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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. Welcome to the world Terry, you will find that attitude quite a bit from luthiers. In my experience they are all pretty busy so want to work on the higher spec instruments, presumably for more money. There is the sound post in Guildford he may give you the same answer as Malcolm, and my favourite Roger Dawson over in Greenwich and a few others around London. What is the instrument? is it new? requiring a first set up? PM if you want some numbers Jake
  2. [quote name='pop monkey' post='192046' date='May 5 2008, 09:03 AM']I think it would be a good idea for me too have a few lessons to see if i can get a feel for the DB. cheers[/quote] Where are you based?
  3. [quote name='chardbass' post='192165' date='May 5 2008, 12:12 PM']Not mad at all- it's a case of feeling the (quaver) triplet, but unless you bring out the odd swung quaver in the line it would sound like a straight feel.[/quote] Have to say I disagree, in fact with any metronomic pulse I can play minims (2 feel) and make the metronome sound like it's swinging.
  4. [quote name='Shaker' post='191548' date='May 4 2008, 12:58 PM']Black nylon DB strings. Been on my bass for 72 hours...didn't work for me. Free to a good home. Shaker[/quote] I'd be happy to give tham a try Shaker. What do you want for the postage? Jake
  5. [quote name='BassManKev' post='191507' date='May 4 2008, 11:55 AM']a nice isp error session just happened for me[/quote] me too
  6. [quote name='Clarky' post='185615' date='Apr 25 2008, 10:16 PM']Many of the albums/tracks mentioned and +1 zillion for Jamerson on What's Going On but add (taking in some varied genres ): Space Ritual - Hawkwind (Lemmy pre Motorhead holds bunch of stoned hippies together fabulously) PIL - Metal Box (Jah Wobble's fabulous punk-dub fusion) Bill Evans trio - Waltz for Debbie (simply the most mnd-blowing and ahead-of-its-time jazz double bass playing ever by Scott Lafaro) I have wide musical tastes even though I play in a noisy punk band![/quote] +1 for Scott LaFaro, a tragic premature death, all the Bill Evans trio albums with him and Paul Motian are astounding and as you say years ahead of their time. Talk about interplay!!!
  7. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='191329' date='May 3 2008, 07:33 PM']Not for everyone. I'm a J man, but far from intellectual.[/quote] We all know you like to beat your er.... chest and wear a wolfskin. But underneath you are a left bank, smoky, black and white film, goatee sporting, beret wearing garlic loving philosopher with all the associated sophistication that goes with it.
  8. What Bassace said pretty much covers it at the level you're wanting. Nothing to add.
  9. I've worked in many pits and my experience of theatre sound techs has never been great. I am a bit stubborn (especially on DB) and get the sound I want near me and say to them "what you get out there is up to you, if it sounds sh*t it's your fault" You've got enough on your plate trying to follow the guy waving that f***ing stick and paying more attention to the girly dancers than the band
  10. [quote name='pop monkey' post='191076' date='May 3 2008, 09:25 AM']Hi all. I so want too play the double bass BUT have a small hand span. I've been looking at EUBs as a start point with a veiw to getting a 3/4 size DB and a bigger car ..........any advice would be welcome pop monkey[/quote] Hi, having a small hand span should not serve as any kind of bar to playing DB even within the standard sizes of basses 1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 4/4 there are wide variations in stop size (the distance between notes) Its just a question of finding the right sized instrument for you. Ironically you will encounter more uniformity of size in the string and stop length on EUB as they are a relatively modern invention and are more likely to conform to similar accepted scales (not musical scales you realise ) BTW it's possible to get a DB in a mini. Jake
  11. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='190822' date='May 2 2008, 07:56 PM']yes sorry, should have been clearer. i didn't mean literally ring finger [i]on top[/i] of pinky, just running behind (but slightly higher) for support. which is the way i was shown when i had 2 or 3 double bass lessons around 6/7 years ago. [/quote] Ah I see! Yes no probs with ring for support. [quote name='Gloria stits' post='191039' date='May 3 2008, 07:28 AM']On the subject of one finger per fret rule. I use my ring finger for about 5% of my fretwork. It's a small hand thing. Anybody do the the same or any opinions of making the ring finger mostly redundant?[/quote] I would think 5% is a bit low and will result in a weaker finger so if I were your teacher I would encourage you to use it a bit more just for strength, but when it comes to being able to reach a note I would suggest simply doing what is comfortable and work out your own ways to achieve the more difficult things. Therefore its not a big worry. Jake
  12. I voted J cos I've got one, but I want a P too. It depends on the gig, and if I'm recording then what the song requires, I can get a very convincing P sound from my Alembic (waits for the cries of heresy) but the J is a little harder to emulate. Does that mean it has a more individual sound?!?!?!? can of worms ..... Spill.....
  13. [quote name='Mikey D' post='190770' date='May 2 2008, 06:13 PM']Exactly, but i think the point is having what is seen as basically a simple rock groove in 4 on the drum machine, while walking along. I know any of my tutors would have words of advice for me if that is how I practiced.[/quote] ah yes Mikey, didn't read the op thoroughly. Cheers Jake
  14. If I put a metronome on a back beat and play walking bass with it, it sounds like it's (the metronome) swinging, so I know exactly what you're talking about. No you are not mad.
  15. Never used either myself, once knew a guy who travelled in to town from Luton on the train he had a wheel and seemed quite happy with it. For me I would worry about jolts for the soundpost, and as you say not really being able to stop or stand it in a corner would be a big minus. The trollies do look great, I had a look at one in a shop in Guildford, but that's a lot of money to spend on your arse IMO. At least you get to sit down on the gig though (you'll need it after public transport with a DB)
  16. The hardest tunes I played are numbers five and six on my myspace page. It was my first album session, which made it 'the hardest'. I dare say I've played trickier parts since but the fact that this was recorded FOR EVER makes it feel 'hardest' in relative terms
  17. And he also wrote quite a bit of their material. A very talented guy. He is also a lovely guitar player.
  18. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='190042' date='May 1 2008, 09:37 PM']I believe the owner is also the UK distributor for Alembic and he's a collector himself. He also said he was the UK distributor for Lakland but that doesn't tie up with what Lakland have on their site - mind you, I did meet him a couple of years ago.[/quote] Indeed, I spoke to them about the possibility of a series II fretless, but at 11K I may have to wait for my recent pop session (with royalty) to sell 10 million copies in America. I should have it by the age of 768.
  19. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='189798' date='May 1 2008, 03:49 PM']jakesbass, next time you visit drop me a PM. You owe me a beer.[/quote] you mean you owe me a beer! Or has your live career disintigrated already?
  20. [quote name='P-T-P' post='189762' date='May 1 2008, 02:44 PM']Even having learned the theory behind the naming of notes, unless I'm thinking in terms of the key of the song, my first instinct is to say F# ahead of Gb, G# ahead of Ab, Bb ahead of A#, C# ahead of Db and Eb ahead of D#.[/quote] Thats interesting, having grown up playing with saxomophones (plumbing to the uninitiated) I err towards the flat keys.
  21. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='189756' date='May 1 2008, 02:33 PM']I played a beautiful 5-string Wal at Cranes in Cardiff not long after it opened. I am not sure but I think Paul Hillman bought it in the end (he had one anyway). It was a blinding bass but I didn't have £1,500 at the time (still don't for that matter!). Paul was an OK player - what's he doing now? Dreadful to say it but I can't remember where Livewire was.... I recall Gamlins and Gwent Music and, of course, Cranes but where was Livewire?[/quote] Pen-y-Lan Rd in roath just off Albany Rd. They also sold Alembics. My mate Neil worked (woodwind repair) in Gamlins I bought my Warwik thumb 5 in Gwent Music Don't know Paul Hillman.
  22. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='189743' date='May 1 2008, 02:18 PM']Only ever played one once (1988) and wasn't impressed - not that there was anything inherently wrong with it, it just didn't float my boat. I may have missed something as I lacked the experience I have now and, not knowing what I didn't know, would have probably missed an opportunity to explore a deeply respected instrument. Reputations like Alembic's (and Wal's) are not built in a day. They take many years to develop. What I will say is that many of the classic Alembics (not the cheap one like the Epics etc) look stunning. Take a look at their archive of custom models. [url="http://www.alembic.com/info/fcvault.html"]http://www.alembic.com/info/fcvault.html[/url][/quote] I bought 2 custom Wals from Livewire in Cardiff in the 80s, they were lovely. Sold them both at what would be a bargain in todays market.
  23. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='189737' date='May 1 2008, 02:11 PM']This: [url="http://www.psst.co.uk/americanguitars/bass.htm"]http://www.psst.co.uk/americanguitars/bass.htm[/url] is my local music shop and about 2 mins walk from my house. Amazingly, I have yet to try an Alembic, even though they have a wall full of them. The batteries put me off.[/quote] I have visited that shop a number of times BBC they have some really nice instruments. I think they have a used series II. give it a try it's very playable.
  24. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='188507' date='Apr 29 2008, 10:49 PM']If anyone go plays one thinking its going to be like a Stingray or Pre CBS fender then they're guaranteed to be disappointed. However, when its the #1 recording bass for sessions in Nashville, its difficult to argue with that too.[/quote] Absolutely re Nashville, when it comes to tone tho, I was playing along to some Bob Marley the other day and recorded (as I often do) I got a surprisingly convincing tone, so they do dull thud as well as hifi.
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