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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. Parchment for me, but then again I think I'm a bit boring sometimes...
  2. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1028036' date='Nov 18 2010, 03:22 PM']Really? I hated it!! Did you have any guidance or did you just play?[/quote] Just seen this! The engineer at Sandhills Studios in Liverpool uses it and he took me through some of the features. Although there wasnt a huge amount I couldnt work out on my own. Can't wait to see the pics Beedster, When do you think you'll be able to start using the damn thing?!
  3. [quote name='ezbass' post='1121682' date='Feb 9 2011, 06:32 PM']Shan't and won't Unless someone takes it off my hands that is.[/quote] Little bit out of my price range at the moment, but if it drops at all let me know!
  4. [quote name='gub' post='1115713' date='Feb 4 2011, 06:30 PM']Was hopng this wouldnt get bumped as i had put it to the back of my mind while i try and get the money together but seeing it again gas gas gas[/quote] +1 - Stop it ezbass!
  5. [quote name='TheFear' post='1121104' date='Feb 9 2011, 10:54 AM']how are the pickguards held down???[/quote] Superfunk.
  6. MythSte


    [quote name='Biarnel' post='1120457' date='Feb 8 2011, 07:11 PM']Actually, it's not That bass has deep tonal chambers, giving it a nice peculiar sound. It also has handwound low impedance pickup, for improved clarity and dynamic range. And about the fingerboard.. it's birdseye maple, quite stunning "in person" By the way, I'm the italian luthier who makes those basses [/quote] Interesting!! I only asked about the fretboard as it looks almost a "biscuit" colour from here.
  7. I'm really glad to hear about all this Nige! The best way I've managed to describe it with my Jazz (of which I have very similar feelings) is that its not the smoothest bass I've ever played, its not the most comfortable bass I've ever played and I sometimes find myself fighting it for every note but it's so rewarding! I can assure you one day you'll have a gig where you and your jazz are finally in perfect harmony. Its a joyous feeling!
  8. I've taught a couple of beginners but I'm by no means a full on teacher, If I can help let me know
  9. That Jazz is possibly my favorite ever... Christ.
  10. I used to have a black pickup cover on my Bacchus, looked awesome! although it was all black.
  11. At the risk of sounding super cheeky is there anyone from the northwest going to be making the pilgrimage who would possibly take a lonely lil' me? I'm happy to chip in for petrol!
  12. Sounds like my old MXR DI+ that... Personally I can't see it being natural ampeg distortion, its jut not quite right for that and I don't think they'd play at that volume even on Jools.
  13. No new ones of me with a bass unfortunately! But this is me and my (significantly) better half! Edit, I don't actually have monstrously sized hands... I don't think?
  14. If your ever over liverpool way your welcome to try out my Classic Series Gareth, They're great value for money and it really is a great Jazz tone. The neck isnt 100% on mine and thus I can't get a super low action (I'm talking status sizzly low) but its great for heavy finger style. I agree with JTUK on this one though, its so hit and miss and I really don't know if I'd buy a Fender without trying it first.
  15. My suggestion would be the Hartke LH500, I agree with Lozz about peavey cabs sounding like peavey cabs no matter what you put through them and the hartke seems to be the best bang for buck power and quality wise
  16. great idea! I've added a couple but will add more as and when!
  17. [quote name='Clarky' post='1117051' date='Feb 5 2011, 09:00 PM']But I have a Porsche[/quote]
  18. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1117019' date='Feb 5 2011, 08:44 PM']Pino has gone?!!![/quote] ! But yeah, I agree. I've had my Jazz for ages now and its been awesome but there's a part of me that wouldnt think twice if someone wanted to trade a Ray34 for it... I think I'm guilty of having called it a "keeper" at some point as well.
  19. So that neck will fit into a standard Jazz Pocket? I really do like Wenge...
  20. MythSte


    What on earth is that fretboard wood? Not sure if I'm keen on that! A nice pale maple would be gorgeous IMO!
  21. bh2, the "its a copy argument" has been done to death and I'd recommend taking each intstrument on its own merits! Anyway, I think I find this one far too busy for my taste. Though I bet it sounds awesome.
  22. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1115397' date='Feb 4 2011, 02:54 PM']Fair enough but if you start with a broad pallet in the first place then you can fine tune to desired tone much easier be it with your amps controls etc. or the position you play from.[/quote] [quote name='faceman']I'm mainly going to the Pino look but the Duck Dunn sound.[/quote] In that case listen to Ou7Shined!
  23. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1115081' date='Feb 4 2011, 11:18 AM']I like Status Hotwires. I've tried all the usually recommended (and expensive) ones but the Status ones for me have a broader more even tone, whereas TI's for example (not tried the specific ones above) are more [b]focus in the lower mid range[/b].[/quote] I'd say that's where a lot of Pino's tone is though.
  24. I'm loving my Tecamp at the moment! We need some Pictures Luke! I usually have the Low Mids around 2 O'clock, Treble about 1 O'clock and Taste around 10 O'clock, but then my 212 combo has a mid range driver as well so it might be a very different tone to the one you hear if you did that.
  25. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1113778' date='Feb 3 2011, 12:55 PM']I think it's something Sheldon Dingwall came up with in response to some complaints that the B string was 'weak'. I'm really wanting a Dingwall and need a second bass so the Combustion is right up my street. It's not easy trying one before you buy and Bass Direct is a long way from Preston - especially if the choice is limited.[/quote] As far as I can tell Mark keeps quite a few Dingwalls in stock, He's always been super helpful whenever I've pestered him about basses! Also you might want to take advantage of the take it away scheme (if finance is your thing) sooner rather than later as I believe its about to change to only under 25's soon.
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