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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. Have you heard this guy? If you haven't you should, he is groovy, musical, accurate, and very very busy. L.A session guy of many years. I particularly like his work on Rickie Lee Jones Flying Cowboys, I think it's a good album all round and the bass playing is genius. Example here: [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cueOJXcsnHU"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cueOJXcsnHU[/url]
  2. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='222351' date='Jun 19 2008, 05:39 PM']My apologies for being such a self-righteous bollock-talker.[/quote] Heady claims indeed, can we show a little modesty please, I've been talking out of my arse here for months now and have only recently achieved the kind of status you are laying claim to.
  3. I depped for Carlosfandango (fellow BCer) last weekend. in the set was Sex Machine. I searched the internet and found several versions and had a really good look at the line. Not challenging technically at all but to nail down with great feeling over and over taught me something. I am always learning tiny details which at my age feels wonderful...
  4. [quote name='gypsymoth' post='220920' date='Jun 17 2008, 08:45 PM']I take flipping burgers seriously because it's my living ... and there is an art to selecting the right amount of onion vs pickle . and it takes a true artist to please a large lunchtime crowd [/quote] My first day job (in the 80s) was a 65 cover lunchtime restaurant, your statement rings very true with my memory.
  5. Welcome Steve, you'll like it here I reckon Jake
  6. [quote name='peteb' post='220851' date='Jun 17 2008, 07:04 PM']You play music because you enjoy doing so and hopefully make a few quid – what is the point of over analysis?[/quote] I do enjoy music immensely but it goes a bit beyond making a few quid as it's my living, so analysis is, for me, quite important, to keep my skill set ahead of the game, but I absolutely take the point about taking yourself too seriously. I try not to, but ultimately it's for others to judge whether I do or not.
  7. [quote name='peteb' post='220825' date='Jun 17 2008, 06:38 PM']Jake, I don’t think that Gypsymoth is talking about avoiding people because of prejudice or any sort of bigotry, simply that he would rather not seek out the company of people who are a bit pretentious and take themselves too seriously[/quote] I realise Pete thanks, I'm just being a little ascerbic and ironic. If it sounds over the top then I apologise. In any event if someone felt I was too heavy handed in stating my position I will always sort it by PM but thanks again. Jake
  8. [quote name='gypsymoth' post='220795' date='Jun 17 2008, 05:57 PM']I have never understood this "artist" thing. what the heck is wrong with being a bassplayer/musician/writer - or entertainer if the music isn't as important as the appearance? personally, I avoid people who make sounds but feel the need to classify themselves as artists. diiferent mindset.[/quote] As I see it no-one suggested in any post that there is anything wrong with "being a bassplayer/musician/writer - or entertainer" So given that it hasn't been hinted at and given the level of apparent anger with which you have entered the debate it sounds to me like the problem lies with you. And the fact that you avoid people for how they classify themselves displays a degree of prejudice. Think I'd rather spend time with an artist than a bigot, not that you are one, I would wait until I had made your acquaintance to make that judgement however you classify yourself.
  9. Like many of these threads the question relies on individual definition and being what we are; varied, we will have a similar variety of definitions for this. Here's mine: (and I believe it was my post in another thread in which this point was first raised) Very few if any of us are artists by my definition. I would equate the terminology with excellence moving towards world class or at least unique/highly individual in order to achieve the status. To use a bass player example by my personal definition Marcus Miller is a tremendous craftsman but MeShelle Ndegeocello is an artist. Why? because like Marcus she has her own sound, like Marcus she is a monster groover, like Marcus she has taken the history of bass and made it her own. But unlike Marcus (and this is subjective) she has style, depth, integrity, atmosphere, that I don't find so readily available in Marcus' output in recent years. For me it's that that elevates her to Artist status. As for me, I'm good, but I'm not that good, but I'll die trying.
  10. For me in a word, No. But then my creative output is quite large in the projects I work in. Not only do I play bass in them but also to an extent MD and produce, so in industry speak I am considered a "creative" in those projects.
  11. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='220557' date='Jun 17 2008, 01:15 PM']Personally, I think the Series II is pretty much overkill for live situations. Most live sound engineers I know would baulk at the idea of running a bass in stereo on stage, however the Series II is in a league of its own in the studio. I've found the Series basses seem to have more upper midrange and punch than other Alembic models too. The bass seem to combine a delicacy and attention to detail with tremendous robustness in my eyes. They're definitely idiosyncractic instruments however.[/quote] I agree about their idiosyncracy, great, as you say for recording. When it comes to live I suppose it depends on the degree to which you have sound men in your service, if you are with a bigger artist that wants to have gigs with a very high standard of performance and sound quality then I think a series II would come into it's own. My signature electonics are very good for live. I have very variable control with the Q switches and I can get just what I want at high volumes with the lightest of touch, which makes what I am able to play easier and therfore more dextrous. Something I have only had on 1 other bass (still got it too)
  12. [quote name='Huge Hands' post='220472' date='Jun 17 2008, 11:23 AM']I have a 3/4 Gear4Music bass that I bought about 4 years ago for £325 ish.[/quote] Thats not a big commitment to try it, but read my answer to the next quote passage..... [quote name='Huge Hands' post='220472' date='Jun 17 2008, 11:23 AM']Jakesbass, I would like to meet up with you one day and see what a really well setup one should be like, I reckon the action on mine might be a bit high. Then again, if I have to sand the bridge and f**k it up, I haven't lost that much, have I? [/quote] The difference between a bass like yours and the one in my avatar is enormous, low action so easy to play, lots of bass and a lovely dark growl to the notes, loads of swell after the very substantial percussion of the pizz, and mine is not a top end instrument. Nevertheless it would be a huge investment. When you get an instrument that sounds like you expect it to, like the sound in your head, then you see what all the fuss is about. HH I'm only an hour from Crawley so it's possible.
  13. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='220427' date='Jun 17 2008, 10:43 AM']Looks great. Don't you wish there was one place where you could go and try out all these beautiful instruments. I have only ever SEEN one Alembic never mind played one. Same with Fodera.[/quote] There are a bunch of Alembic and other nice instruments here: [url="http://ccgi.psstpsst.force9.co.uk/php/bassworld.php"]http://ccgi.psstpsst.force9.co.uk/php/bassworld.php[/url] I visited a couple of times to decide what things I wanted on mine.
  14. Hi Ped, I saw that over at the Alembic site, it must have one hell of a bottom end with all that ebony. Your old Elan looks nice too. 11 neck lams!!!
  15. Hi Jez welcome to the board, It's worth remembering that by a certain age most uprights will become pretty stable in price so you could usually get back what you paid (although current economic climate might see depression of all markets so caveat empor) So in my view it's worth being patient and waiting and watching for a reasonable second hand bass to appear. I don't know the cost of the Gear4 basses, so how much are you looking to spend? Jake
  16. [quote name='BassBod' post='220411' date='Jun 17 2008, 10:25 AM']Also the five string Epic is heavy, and the balance isn't great - but no worse than many others, including a few Wals I've played. BB[/quote] That is an issue that Alembic have addressed: [attachment=9713:resized_20.jpg] This body shape, which has gathered huge popularity amongst Alembic buyers, balances perfectly sitting or standing and that in turn helps with the weight along with a wide strap. Thats my Alembic BTW
  17. [quote name='steve-soar' post='220197' date='Jun 16 2008, 08:30 PM']Totally impracticle.[/quote] I think Impractical is an unfair comment, I use mine on every gig (except just upright gigs)
  18. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='219754' date='Jun 16 2008, 11:58 AM']I wish I could find that 'inner peace' you clearly have! (I've had an idea for another book - Zen and the Art of Tribute Bands!! )[/quote] OMMMMMMM!!! I come up with about 2 a week, the titles are always fantastic! It's the comtent I always struggle with
  19. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='219873' date='Jun 16 2008, 02:25 PM']If it sounds like Jimmy Johnson's, it's fine with me![/quote] I can get that tone exactly
  20. [quote name='BassBod' post='220179' date='Jun 16 2008, 08:11 PM']If you could afford this new, batteries wouldn't be an issue..... I think Alembic do some great things, and much as I like to oggle the custom stuff ... I'm more than happy with my modest Epic. Maybe one day...but I doubt it.[/quote] Thing is BB an Epic is by no means modest by the standards of other basses, only when compared to high end Alembics.
  21. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='219913' date='Jun 16 2008, 03:04 PM']i bet the price is f***ing jaw dropping too [/quote] expensive yes, but put in perspective a fraction of what I earn playing it, and it's allowable for writing down or capital allowance against my tax liability.
  22. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='219740' date='Jun 16 2008, 11:38 AM']I have visited this forum before. That article is a great read and that bass is a credit to all involved. I wonder what it sounds like?[/quote] I've got a signature electronics coco bolo Alembic and it's f***ing jaw dropping. That bass has the series II electronics so I would imagine it's pretty stellar as they are considered the best Alembic do.
  23. Played one once, it was absolutely gorgeous. I agree with toasted though seems a little high in relation to current prices for Warwicks. What price the right bass though?
  24. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='219712' date='Jun 16 2008, 11:05 AM']I am sorry if it offends anyone, and it will, but I cannot see covers bands or tribute bands as anything but tired and culturally redundant.[/quote] I'm not offended by your view, neither do I hold great store by it, porridge for one. But the variety of views we have is what makes the discussion interesting. This is hard to word, so forgive me if I condescend, I wish you shared the joy that I have for making music unconditionally. For me that is representative of the spirit of music. You and many other players I have met seem to have constructs in place that act as a bar to sheer enjoyment for enjoyments sake. It's not that I think more of my own position or value it more than yours, more that I have such a great time playing I feel like sharing that enjoyment with a slightly over enthusiastic child like effervescence. Get everyone to join in kind of feeling. Idealistic I know, but no harm in it I feel.
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