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Everything posted by stef030

  1. hah hah never used it,didnt even know what it was for,and only noticed it when you brought it to my attention about 30 secs ago sorry stef
  2. for me its a really old level 42 song foundation and empire,the live version, learned it wrong and its hard to change,still we will keep at it
  3. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1321559800' post='1440729'] According to all the photographic evidence, when I'm playing a root and octave, my middle finger sticks right up straight and it looks like I'm deliberately giving everyone the "finger" [/quote] hah hah guilty of the very same thing
  4. [i]only one word needed[/i] [i]stunning [/i]
  5. [i]it bites-you will never get to heaven[/i]
  6. for me it has to be it bites-thankyou and good night
  7. well done guy, let us know when the first gig is all the best cheers stef
  8. just catching up with some sky plus stuff, watching beverly knight soul sessions dam what a voice,always quite liked her but watching her live wow, great band as well,funky as hell, just doin apperntly nuthin,awsome oh and just from a visual point gee she is nice,
  9. go on make a old man happy bump
  10. did have a listen,really enjoyed the acoustic song,lovely chords,just nice
  11. thought I would give this a bump, bump
  12. I have a mim fender precision, rosewood neck,white scratchplate burgandy body color, it is in good condition, I am looking for another jazz,just cannot get on with this at all, there is some cash as well,but how much will depend on the trade, not very good at posting pictures,but can send some with either email or phone cheers stef
  13. cant believe that you had to resort to evilbay, I got the 5 stringer a few months ago,just a really nice bit of kit good luck with the sale
  14. lordy lordy lord, sanctify and then say I BELIEVE
  15. [quote name='mcgraham' timestamp='1318408224' post='1401612'] In principle, it's a great idea and something I've done this with people before. In practice, I'm not sure it's a great idea to have a sub-forum for it. To have a sub-forum could be seen as BC giving an implicit endorsement or guarantee that it's all safe and above board, which of course it doesn't and couldn't possibly do. I don't think BC should open itself up to that sort of liability on a forum-wide and ultimately world-wide level. Sure, any complaints raised as a result may not have any substance, but I don't think it's fair any complaints or issues should have to be fielded at all. [/quote] +1
  16. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1317488484' post='1391245'] Tell you what Ped. Don't envy you on this one. Was all done with good intentions on your part so hopefully guys will all be patient for a few more days. I think I'll wait a few weeks to let dust settle before ordering mine. Hope it all works out and you can relax a bit and not worry yourself so much. Cheers Dave [/quote] +1
  17. well its here, got the white one at 15 45 today, one down one to go, the white one looks nice, thanks ped stef
  18. hah well do not know whether my shirts were in the first or second batch but nothing yet, will keep looking cheers stef
  19. where in the country are you cheers stef
  20. ooooohhhhhhh dear,it bites and prog rock covers been there done that,almost feel confident enough after my break to have a go as I live in hastings may be a bit far,but love the music cheers stef
  21. not that experienced too in forum amounts being a old giffer and all, but it seems fine for me
  22. ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh suits you sir could be one of each,they do look nice
  23. well glad you found a good one, I have a mim precision,had it restrung,setup ect ect hate it with a vengance,been playing jazzes for years,also have a cirrus 5er just cannot get on with it at all, and when a gibbering old giffer like me learns how to post pictures I will put it back up for sale,or if my wife gives me anymore grief about it,I will have to take it to the back garden an give it a sound thrashing within a inch of its tone control, cheers stef
  24. really like this, just think I am perhaps a tad too old,oh and live 50 miles away still nice though
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