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Everything posted by rubis

  1. An early 1964 Precision for me, preferably a blue one. I could never get away with spending that amount on a guitar so I made my own, as close to spec as I could get it. I've never played a real one so I couldn't say how close I got, but that's beside the point, I really enjoyed doing it and I love playing it.
  2. Yes it is, thanks A very nice neck
  3. If you can't find this bass, or you are looking to build on like it, Musikraft offer a round lam fingerboard option, I can highly recommend them
  4. Fabulous What a lovely thing to do
  5. In that case silver, the pearl might end up a bit too much
  6. Lovely is the word
  7. For what it's worth, I'm leaning more towards the 'warmer' pearl, but the silver looks more 'defined' Maybe you could go halfway and add a smidge of amber into the clear coat as a sort of ageing/warming process
  8. Very nice, great name for a bass as well
  9. i think with some, Superior Drummer 3, possibly, you can make such tweaks, i think there might be some feature to change the leading hand, if that's what you mean?
  10. What a beautiful thing
  11. Thanks Mcgiver69 I just got their IR loader and the Vox IR's to use with the free NAM vst. It all works very nicely
  12. Another nice freebie from the Bedroom Producer's Blog, the Waves Kramer HLS , a Helios channel strip, but again, it's only available for 48 hours https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/01/27/waves-kramer-hls-channel-free/
  13. Waves Non Linear Summer is free for a short period Its best to get it via Bedroom Producer's Blog
  14. This looks like a fantastic project, I'll be cheering on from the sidelines I am in the early, slow! stages of something similar myself, I saw this bloke from Big D guitars do on Youtube. He uses brocade which has a silver or gold metallic looking thread to give the paisley pattern, I'm going for a darkish blue and silver on a 5 string P or PJ
  15. Plugin Boutique have BFD3 for £36.95 at the moment, I have used it for years, there are some great add-ons, particularly the Gretsch kit, and it sounds awesome https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/64-Virtual-Instrument/848-BFD3
  16. Hi Chimike That looks awesome, the real thing You are a lucky man
  17. Ampeg PF20t with my DIY B15 cab and my YOB '64 P bass, this is still making me smile
  18. It is indeed beautiful i hope your problems are quickly solved and that one day soon we will all be drooling over a similarly beautiful replacement you have built yourself Love the place name by the way, where is Irthlingborough?
  19. The neck had an angled headstock so I lined the squarest end of the new board up with the mark left behind where the old fingerboard met the nut. It was oversized so after gluing I trimmed it roughly with a table top belt sander (I don't have a band saw) and then sanded it by hand to finish, it was a bit more controlled (but slower) doing it that way
  20. I removed one that way, it's a bit nervy and not something I'd care to do too often, but I had no other option, and it worked quite well I used a steam iron and got an old tea towel, damped it down and placed it on the fingerboard, then went from the body end towards the nut. I used new paint scrapers to start off, then as the glue heated up and the board began to separate, I used something a bit thicker to prise it apart and hold the gap open as I worked along the neck, an old wood chisel I think. Yellow Titebond is decent glue for your new finderboard, but do spend time getting the face of the neck properly prepared so that you get a good glue joint, there will be a fair bit of old glue residue left behind, and as it cools it will re-set best of luck mate
  21. Lovely Very tidy work, I should think two of those would be quite something
  22. I used to have a fretless Wal exactly like this 😥
  23. I have one too, nothing to criticise with it, real VFM
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