bass player massively energetic and very musical. If you haven't heard him check him out.
  12. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='231106' date='Jul 2 2008, 09:18 AM']Yep - would you believe it is in the cassette player on my desk at work as we speak. Those string arrangements are great (I hadn't read the cover so hadn't clocked it was Mendoza - I did recognise Hancock and Shorter but no-one else - didn't even know it was done in the UK). I still rate 'Shadows and Light' as one of my top five of all time (LP not CD - the best tracks were omitted from the cd).[/quote] I'm listening to it now. She Kills me... I absolutely love most of her material. She reaches inside with the notes and the words.
  13. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='230388' date='Jul 1 2008, 11:14 AM']It's a little known fact that the wood used on the Warwick Thumb is sourced from a Black Hole [/quote] thereby displaying properties of neutron density!!! like having a little piece of the sun around your neck.
  14. Have you got Joni Mitchell 'Both Sides Now' Herbie and Wayne Shorter are awesome on it. The arranging by Vince Mendoza is simply beautiful. A good friend of mine Iain Dixon plays on it as well as a bunch of other London players some of whom I've worked with. It makes me feel quite proud of the british scene that they chose to do it it here for the players and the studio (Air Lyndhurst) Jake
  15. [quote name='alexclaber' post='230501' date='Jul 1 2008, 01:32 PM']Think of it as a big venn diagram where every combination of gear has a wide range of sounds depending on the user and most of these circles overlap significantly. Alex[/quote] LOL there are not many people who walk though life picturing venn diagrams Alex. Or are there?? *Jake is suddenly paranoid about his mathematical inferiority*
  16. [quote name='ianrunci' post='229986' date='Jun 30 2008, 08:01 PM']Replying to Does playing covers sap your imagination and playing? Yes but no [/quote] No mate totally wrong... it's no but yes
  17. [quote name='ped' post='229979' date='Jun 30 2008, 07:55 PM']But I think the actual SOUND comes from other things more than the player's technique. A Musicman sound, for example, cannot be achieved on anything else (apart from a V bass obviously lol)[/quote] I think the truth is Ped that everyone is right in their own way as it is actually a personal thing. Some people are more capable of working equipment and will get a great sound out of gear therefore they will err on the side of gear, I am pretty sh*t when it comes to technology so I rely on personal physical elements to produce my sound. In fact I think there is a certain disadvantage to my outlook as if for environmental reasons I can't get my sound then that has an effect on my music, a more technologically advanced player would stand a better chance of getting out of that fix
  18. [quote name='Jase' post='229977' date='Jun 30 2008, 07:55 PM']I know, sorrrrry .....I'm daft sometimes Jake, I realised after I hit the Add Reply button [/quote] twas meant as a compliment matey
  19. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='229936' date='Jun 30 2008, 06:49 PM']I'm not sure, but I remember Russ Abbott famously bought the rights to his song "Atmosphere" to stop it being played on the radio because he thought it was so sh*t - he went up in my estimation when I heard about that.[/quote] I'm sure you're right about that, I meant playing songs live
  20. [quote name='Jase' post='229970' date='Jun 30 2008, 07:49 PM']It's the player him/her self.[/quote] you said what I was trying to say but in a lot less words
  21. There are of course elements that are important in the make up of all the equipment we use to amplify our hand movements, which is to my mind the most pertinent description of playing. Take it back a stage and you're talking about your ideas, take it back another stage and you're talking why [i]those[/i] ideas, emotion, feeling, sexuality, drive, anger, laughter the list goes on. As a double bass player I [i]must[/i] impart all those elements when playing music as it is the most untrammelled version of me I can possibly muster, and the point of contact for me is my fingers in both hands. For a while when I first signed up to basschat I had a personal statement, after a while I removed it as I felt it was a little pretentious but here I feel it's right to restate it: "I try to never underestimate how much I am physically responsible for the sound I produce, on both double and electric" I suppose in this thread I'm saying it goes even further than that, music to me is an essential, it's food and water and sunlight, I simply have to put everything into its performance that I am capable of, anything less and I'd rather give up and probably die. No fingers and I couldn't do it!
  22. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='229914' date='Jun 30 2008, 06:24 PM']We seem to have drifted from the original argument somewhat, and back on to the ire-inducing discussion of whether we should be publicly flogging people for playing Mustang Sally. Maybe we could set up a fund to buy the rights to as many of these tunes as possible, so we can ensure that nobody is ever allowed to play them again? Then you could turn around to those punters and say "Sorry mate, the PRS would have me banged to rights, it's more than my job's worth"... [/quote] I don't think you can actually stop people performing your material sorry to be such a dullard in the face of your joshing.
  23. [quote name='SteveK' post='229866' date='Jun 30 2008, 05:17 PM'][b]Fingers[/b][/quote] you got there before me. fingers, fingers, fingers, bass, fingers, fingers, amp, fingers,fingersfingersfingersfingersfingers and the only other thing that matters. FINGERS oh and 1/2lb of funk
  24. [quote name='mewsie' post='229775' date='Jun 30 2008, 03:21 PM']is it monday? x[/quote] and fellasses :brow:
  25. Ahhhhh the Monday debate. On Mondays, after a hard weekends gigging, I take kids to school, dog for walk make enough bread for 4 days (by hand mind you) cycle to the pool, swim a mile, cycle back then have a late lunch and settle down to read the Monday Basschat debate It's great, better than telly. Cheers fellas.
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