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Everything posted by jakenewmanbass

  1. A great Festival, and a little story about it. Many years ago (about ten) I was on the road with a blues band touring Ireland and the UK. One of the gigs was at the Farnham Maltings, at the time I lived in Manchester and having been on the road for two weeks was missing my missus and new son (he's now 11 and has brother and sister) we got to the gig set up and soundchecked and off to the digs to shower etc for the gig, walking back down the road to the gig I walked through Farnham and thought to myself "what a nice place to raise a family" Do the gig, go home and think no more about it. Spin forward 8years and I'm planning a move with the whole family as most of my gigs are now in or around London and we fly regularly from Heathrow for foreign gigs. My cousin helped us find a house in Aldershot a little cheaper than surrounding areas due to being a little scruffier and the Army association, but coming from North East Manchester it feels like a relative idyll to me. Shortly after moving down my cousin says to me "come on I'll show you the area" knowing I'm into music and playing he says I'll drive you past one of our local venues, I say "great" and off we set. I had no idea where we were going then things all of a sudden start to feel familiar, we turn a corner not 2 miles from my new house and f*** me theres the Farnham Maltings. Me..... Smug.... hope it wasn't too boring for you
  2. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='151827' date='Mar 5 2008, 05:20 PM']'Techno' by John Scofield (Darryl 'The Munch' Jones on bass) Bb Bb Ab Ab F F Ab Ab Db Db Db Db (sixteenths at around 140 bpm). I can play 'Donna Lee' but I can't play that single repeating bar evenly! (its the opening line so you could probably hear it on Amazon for free!)[/quote] spectacular isn't it, one of my favourite Schofield albums.
  3. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='149246' date='Mar 1 2008, 12:28 AM']I'm amazed at how delicately he caresses his upright bass. Every upright bass I've tried has neede to be fought within an inch of its life to get anything remotely responsive from it...[/quote] Hi Crazy, yes a light touch, it is a very nice instrument. Mine plays quite easy (not as easy as his I suspect) and I may if I can get it (and me) there, bring it to the bass bash, if you're going you're welcome to try it Jake
  4. [quote name='Steve Lawson' post='149243' date='Mar 1 2008, 12:19 AM']John's recorded output changed hugely in the mid 90s, starting with One More Angel, which is an incredible album. Everything he's put out since then has been worth owning, and his latest album, Line By Line, is outstanding. One of my favourite jazz albums of recent years. He's definitely grown a long way from his Electrik Band beginnings - seems working with Wayne Shorter and John Scofield has taken his compositional skills to a whole new level. Steve www.stevelawson.net[/quote] Thanks Steve, I will check some of those recordings out and I agree he has grown, he was always a great player IMO but now he is a much fuller proposition altogether. Jake
  5. Hold your bass in your normal playing position and think hard about how it feels, really concentrate and see if you can feel any points where there is strain, pressure or pain. If you manage to locate them look in a mirror (with bass in hands) and see if you can see why its hurting, adjust the position of your bass until those pressures are relieved. Now this bit is [i]really[/i] serious: It will be easier to adjust to a different playing position now (however much of a ballache it seems) than to recover from the damage you could do to muscles, tendons, nerves etc Jake
  6. [quote name='Jase' post='151014' date='Mar 4 2008, 01:52 PM']Here ya go [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MBgEM5mHms"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MBgEM5mHms[/url][/quote] I'm sorry if this is a highly contended issue but I to fail recognise that clip as either music or bass playing. And I've been known to listen to some weird sh*t. Jake
  7. [quote name='TheRinser' post='150953' date='Mar 4 2008, 12:20 PM']Hey Jake, Ah cool, I'l try to give the tunes a listen when I finish work. Would definitely be up for coming to see you play, but I'm back home for a week from this thursday, so I might have to postpone that, and the lessons too... What dates are you up for? And are you taking everything there and back every day of the recording? If me and James were gonna both get a lesson (I've just txted him the prices you PMed, will let you know asap) I would probably be up for driving down to you and splitting petrol costs with him. Let me know what dates you're recording and I'll work out when I'm about, do you gig much around London? Would be keen to come see you play Cheers, Tom[/quote] Hi Tom, I gig in London fairly regularly although not all of them are public gigs (lots of corporates and parties etc) I think it would probably work out a little cheaper for you guys to split costs and come here. There are 5 days together in the studio 17-21 march so if their security is sufficient I may lock it up there, which would mean I could come to you at no extra cost. all the other days are one offs so it would probably be a bit difficult to squeeze you in. I will have a look at my diary for potential gigs you could come to. I often play at the Bedford in Balham and the Distillers in Hammersmith, there's bound to be something soon. Jake
  8. [quote name='TheRinser' post='150370' date='Mar 3 2008, 03:46 PM']Hey Jake, Encouraging stuff, glad to hear it's not too different feel-wise from the real thing. The Dairy's a cool studio, recorded there late last year... Who are you recording with, if you don't mind me asking? Anything to do with Brown Punk? Could you PM me prices for lessons (unless you don't mind posting them up here). Me and my flatmate were thinking of maybe getting an hour between us... Depending on price... How are you getting to and from the studio? We're about a 30 second walk from Tooting Broadway Tube station, if you're going by tube. Cheers, Tom[/quote] Hi Tom, I'm in there with Brio Taliafero (producer) preparing for an album with a singer songwriter I work with, she's managed by 365 Artists her name is Yamit Mamo, She's great, I have a gig at the Cobden Club with her next week (tues 11th), if you fancied it I could put your name down on the guest list, it is £5 though as it a members club, I'll be playing double and electric on that one. Getting to the studio?..I'll be driving sadly, two electrics, one double and a flightcased pre amp to carry. I'll PM you about possible times and prices for a lesson. Doing two at once should be fine although probably a little longer (maybe 1 1/2 - 2 hrs) as I would need to do anlysis of both of you and spend a little time on individual points. Jake
  9. 'Sittin on the the Dock of the Bay' Otis Redding 'Summer Soft' Stevie 'Get Here' Oleta Adams 'You've got a Friend' James Taylor 'So Amazing' Luther Vandross 'Sweet Love' Anita Baker 'Sexual Healing' Marvin Gaye 'Lets Get it On' MG 'Whats Goin On' MG 'Home' Michael' Buble 'Still Crazy' Ray Charles version (Paul Simon originally) 'Walk on By' (?) 'Fields of Gold' Sting 'Three Times a Lady' The Commodores 'Endless Love' Diana Ross 'Nights Over Egypt' The Jones Girls 'The Closer I Get to You' Donny Hathaway & Roberta Flack Thats not far off an hour Good luck Jake
  10. I think eye contact with a drummer is important, and if possible a view of everyone else too. So on the drummers hi-hat side is a good idea as they tend to look to that side (depending whether left or right handed obviously) Jake
  11. Hi Mark, I'm also in Aldershot, welcome to the board, lots of good stuff on here and loads of nice people too. Enjoy. Jake
  12. [quote name='crez5150' post='150034' date='Mar 2 2008, 10:31 PM']Yeah they're not actually Beyer..... just badged K&M stands.... if you want decent stands that will last years and get decent replacement parts... buy K&M... just be prepared to spend a bit of cash!!![/quote] good to know thanks
  13. Beyer, better than anything else I've used, but I haven't used them all so there might be better.
  14. [quote name='TheRinser' post='149657' date='Mar 2 2008, 12:30 AM']Hmm, definitely need to sort out a lesson with you soon Jake! how did you find the eub? how different did it feel to a proper double bass? Cheers, Tom[/quote] Hi Tom, I found the only difficulty was the lack of an actual body of the instrument as I'm used to positioning myself in contact with the rib/corner of the back, this was not a problem for Linus27 though as he was used to holding the instrument and his posture was fine. Other than that in terms of playability and technical approach it is a double bass, which is what I was trained on, so all the things I was taught, and have learned as a player apply I did do a gig on an eub once, I had to borrow one in a hurry as I got the Isle of white, took the bass out of the van (where it lived, it was a piece of crap) and the neck had snapped off. The bass I borrowed was an NS and I could angle the neck and it was on a tripod stand, so that was in the same position as a double bass. I do think that eubs are great, they have a sound that is a lovely middle ground between the two instruments and in the right context are just as good as either. I am considering one, I work for two bands where it would fit in nicely. Any time for a lesson Tom (although March is pretty busy for me) and in one or two lessons I can give you enough to work on for a number of weeks. I notice you're in Tooting, I have some sessions at The Dairy in Brixton in March (about 6-8 days) so we might be able to sort something with me coming to you, but whenever you're ready. Jake
  15. [quote name='coasterbass' post='149495' date='Mar 1 2008, 04:03 PM']Hi, We've got a wedding gig booked for the IOW later this year, and I was thinking about getting us a pub/bar gig whilst we're over there. Does anyone know of any bars or pubs that might be interested in booking a rock/pop covers band for a nights entertainment? Cheers[/quote] there are a couple of holiday camp type places that might be interested in a band, I stayed at one once when I was playing at a festival there, there was a social club for the residents (think holiday version of a WMC) The one we were in was in Yarmouth (can't remember the name sorry) if you google it you'll probably find summat. Jake Edit: just remembered there are also lots of sailing clubs in Cowes some of them put music on sometimes.
  16. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='149347' date='Mar 1 2008, 09:54 AM']After 50 odd years there is still only one SM58. You can buy a cheapo copy but an SM58 is for life. You can get them now for about £70 and I really cant see the point in getting anything else.[/quote] +1
  17. I saw a bit of it, they are the new generation of cut down basses that are used by people on the road. If you've ever flown with a Double Bass as I have, you'll understand why they exist. Some of them are really great sounding and that particular one fits in a cello case, you can also get a fold up version. One day I will write a thread telling the stories of the joys passing through third world countries carrying thousands of pounds worth of gear in a huge conspicuous white box. The fun never starts!! Jake
  18. Just a quick bump for this as I gave a lesson to a BC'er today and I think he (Linus27) had as much fun as I did. check his comments here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6749&pid=149176&st=80&#entry149176"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry149176[/url] Jake
  19. Thanks so much for the recommendation its really appreciated, And yes I found it fine to do the lesson for EUB despite being an upright player myself. Thanks again, see you in a couple of weeks Jake PS I do bass guitar lessons too
  20. [quote name='ednaplate' post='148573' date='Feb 28 2008, 07:31 PM']Unfortunately in contract law a verbal agreement does NOT amount to a contract in English civil law (although it IS in France should anyone ever gig there) and is therefore unenforceable and you are unlikely to be able to claim compensation. It is a while since I studied contract law in any detail but Im not aware of any changes and I'm happy to be corrected if anyone knows any different. Basically, get it in writing![/quote] Getting it in writing is obviously the thing to do, although I have had experience of getting paid with a threat of legal action where no written agreement existed, and in committee meetings at the musicians union was assured many times by the secretary that written is not necessary. I do not know the detail on the law in this regard but I do know that the small claims court will entertain a case if reasonable evidence is presented (see my earlier post). About four years ago, a band I worked for had a booking for new years eve in a large hotel the fee was £3500. subsequent to booking us, without written confirmation to us or the agent, the organiser (a junior manager) engaged a local band for £1800. Both ourselves and the agent advised her that she should not have done this and we asserted that she ought to pay off the cheaper band and have us (value for money, if you're going to spend it anyway) She told the agent on the phone that as contracts had not been issued that "a verbal agreement is not worth the paper its written on" the agent recorded this and all other conversations in a day book, and told her that we intended to pursue a claim for breach (we [i]had[/i] turned other work down) after several letters and phone calls from the MU, and an assurance from them to us that in the small claims court we would win, the hotel paid up (about 9 months later) so I got my money less expenses (£600) ouch for them, I reckon she probably got sacked. Jake
  21. I listened to John Patitucci in the early 90s with Chick Coreas Elektric band and while I was dazzled by the chops and ability I was always left cold by the content and how flash it all was, and I never really aspired to play like that. Given what I've just said I've just checked out his MySpace and watched a video which I thought was very grounded and contained much of the content that I thought was missing when I heard him first. Give it a look I think there is some really good advice there. [url="http://www.myspace.com/johnpatitucci"]http://www.myspace.com/johnpatitucci[/url]
  22. Got a gig at this great venue its a £5 guest list (members club, so name must be down) Its an eight piece band with Steve Young (Darren Hayes) on guitar I'll be playing Double and Electric If you're interested PM me and I'll put your name down You can check some of Yamits material here: [url="http://www.myspace.com/yamitmamomusic"]http://www.myspace.com/yamitmamomusic[/url] or check my sig for my MySpace Jake
  23. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='148024' date='Feb 27 2008, 06:44 PM']Roadkill! Pick em up on the way. If there is not enough elevation go for badgers.[/quote] recycling... good man!
  24. The Greenhouse, Didsbury Rd Stockport has a very large space for exactly that purpose, and I believe Mark (the owner) has opened up another place, G2 i think, not far from Every St in Ancoats (close to town centre) I'm sure they'll have a website. Mark is a decent guy and lots of big signed acts have used the facilities. I have too and they are good IMO. Jake If you have problems finding it let me PM me, I'd be able to get a number easily enough
  25. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='147870' date='Feb 27 2008, 02:52 PM']I think the Double Bass is a wonderful instrument and my one regret in life will always be that I never got a chance to nail it (I had one for a couple of years in the late nineties but it coincided with a bad case of CTS and I had to put it down for good). My beef is not with people who legitmiately choose the double bass as their instrument of choice in a given ensemble. I just get narked when good players lose out on good gigs to people who can't play very well but own a double bass! I am also disappointed that more electric bass players (myself included) dont' get to do more 'serious' music because the electric players tend to only get called for pop/funk/jazz hybrids rather than creative contemporary improvised music. I slightly resent the fact that, as an electric player, I seem to have to spend my career continually playing repetitive lines and not the more creative, organic alternatives that are often allowed the double bass (RSI on top of CTS - ouch!)?[/quote] fair comment
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