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Everything posted by stef030

  1. well once again the collective knowledge and advice on basschat come through,' after reading the comments the advice and generally having a look at myself everyone is right oh and so am I yes playing is not only a hobby but part of who I,WE are, playing live is just epic, I should not be so hard on myself and also so defeatist, the amount of times over the years people have said you are so lucky to be able to play a instrument,but we say thanks not really nowing how it feels not to play because we have always done it so in a way take it for granted,when there are so many people would love to be able to butcant or dont so in answer to all the comments made no I will not stop no I will not sell up yes I will look for something new,and keep looking give myself a good talking to lol so thanks for all the comments made it made a silly old git realise a few things cheers stef ps will keep posted on progress
  2. after playing in bands for a long time,everything from american rock,blues,originals,covers and almost everything inbetween, I took a long sabatical about ten or so years,didnt pickup oe touch a bass in all that time, although never losing my love of all types of music a couple of years ago I got my mojo back,started practicing ,playing ect got new gear,gk ect,got rid of all the old basses except the 69 jazz,got a overwater ect,went to a couple of auditions,jams ect,got on well, started playing with a covers band,that fell apart,and the same thing happened again,they was just not into practice ect, so maybe its me,or maybe I am just a rubbish judge of character,but I just sort of feel that why should I bother, I have always let my playing get me through,but its not enjoyable anymore,too many people just seem to be full of it or maybe its just me feeling sorry for myself, oh well onwards ect, what does one do when they feel like this,sell up again and take up knitting,or persevere cheers stef
  3. This bass is as good as loushort says. Good guy to deal with.I know he got this from me Top bloke .great price Good. Luck with the sale Cheers stef
  4. Rip to a great man
  5. [i]good call,[/i] [i]dare say there are lots on here that would paticpate[/i] [i]cheers[/i] [i]stef[/i]
  6. [i]bloody nora,thats deep nige, [/i] [i]am thinking about doing the very same myself,[/i] I have come to realise that theres more than just noodling around the fretboard, the difference with me is I can do all that stuff,but most of the time although is sounds ok I just dont have a clue the theory behind what I am doing all the best with the tutor cheers stef
  7. some of it did make me chuckle. Does that make me a bad person? Cheers Stef
  8. [i]firstly good luck with the gig,[/i] [i]always wear loose fitting clothes,and a good deoderant [/i] [i]relax,enjoy and have fun [/i] [i]cheers[/i] [i]stef[/i]
  9. [i]the formula is [/i] [i]to have as many as you like and if the old kitchen viper[/i] [i]says anything you just get rid of her, [/i] [i]buy another bass,then get another girl [/i] [i]problem solved[/i] cheers stef ps I am of to brighton to look for another jazz lol
  10. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1371311648' post='2112477'] From my phone camera & yes I remember my Uncle used to take me to Farnborough when I was 11> 1962> lots of noisy fast low fo's [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/kjon51/media/20130615_154548_zps8f4e0719.jpg.html"] [/url] Here's one I borrowed [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/kjon51/media/vulcan_zps4a5217e1.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] aha so you were up on galley hill then, we were at the pier,sounded awsome looked great well worth the wait in the wind cheers stef
  11. I went to see nik at the playhouse in edinburgh in the eightes t,pau were the support band,yes I know I am that old the bass player used both a jd and a wall during the set,was a really good gig, liked his stuff ever since,15 minutes was good just a great songwriter cheers stef
  12. Good afternoon I was watching a video of Don Henley live He was doing a new York minute.what a lovely bass line. I found on you tube a video of the song.the player was using a red bass I think. He was playing along .not talking like a lesson.just playing.you did not see what he looked like.just his playing. I now can't find this video.and with me being stupid when it comes to all to all things like this Being. Old and silly. I was wondering if the great bass collective that is bass chat could help a silly old git out Thanks in advance Cheers Stef Now where's my house?
  13. [u]bump[/u]
  14. hello a band was due to play at the opening of a friends pub next sat the 25th,but he has been let down he has just called me to ask if I could help, he wants two 45s early evening, he wants a covers band 60/70/80s stuff you know the stuff, it will pay £275 plus he will feed you ect the gig is in east sussex pm me for contact details thanks in advance stef
  15. bass boost my arse. its a single inverted fu fu valve.with a overhead gusset sniffer. anyone can see that.lol
  16. thanks for the replies the solution for me was superglue.I dabbed a little where the cutical and the nail join job done.stung for a bit.right as ninepence now. will give it a go later. but finger feels fine now really got to learn john martyn some people. lovely song aha my fretless lives. cheers.
  17. well we were rehearsing at another studio,as the one we normally use was all booked out the amp that was there was just not upto the job, try as I might it was just not there,did not matter what I did or try,so ended up overplaying all the time to compensate, which ended in me splitting the skin under the nail on one of the two fingers I use now bleeding under the nail,its just so sore in all the years of playing this has never happened,bloody nora still hopefully will heal before next week, oh and I will use my own then cheers stef
  18. how about black velvet - allanah myles love sneakin up on you - bonnie raitt and for a slowish one with a nice bass line chains by tina arena all well liked in these parts cheers stef
  19. no love for alain caron I am suprised
  20. [i]rip reg,[/i]
  21. [i]well my 69 jazz has not been used for years[/i] [i]in its case where it lives,brought out very occasionally[/i] [i]for a noodle,then put back for another age[/i] [i]cheers[/i] [i]stef[/i]
  22. [i]hello and welcome to the madhouse[/i] cheers stef
  23. gas is the dreaded afliction that makes you buy and want more gear I think just about everyone on here suffers from it cheers stef
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