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Posts posted by MythSte

  1. I have no experience with the prometheon, but I'm not sure about it being able to hold up ina pub with a live drummer. I think there are just certain limitations a single 10" speaker has to have (I could be wrong...)

    If it was me I'd be eyeing up the markbass 2x10 combo for sale in this forum :)

  2. [quote name='Smash' post='1067355' date='Dec 23 2010, 12:15 AM']Oh I better keep it then... it is worth more to me to keep as a spare :)

    I suppose the body is where the money is at then :/[/quote]

    Funny thing is, I don't think the body would be worth much on its own either! might be worth putting the entire bass out there for trade? :)

  3. very tentative for now, and I know you said you didnt want anything MIM but does this tickle your fancy at all? Its a classic series and I've just upgraded the bridge to a Gotoh. Let me know? :)


  4. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1065876' date='Dec 21 2010, 04:27 PM']Pretty much my experience of speaking with him..I'm always happy to listen to people who know what they're talking about..

    However your experience also confirms my dislike of technology..mobile phones, computers..[/quote]

    ...active basses, neo cabinets, high power amps. I think your dislike might be more for communication :) :)

  5. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1065156' date='Dec 20 2010, 09:17 PM']quick Martin say something funny!!!!!!!! Cos I can see this thread getting angry very soon hahahaha.[/quote]

    Tell me about it :)

    I can understand the frustration but I'm going to lock both these threads. Its unfortunate but no rules have been broken apart from the code of BC honour! and I have to say, I think I myself can be seen to have done it in the past (all be it not this far into the deal) :) .

  6. [quote name='TimR' post='1063664' date='Dec 19 2010, 04:20 PM']I think you're missing the point of my argument.

    If we all sounded the same you would be right.

    I believe there are people out there who are buying this and buying that in some misplaced belief that they going to one day reach that "Tone Nirvana". The point that they've been searching all their lives for. Does this ever happen?

    So we loved Geddy Lee's Rick sound then we argue whether he used the Rick or whether he had moved to the jazz for a certain record.

    People on the forum buy 4x10s and then sell them to buy 15s in their search.

    Its this minutiae that I don't get.

    A dub sound is dub sound to me. In a live setting I couldn't tell Mr Xs dub sound from Mr Y's dub sound. Not that I listen to dub so maybe that's a bad example.

    If I hear Harris I know its Harris - does he change his gear every few weeks in an effort to get it closer to what's in his head or did he find a sound that he liked very early in his career and just run with it?

    What about Jaco, did he try this and that filler for his frets and this and that coating or did he just pull the frets, fill coat the board and think wow that sounds interesting.[/quote]

    It's getting a little vague now! :)

    I think your also negating a lot of other points here. People change gear for all kinds of reasons, these days there is a lot of people chopping and changing trying to get the weight/volume balance right. That wasnt a possibility in the past.

    If someone finds a tone they like at the beginning of their career then that must be luck, or at the most slightly educated luck. Say there are 1000 gear combinations and you find one that suits you down to the ground within your first time. Is it not luck that dictates it didn't take you 40 tries? 400 tries?

    Why settle for second best in a day and age when there is all this wonderful gear available for us to try? If it makes you happy and all! :)

  7. Hmm, Interesting for sure!

    I make a fuss about "my" tone. I know with the way I play a P bass sounds very different to a J bass (both pickups on). I prefer the latter. So thats the starting point for "my tone" no matter how I decribe it!

    As for fingers, bass and amp. I'd normally say its a balance equal among the three. However having thought about it and this thread I think the "core" tone starts with the bass, your fingers then make it yours and your amp makes it louder. Or something!

  8. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='1062102' date='Dec 17 2010, 10:35 PM']What an odd comment indeed... would you drive this before you judged it?

    The looks of something has to be at least a little appealing...[/quote]

    My mum used to drive one of those. Me and my sister dubbed it the pregnant roller skate. Mum just thought it was "funky". I guess there's a reason i'm not playing a star bass...!

  9. [quote name='Blues Cat' post='1061948' date='Dec 17 2010, 07:35 PM']Some interesting uneducated reply's on the looks of the bass. I would say you need to play one before you judge it.[/quote]

    With all due respect Mr Cat, someones opinion on how it looks is wholly educated and justified! I wont buy a bass I dont like the looks of. Regardless of whether or not the functionality in some way accounts for it.

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