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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. thanks for those two posts guys! Thats more or less confirmed what I thought as far as the tone is concerned for those two. I love the MB 210 combos but they make use of the larger cabinet IIRC and im not sure I trust a smaller one. Leaning towards the TC for sure. Maybe even the 212? Is that one hand-able does anyone know?!
  2. Hey guys, So im off to uni in a months time and my family are pooling together to buy me a cab that I can take away with me as my vintage is just too big! (keeping her for the bigguns though!) I reckon I've got around £500 to play with. At the moment I think my first two choices are between the TC Rebelstack 210 and the Markbass 210TP. I have no idea how either will react with 100 watts of valve power (trace elliot twin valve) and if im going to get a practicable amount of volume out of them or not. The other thing I could shoot for is the new Gallien Krueger 210 combo. But i have to admit it looks a little cheap and nasty. I play a Passive Jazz and an Active 'Vette so it would need to be quite flexible. and needs to be one hand-able. Any opinions are greatly appreciated! Thanks
  3. [quote name='The Shrek' post='913058' date='Aug 2 2010, 06:17 PM']Hey guys anyone else have one of these amps. I bought it brand new as a cheapish back up. It dont matter whether i use a single 8 ohm cab or both my 8 ohm cabs it just has no puff at all. With the 2 cabs running the amp at 4 ohms it supposed to put out 300W but OH my God it is feeble, even with the gain turned way up above normal! Michael[/quote] Yup, it was my first "real" amp. And yes, mine ran out of puff, even at 4ohm. The Ashdown EB180 in the rehearsal room was louder than the 3.2 and matching 410
  4. JamesF is your man for this one, Chris. He's a member on here and I know has setup some really nice studios in his time. With the amount of good quility but cheap (ish!) recording gear around at the moment 20k will go an awful long way, even with building etc. I'll point him to this thread but you might want to PM him if you have any really specific parts your not sure on
  5. [quote name='Doddy' post='912438' date='Aug 2 2010, 03:00 AM']I think they are custom jobs by a Japanese company called Combat.[/quote] Both of which look pretty tasteless IMO!
  6. There are loads of variables and options. But my straight barefaced opinion is a Warwick JJ bass of sorts and an Eden Rig. Mmmmm.
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='911476' date='Jul 31 2010, 08:35 PM']Got it in one. They've either got it, or they haven't. If they haven't, I personally couldn't bear to hang around while they find it.[/quote] Harsh, but so very true! I really don't have time for drummers who aren't on their game. Especially when I'm on mine.
  8. I guess this could be construed two ways, Worst playing (setup, quility etc) and most disappointing. I think the worst playing bass I ever had was an Ibanez EDA905, loves the idea and the warped shape, but I think the previous owner had funked up the truss rod. Most disappointing bass? Hmm, thats a tough one! Possibly my musicman bongo, It was the bass I'd always wanted but I just couldnt get a good tone out of it Build quality and finish where amazing though.
  9. I've had some really magnificent tones in the last few years. The problem for me is that something that does a fantastic warm thumpy old school tone generally speaking wont sound like a rig designed to do hi-fi sparkle. Untill I can afford two rigs I dont think I'm going to be able to say I've got everything I want. Having said that, I'm chuffed to bits for you, Chris!
  10. [quote name='neepheid' post='899827' date='Jul 20 2010, 11:16 AM']Difficult to say - it's not glued down all over, there's a bit of a gap where the body edge curves away so it's possibly only attached in a couple of places, but how it is attached I don't know - maybe like a car badge with pins into a couple of holes?[/quote] If it is glued on a was told an amazing trick using dental floss. You just sort of saw at the underneath and it goes through glue like you wouldnt believe. My pop bought a second hand Porsche 911 and the guy before him had taken the Carrera badge off the back and replaced it with a 911 one. Naturally we wanted to put the carrera one back and the dental floss idea worked a treat without damaging the paintwork at all
  11. [quote name='Mike' post='901782' date='Jul 22 2010, 12:01 PM']Hi all. My number one bass - a Sadowsky 4 - is incredibly sensitive to my iPhone. It seems to be the bass rather than the amp as other basses I use don't react the same way. Whenever an iphone is near, I get a huge buzzing, beeping, those general annoying sounds. It's got to the point where I need to have my phone off or on flight mode whenever I'm playing. I also have to get the band to turn off their phones too. Last night i was playing with a big band (!) which required me being a real pain asking everyone to turn off their phones. This bass is perfect for me and I don't want to change. It's taken me a long time to get to this bass. Does anyone else have this problem? What can I do? Help appreciated!! Regards, Mike[/quote] Hmm! I'd expect a sadowsky to be pretty well shielded. It might just be that the pickups are super powerful and as far as I'm aware there isnt much you can do about that Open it up and see if there are any obvious breaks in the screening to the control cavity?
  12. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='887683' date='Jul 6 2010, 07:20 PM']Top floor please I bought this one for that tight bottom end. Does anyone need a tight bottom end ? T[/quote]
  13. I hate to be the miserable bugger but if thats the case you need hearing protection!! As said before, try boosting the mids
  14. perhaps a barefaced vintageT Chris? Super high end 15s which give you a lovely presence and articulation matched with a nice tweeter to round the top end off (or not, technically speaking!) In fact, it sounds like the big one might even be for you. Alex does a nice little return policy so you could try before you buy...
  15. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='893349' date='Jul 13 2010, 01:12 AM']Was the Peavey 4x10 vey deep front to back? I've found those 4x10s with a slot port (think they are TVX) go really low compared to most cabs. Usually the cab is the weak link, and those Peaveys might weigh a ton, but are surprisingly hard to beat.[/quote] +1 - I'm always surprised by those peaveys! Unfortunately I too owned the warwick 410, and, well, I wouldn't recommend it
  16. I think this might have something to do with those basses that feel categorically like your own. My MIM Jazz has a wonky bridge and a crap neck pocket but I can feel every note thats played, acoustically or otherwise. I love it! Could strings have been a factor?
  17. sounds like a good idea! Do you have any way of recording your efforts?
  18. Hey Onehandclapping, Didnt mean to cause offence, but we've had some issues with overseas sellers before. If the prospective buyers are happy sending the money beforehand then it is essentially completly up to them but as your a new member please understand our concern! Just doing our best to make sure our members dont get caught out. Best of luck with the sale, You really do have cracking taste in basses!!
  19. Wouldnt do it with somebody elses.
  20. [quote name='eude' post='890326' date='Jul 9 2010, 12:28 PM']Great customer service there. Hats off to Ashdown Eude[/quote] Yup, really gotta give them that. Part of me thinks these are things they should have addressed before releasing them. But this really is the second best thing. And in the long run, might actually make their reputation better than if they'd have just sorted it pre-release. Cynical? Maybe...
  21. Onehandclapping, I think if your going to deal like this you need to offer a cash on collection service. Whilst I hate to be a pain in the ass I'm sure you can understand our worry when we hear someone who is new to the forum saying "Yes, please send thousands of pounds to the other side of the world and i'll get it on its way!". If you can do this then best of luck with the sale. In the mean time I would urge buyers to hold off untill we we have a reply Thankyou!
  22. I think it was Ashdown that used to sell "wideboy" versions of their amps. Im not sure if it was purely aesthetic or to fit into amp racks. No biggie!
  23. In fact, anyone interested in Tone (I hope finbar wont mind!) can click on "The Locals" in my sig and the first track, Driftin, is recorded with my twin valve and barefaced. This is using a passive jazz so pretty much a staple tone IMO.
  24. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='887212' date='Jul 6 2010, 12:50 PM']I'm sure I've seen Alex write somewhere that the Compact and the Vintage are whole different beasts in terms of the juice they need. Summat to do with box volume, porting and voodoo, I think. (Don't forget your virgin's blood when plugging in.) I've tried the Vintage with an old 150W Carlsbro head, and that was incredibly loud too. It's a [b]really[/b] sensitive cab. 300W should be plenty. [i]Plenty[/i] plenty.[/quote] I play mine through a 100 watt valve head and im easily (A third volume, maybe less?) keeping up with a monster drummer and 2 vox ac30s that are set to "kill" all the time. Really, I think you could probably get giggable volume with an ashdown little bastard 30 watt if you really wanted too. In fact, there's an idea...!
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