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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. Mr Fitzmourice will tell you the facts, but im pretty sure that if you are running a 300w amp at 4ohms, with an 8ohm cab, your only losing about 3dB of volume. That amount of loss can be made up by suitable positioning of the cab! +1 also to Jonthebass, newer speakers are much more efficient than older ones, so squeezing every available watt out of them isn't as necessary
  2. Wow! That PJB rig looks almost medical/surgical from behind - if that makes sense! I've always fancied trying a PJB rig but I hear they're really quite revealing. I need all the coverup I can get!
  3. Do you leave it plugged in? I know active pre-amps use power even when just left with a jack in the socket. Ive E-mailed Alan once or twice and i'm sure he'd be more than happy to help though
  4. [quote name='Hamster' post='944617' date='Sep 3 2010, 03:19 PM']My roadie is Chuck Norris - go talk to his hand................ [/quote] He just nestles it in his beard.
  5. Oh, and I used an SVT2 and 810 at T in the Park with a Jazz bass (not a P, but a safe bet for the holy grail of bass amps dont you think!) Anyway, I could feel the bass, but I sure as hell couldnt hear it! ^_^
  6. [quote name='51m0n' post='944332' date='Sep 3 2010, 10:49 AM']Dave, the cheese farmer in question happens to like the SVT -> 810 thing. Bit like you do. He has the luxury of some poor roadie to move it for him too! So he uses one. So what? We can name a myriad serious bassists in huge bands that happen to not like or use that particular solution, since it is not the only one. Why can not accept that it is really not the be all and end all of bass tone? Why do you continue to try and say that there are people on this forum in this thread who dont know what they are talking about? I assure you that I, and I think anyone else reading this thread, would seriously struggle to pick anyone out as not knowing what they were talking about, since I havent actually seen anyone in here saying anything unreasonable but you. And the only thing you are saying that is unreasonable is that there is NOTHING better than an SVTIIPro into an Ampeg 810 for any bass application. That is not true for everyone. Not even close! It may be the best tone for you that you can imagine (hey congratulations you search is over), but unless you only play one style of music for the rest of your life, or your taste in bass tones never ever changes, then that will not always be the case anyway. Had it crossed you mind at any point that there are many iconic bass tones in rock that aren't in any way reliant on an Ampeg SVT or an 810? Have a listen to some Stranglers, mate, you may learn a thing or two....[/quote] I dont even think he's been using ampeg cabs recently. Im pretty sure I saw him using Basson at T in the Park this year. Whatever it was it was deeper than an ampeg. and it was 2 cabs, not an 810.
  7. Dave, I think you underestimate Basschat. I can hand on heart say if you posted your band and maybe even some shots of you playing in front of some huge audiences people might take you more seriously, and I have enough confidence in our little forum that things wouldn't spill out of basschat! I'm really curious to know if I might have seen you live or similar! I also hate to add to the debate at this stage but I was late to the party. I have a Lightweight(ish) valve amp, what do I win?!
  8. Come on now, You've got 15 watts, Just boost the mids. Its all in the mids!
  9. MythSte


    Just Speechless. I'm another who only had brief dealings with him but he was always a right laugh. Its a sad time for basschat.
  10. I've been toying with the idea of buying a really high end bass for a long time now. Realistically im not going to be in the financial position to do so for another few years but thats not my worry. My worry is that I wont be good enough a player to warrant such a thing. For those of you that own really beautiful basses did this ever cross your mind? Or was it just a matter of seeing something you want and buying it?! I've owned and do own a number of "good" basses. I kind of feel like my playing isnt limited by the bass im using anymore, rather the bass is being limited by my playing. I can't help but think that buying a boutique bass would just accentuate things even more. See what I'm saying?! Anyway, Just wanted some opinions really!
  11. [quote name='Oldman' post='919100' date='Aug 8 2010, 09:50 PM']So what your sayin' is its ok for some but not for others..............If someone (and I PM'd SK8 for an honest opinion of the LB) wants one and has absolutely no idea other than a price guide, whether the item is Chinese, Cantonese or Lemon Cheese we should not guide !!! I see .enough here to pop that in. I would like one But .. I got an honest opinion, so my jury's still out until I hear one. We have our opinions............[/quote] Hey oldman, I'm sure there was no bad will on your part, but it is forum rules not to post publically about the prices on a FS thread. Dont worry about it like, Just consider it your basschat bretheren looking out for ya! Just out of interest Sk8, Would you consider this amp at all giggable? Acoustic trio? Sensible pub rock?
  12. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='917993' date='Aug 7 2010, 02:25 PM']Here's my latest rig. I used to love my old rig - an Aguilar AG500 + two GS112s but it was heavy and required three lifts, which isn't funny when you've got arthritis. Anyway, I bought this staggeringly good Accugroove Whappo jnr from my good mate Cameron (wayne58). It's on castors so now my bass goes on my back and my Little Mark Tube head and bits bag go on top of the cab and I wheel it all in to the stage in one go - needless to say my back / dodgy hip are much happier. It's a fairly easy lift into the car and the whole lot just wheels in to Harry Potter's cupboard under the stairs when I get home. I'm really happy with it and it's drawn a lot of positive comments. It's very articulate, deep and it literally shakes the ground and when I was soundchecking at our last gig, the sound engineer came down from the control room to see what my rig was and he said he hadn't heard anything as good. I opted for the tube version of the LMIII because of the extra bit of control DI'ing and the mute switch helps. Blending the tube in does make a difference to the tone too. [/quote] That looks gorgeous! I remember mike having an epi 310 and it being stupidly light, Is this along the same lines?
  13. [quote name='blackmn90' post='917640' date='Aug 7 2010, 02:35 AM']Is the fender classic 70's bass? I played on one and it was amazing. The rigs awsome too. Il put some pics up of my stuff when i get a new cab Hurry up hartke and give me a 112 [/quote] It is indeed! Its a real beauty. The neck pocket isnt great, the bridge is mis-aligned but it just works in my hands. wouldnt change it for the world - sounds thunderous!
  14. Hi, Im Stephen, Im 19 years old and Im an addict... This is my newly acquired funk/groove/small rig And here is my hairy chest balls out rig with this bass; No longer have the shuttle, it was too small to be rock and roll
  15. Well, here's my uni rig. I'm actually in love. I've never heard such tight bottom and such smooth top!
  16. [quote name='Colledge' post='915242' date='Aug 4 2010, 06:38 PM']i'd highly recommend a trace elliot combo. Every one that i've played through seemed to produce a wall of sound with tone to boot. They're not exactly light... but a 1x15 combo aint exactly massive.[/quote] What he said. For £300 you can get a really reasonable Trace combo. Or, if you can stretch the extra £50, this will set you in really good stead - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=93810"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=93810[/url]
  17. yup, mines bashed around left right and centre and actually has some paint on the finished where its had a fight with a wall, and won!
  18. Generally speaking (and please dont hold me to this!) All the problems I've heard about with markbass have occoured within the first few weeks of them being new. £300 does sound like a really good deal and If it works well in the shop (try it first!) then I'd shoot for it if I where you
  19. [quote name='Beedster' post='914901' date='Aug 4 2010, 01:33 PM']PS which Uni?[/quote] Liverpool John Moores. Im studying Business and Economics Fortunately its not too far that I cant carry on with my current band but I really cant wait to get into a new scene anyway!
  20. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='914854' date='Aug 4 2010, 01:02 PM']Another vote for a Schroeder 1212L cab. It would be a good choice IME. Although its a 2x12 the second driver is at a angle inside and slightly behind the front facing driver so the cab isnt that big. They are rated at taking around 800watts so pretty robust.[/quote] I used to have one, And loved it! However I used to have to EQ it pretty hard to get a nice deep tone, and as stated before, the EQ on my twin valve is, well, crap. Ordered the Mesa Cab I owe Beedster a pint or three!
  21. [quote name='JMT3781' post='914775' date='Aug 4 2010, 12:06 PM']ah sorry, i though you wanted a sound like the vintage... How about a shroeder1212? one on ebay at the moment[/quote] Failing the Mesa option not working out I think a 1212 is another great shout actually! Basically I want a one trip rig. Loud enough to deal with practices and decent enough quality for me to use in the studio. I think the Mesa ticks all those boxes I like the idea of 2 seperate 12's but I just dont think they would be portable enough
  22. [quote name='JMT3781' post='914365' date='Aug 3 2010, 10:19 PM']As a massive lover of markbass cabs..... i agree that they probably wont work with a valve head how about the isobaric orange cabs?[/quote] I want something with a tweeter and a bit more zing than my vintage ideally, plus they are heavy! Ive e-mailed the relevent family members about the Scout. I owe ya one Chris
  23. [quote name='Beedster' post='914268' date='Aug 3 2010, 08:52 PM']You can pick up the Mesa Boogie Walkabout extension cabs (12") cheapish, they look good, sound at least 4 times bigger than they are, and they're bloody light. They've also got the passive radiator which lends something to the overall vibe. There's a shop in Luton got a couple used for £299, IIRC one 4ohm and one 8ohm. I was tempted to get one, but the two I already own are arguably sufficient for purpose C[/quote] Thats a really good shout actually chris, If you find the shop will you point me to it? That would be perfect! I didnt think the MB would work too well with this head but I know how much I like the bigger MB cabs. Its a shame it doesnt translate in a small box.
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