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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='170647' date='Apr 6 2008, 12:28 PM']Calm down folks - it's only a piece of music we're talking about.. There's a lot worse stuff happening in the world for us to get heated about.. Look at this awful, awful stuff going on with China & Tibet or Zimbabwe! This is just a difference of opinion about music, so let's just keep it at that. [/quote] point taken Nik, as it happens I'm not heated, I just tend to say when I think something's unfair. Apologies to anyone whose sentiments are more delicate than mine (which is most people)
  2. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='170612' date='Apr 6 2008, 11:16 AM']I've deleted it off my sky box and the HD rerun last night didn't work so I can't give you chapter and verse. All I know is that rhythmically it was a mess and did not get tight until the last verse. I guess some people have got rhtyhm and some have not.[/quote] If you want to, you can hear it again on iplayer. but I have the feeling you will decline because you apparently lack the analytical skills and decency to back up your mud slinging. And I would guess that you can't give me chapter and verse, because you can't give me chapter and verse.
  3. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='170600' date='Apr 6 2008, 10:49 AM']Cant recall Jamerson every playing out of time though, so busy with his chops he lost the beat. The funk brothers were always tighter than a gnats chuff.[/quote] Thats absolutely true [quote name='bass_ferret' post='170600' date='Apr 6 2008, 10:49 AM']If you blokes cant here Estelle bass losing the beat then I glad I dont have to play with you.[/quote] thats complete bollox
  4. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='170590' date='Apr 6 2008, 10:33 AM']The band did not hold it together - they were out of time as in not all playing to the same beat.[/quote] I've just listened again, and I cannot for the life of me understand why you keep repeating that opinion, they were a bit loose in the rap, other than that it [i]was [/i] busy, but the notes were evenly spaced there was no speeding or slowing by any band member, the tempo was maintained throughout, the backbeat was rigidly on the click (there was a click) therefore whatever they had on track was never out of time with what they played (or rather the other way around) A few people have made that assertion, but no-one has substantiated the claim with any descriptive evidence. As i said in an earlier post I am (whilst trying not to pontificate) reasonably experienced both professionally and in education and I can find very little evidence of what is being suggested. If people don't like it fine, but don't make sh*t up about people if you cannot substantiate the claim.
  5. [quote name='Bassassin' post='170374' date='Apr 5 2008, 06:41 PM']As far as your second point's concerned - that's an interesting discussion in itself. I think my perspective would be that the [i]song[/i] is the music, and it's the playing which makes or breaks the song. Using the show's examples, the Only Ones performed their own material badly - reducing songs which are regarded by some as classics of their era to cringeworthy rubbish. Estelle's bassist arguably compromised his singer & band's performance with unnecessary & inappropriate showboating.[/quote] It is indeed an interesting discussion, and further, can be drawn along lines of, not only that the playing can make or break the song, as you say (and I agree). But is the personality intrinsically linked with what is produced? Eg. does a horrible person play horribly? does a selfish person, just play for themselves? Do guitarists egos [i]always[/i] occupy 4/5ths of the stage ? There are some really notable examples of this (not that I'm sure I have proof either way) Apparently both Ben Webster and Stan Getz were really nasty guys, Jamerson was at least violent and was a lot of the time armed, Keith Jarrett is a phenomenal talent but a truly objectionable, obnoxious human being. Thoughts anyone, or is this for another thread. Jake
  6. Welcome Alan, I notice you have a MK sig Alembic. Me too, its an 07 MK5 deluxe, and by far the best bass I've played. I'm sure you'll enjoy basschat, some really nice folk here. Jake
  7. the bit that really works for me is 2:25 to 3:23, Its just very groovy and very musical.
  8. [quote name='Bassassin' post='170260' date='Apr 5 2008, 02:14 PM']It's funny, but I suppose understandable, that on a muso forum like this one, the interest & debate concerns the [i]playing[/i] rather than the [i]music[/i] - Jon.[/quote] Surely you agree that specialists are entitled to discuss specifics, on a site for specialists, its not like we are asking the public to read through reams of basschattery. The only other thing I would say is that the playing [i]is[/i] the music.
  9. [quote name='MissPenguin' post='169702' date='Apr 4 2008, 11:34 AM']This is turning in to a very useful thread it seems. I will have to apply this to what i learn next.. And relearn, as i failed my grade 5 theory by 4 marks.[/quote] The only really good thing about grade five theory (apart from just learning, which is always good) is that it means you can go on to higher grades on your instrument, so don't worry about it too much you will get it
  10. [quote name='SJA' post='170218' date='Apr 5 2008, 12:47 PM']I thought for a moment that it was Jools playing piano with James Taylor, and he was playing surprisingly tastefully for a change, but I was mistaken.[/quote] Nah that would be Larry Goldings, one of the celebrated jazz pianist/organists of the modern era. Which should go to show that jazz players can do other things, usually very well. He is indeed a very tasteful player.
  11. [quote name='greyparrot' post='170200' date='Apr 5 2008, 12:14 PM']we do miitary bases they are really cool gigs i think! www.bsharpduo.co.uk[/quote] I agree, I've done loads, and they have always been, friendly, well organised, good audiences, offering hot food, somewhere to change etc etc. Bit shocking once doing Yeovilton, the communications went quiet prior to the gig, then when they eventually got in touch they explained that the original organiser had been killed in Iraq. The party went ahead and I learned that those people have to take that in their stride. I can't tell you how much that makes me hold them in the highest esteem.
  12. thats going to take some beating, being filmed vomiting onstage, Respect.
  13. Not the same thing but I've got a pair of Behringer reference monitors. They are not the best on the market but sound really good for the money.
  14. Drove the 240 miles to Linton-on-Ouse RAF base in Yorkshire, to play for them as part of their 90th anniversary celebrations (a ladies night) being intelligent types they got our toungue in cheek, witty humour and loved us, so a good night was had by all (after the 4hr drive back I still managed to join head with pillow by 2:30am As a big plus point I met a fellow BCer on the way Peteb, who seems like a nice chap, he bought my SWR Goliath II, he's using it tonight. Hope it goes well Pete Jake
  15. I once did a summer season with 'Elvis' Clayton. in a holiday camp in North Wales. I kind of enjoyed it a bit, but the guy took it way too seriously. Although 50 quid a gig when still in college back in 1989 wasn't bad.
  16. He is a virtuoso no doubt. A friend lent me his dvd, I was very impressed but would not really go out of my way to put it on.
  17. [quote name='greyparrot' post='169517' date='Apr 3 2008, 11:01 PM']Whoops ..............my appology to you.[/quote] no probs at all
  18. I don't wish to stop this but the OP was about party pieces, and seeing as how there are some more people posting than earlier. What do our current crop of posters use as party pieces?
  19. [quote name='greyparrot' post='169460' date='Apr 3 2008, 09:34 PM']all due respect i dont think there are any exeptions, music is music and the punter has the choice to stay or go, and unless a guy is going mad on his bass, i think the odd flash bass part is as good as the 22 guitar solos in a gig!![/quote] due respect accepted, but I think you've missed my point. The exception I was refering to means that I agree with you.
  20. [quote name='greyparrot' post='169455' date='Apr 3 2008, 09:23 PM']Have you ever seen level 42 live? at the end of a gig the crowd beg for his flashy bass solos, and tell me, is it him being flash, or him giving the crowd what they want? to see a master play his instrument! even if he is flash, who cares, its great!! I think its not what is played, but the intention and energy that the guy playing is delivering his bit, and people can sense if your being flash, or doing it to entertain. People in my experiance do care, and appriciate good playing, and when you see everyone having a great time, we are doing our job. Thats the way i see it.[/quote] this is an obvious exception, re: my earlier post.
  21. [quote name='lowdown' post='169399' date='Apr 3 2008, 08:06 PM']I Think the first Commandment of Bass is Listen....Full Stop.![/quote] And the rest of the band for that matter.
  22. [quote name='steve-soar' post='169386' date='Apr 3 2008, 07:56 PM']Estelle's band totally over played, totally. I went to see India Ari thinking that the gig would be better than the albums but the same thing happened, completely devoid of groove too many fills, too flashy, no groove, and she had shaved her head.[/quote] I'm sad to say I felt the same thing was true of a Stevie Wonder live thing I heard recently, and until then I'd always felt his band avoided it. Some of the Live Stevie stuff grooves so well.
  23. Its a rule I agree with myself and try and abide by, but the guy has good time and to me thats recognisable whether I like it or not (which as I've said I don't, much) I credit him with that ability. And the reason I'm carrying this on is that I feel its very easy to snipe from a forum, the guy got the gig and he's doing a job. So credit where credits due... no?
  24. [quote name='Linus27' post='169331' date='Apr 3 2008, 06:25 PM']If you really are not sure about the move then a Stagg is an ideal instrument to get. For just over a couple of hundred pounds you get an excellent EUB to start out on and if its not for you, then your easily sell it. If you love EUB then it will stand you in good sted until you fancy an upgrade.[/quote] +1 a really good starter at a very reasonable cost.
  25. I agreed in earlier posts that he overplayed, what I thought was a little unfair was your "f*** all groove" comment.
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