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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. [quote name='OldGit' post='201706' date='May 18 2008, 07:40 PM']Wow The dosh/kudos/craic must have been good for you to say yes to that one ....[/quote] Number 1 in your list OG
  2. The gig was fine, it was just that it was in Carlisle, nothing wrong with the place, its just five and a half hours from my house, and worse, I had to be back in London by 11:00 this morning. That was a tough 24 hrs.
  3. The problem with fret markers on a upright is, how accurate they are is dependent on your height due to the angle of incidence. I know the chaps who make these things are trying to be helpful but as a double bass player I have never had need for them and in truth I think they can be a minor distraction.
  4. [quote name='Linus27' post='200921' date='May 17 2008, 10:32 AM']Bugger. If I wasn't in Kent that weekend, I would come down and see you play. I might try and make the Lion Brewery on the 5th if you have the Stagg with you.[/quote] I have a daytime gig on the 5th and Ash is on my way home.. Might pop in. What do you play? (music wise)
  5. Point taken Oscar and thanks for the edit, it makes more sense to me now Jake
  6. [quote name='Oscar South' post='200846' date='May 17 2008, 01:05 AM']Just going by what I see on that video, any good bassist will be able to play on basses of any action but some of the the highly technical stuff is certainly only possible on a bass with low action. I'd like to see Stanley Clarke do any of his double bass heroics on a bass with a regular setup.[/quote] I think you are quite wrong Oscar, many of the bassists of that ilk will have had a classical training and as Mikey said that involves being adept on basses with a variety of actions. Ever been to see a Symphony orchestra? They have passages of enormous complexity in all ranges and classical set ups are frequently higher action.
  7. A truly great player, I particularly like his playing with Kenny Wheeler with whom he has had a long standing relationship. A colleague and friend of mine Mike Walker (guitarist) has played with Dave on a few things too. Jeez THAT gave me something to live up to!!!
  8. [quote name='GonzoBass' post='199920' date='May 15 2008, 09:00 PM']I'm currently playing in the pit orchestra for Leonard Bernstein's "On The Town"[/quote] A great composer, West Side Story is an amazing score.
  9. [quote name='XB26354' post='199834' date='May 15 2008, 07:12 PM']That guy has got serious groove and [i]always[/i] swings [/quote] +1
  10. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='199732' date='May 15 2008, 04:31 PM']One swallow does not a summer make! [/quote] Not trying to be contrary but it's got me thinking of Ab tunes now. Isn't 'Cotton Tail' a rhythm changes in Ab? And on a completely unrelated 'I love' moment I love: 'A child is born', Thad Jones.
  11. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='199739' date='May 15 2008, 04:41 PM']He took over the bass chair from Tom Barney in Steely Dan and, as someone has also said, plays in the Donald Fagen band and features quite heavily on the Morph The Cat album. FWIW, Freddie Washington and Keith Carlock on Drums are a [b]MONSTER [/b] rhythm section IMHO. They each always employ the principle that their playing should serve the song and[b] NOT[/b] the other way around.[/quote] +infinity Which is why I love them both, together and seperately.
  12. Welcome nevernever, You will find lots of people here who can help to keep the feeling of your epiphany going. Jake PS I can't help but want to pronounce your name as Nevern Ever
  13. [quote name='OldGit' post='197429' date='May 12 2008, 07:37 PM']Ha ha Where abouts? I'll sneak around and erect a blue plaque [/quote] Albany Rd. Whats the blue plaque for? Services to disagreement
  14. [quote name='OldGit' post='197364' date='May 12 2008, 06:23 PM']Hello from Roath! Welcome[/quote] I was born and raised in Roath. Welcome
  15. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='197405' date='May 12 2008, 07:16 PM']but they all seem to be about the same price.[/quote] Which is how much? BTW
  16. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='197141' date='May 12 2008, 01:43 PM']The nob-head who dances idiotically right in front of you taking the p155 with his brain dead mates watching on. I wish I could put my bass down and break that f*ckers legs. Winds me up every time[/quote] My Wife (who is a singer) was on a function gig in Yorkshire with an ex para in the band on saxophone, during a sax solo the best man who was very pissed and had been shouting abuse at the band since they started, came right up to Paul (the sax player) and shouted some nasty comment about his playing, without taking the sax from his mouth he hit the guy right on the chin and, as my wife tells it, she "turned to see the best man skidding backwards across the dancefloor on his arse about ten feet, and then collapsing unconcious, backwards". I soo wish I'd been on that gig.
  17. Transiting through Mumbai airport with a double bass (in a flight case of course). Done it three times and been bribed "or leave your bass here" every time.
  18. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='196760' date='May 11 2008, 10:20 PM']I dont burden you with my personal problems so why should you burden me with yours. You may get to like it when you grow up, you may not. Thats your problem.[/quote] Ferret we have locked horns a few times, but I laughed out loud when I read that one.
  19. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='196706' date='May 11 2008, 09:10 PM']I play this at every gig and don't understand a word of the above lol sounds good, though I doubt I play it correct, I have my "own" versions of most songs ( for "own" read simplified )[/quote] as long as you understand the sound the words don't matter, or are optional. Jake
  20. Funk is actually an adjective and not strictly accurate as a 'music' although it has come to be accepted as such. It was originally used to describe something that had a certain indescribable feeling, the word is in fact a description of dirty and smelly. Many types of music can be funky. I find it slightly surprising that the depth of feeling in funky music is not appreciated by all bass players.
  21. The best Groove of theirs for me is 'Thats the way, I like it' Lovely lock with the bass drum, the bass plays two semi quavers after the bass drum on the second and third semi quavers of beat three while the bass drum has just played the first and fourth of the prvious beat. Great Groove!!
  22. I've got one from (I think) earlier that year S No starts S73 It's a lovely bass speaks easily and clearly, low action with no buzz and a killer sound, not too heavy either. I agree with others though that buying without trying is very risky. I had hours in a shop with mine. Although I suppose you could always get what you paid for it, but adding import tax does make it a bit pricey, Hell I think a lot pricey I think it's stupid the way they have risen. I paid £400 for mine.
  23. Well folks I started this thread back in December really glad to see it's still going strong, the tune that spurred me to starting it was Never die young by James Taylor with Lee Sklar on bass, I've just been listening to a later, live version on youtube where I have to say that the bass (this time Jimmy Johnson) is about as good as it gets, musicality, strength, devastating time, taste, poise, placement, interest... all things that just do it for me in the biggest way. So here it is, I hope some of you enjoy it as much as I do: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXRUasAWKCw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXRUasAWKCw[/url] Jake
  24. [quote name='Gwilym' post='196214' date='May 10 2008, 08:29 PM']when I learned the DB, I was taught to use all 4 fingers (based on my teacher's studies with Gary Karr), rather than the standard (Simandl?) technique. the idea being, why waste the use of a finger? in practice, on both BG and DB, I'll use all four fingers when the need arises, and adopt a more traditional double bass technique when i want to be physically more economical.[/quote] I think your post answers itself, very few people in the world have the kind of advanced approach that Gary Karr has, maybe thats why he's one of the worlds most respected soloists, neither would they have the quality of instrument (designed for him I believe). I'm certainly not opposed to aiming high where standards are concerned but the convention of using 1 2 4 is primarily a practical one based on the stop size at the nut end of the fingerboard and the relative strengths across the fingers, and indeed variations are available in the approach to thumb position I would happily use my third finger on an F or F# on the G string. While I am interested to hear your experience I think for balance when considering the points that have been raised in this thread (which is about BG BTW) its worth hearing all the available information where technique is concerned as to simply state as you have that hundreds of years of convention can be thrown out on the say so of one of historys' greatest players leaves quite a gulf of possible understanding between that and the everyday concerns of regular bass players.
  25. Hi Wooks, I had fellow BC'er Rainbass round here for a lesson last Saturday and we were able to find a very comfortable seated position for him with a Stagg. I would suggest sending him a PM (he'll be happy to help) to speak directly about how it was for him. Jake
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