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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='teej' post='886997' date='Jul 6 2010, 08:16 AM']Yes, they're still going. '98? I reckon they must have only just gone amplified back then. They started off as a wholly acoustic trio: banjo, upright bass and guitar, with the banjo player tapping a tambourine with his foot and the bass player playing a little suitcase with a bass-drum pedal (also operating a remote control car with a collecting box on top - the controller cunningly hidden, taped to the side of the bass). I was busking Salisbury around the same time with a blues/rockabilly outfit called Swamp Things.[/quote] Well, it was definately between 98 and 2000, and they definately had a drummer. I was far to young to notice any loud black boxes at the back
  2. [quote name='teej' post='886657' date='Jul 5 2010, 08:48 PM']Down here in the south - Hampshire/Dorset etc - there's an Irish/Bluegrass outfit called the Huckleberries who use electric bass. T[/quote] Christ! Are they still going?! I have a CD of theris from what must have been '98. I was just 8 years old going through salisbury and remember being blown away!
  3. Okay, having had a second look I've come up with a second way to explain it! (hey, im tired okay?) If the sig is noticeably making the post longer than all the information on the left hand side then You'll be asked to narrow it to this. Realistically it doesn't make any difference if its the same or less than this whether there are
  4. I've pulled a few people up on this recently actually - We dont want to be hugely Anal about it and have no set rules. Generally speaking if the sig elongates that persons post box for one line posts or is longer than the post they've made (the box changes shape according to how much text is in there, go and have a scoot round and see what i mean, its hard to explain!) We'll ask people to narrow them down. Velvet - sounds like that would be a good feature for some people, but I dont know if we have it. I'll have an ask!
  5. another +1 for elixers so Annually, if that. I've tried D'addario, DR and ernie ball but none of which seem to last over a month with me. The elixers have been going for about nine!
  6. [quote name='silddx' post='886154' date='Jul 5 2010, 11:14 AM']Love it! MIA is so cool. Didn't know there was new stuff coming![/quote] Dont shoot me but I heard it on Zane Lowes show a few weeks back! He actually played it twice. Gotta give him props for that. I wish i could find a high quility version somewhere but it doesnt seem to be out yet. The guitar riffs in it are nasty! (the good nasty like...)
  7. I prefer basses. but on a pretty dependant level. however, I would find 3 basses next to each other a thousand times more pleasing than three guitars. Completely agree with Marvin that numerous guitars together look cluttered. Dont really know why!
  8. from what I understand the heads in all the combos markbass do (bar the really small ones) are all the same minus the markings. It wouldnt surprise me if there was just a mix up in the factory.
  9. [quote name='teen t-shirt' post='885989' date='Jul 5 2010, 02:14 AM']i reckon the moderators have been breeding again [/quote] It was all dood. Seriously, Ever tried saying no to a wookie? this is comparable.
  10. [quote name='hookys6stringbass' post='885178' date='Jul 4 2010, 12:57 AM']No no nothing wrong with it ... Just had the XLR DI put in. Newer rack Spyders will have the XLR in so i'm told....[/quote] Props to ashdown for that, Did they charge you for it - if you dont mind me asking?
  11. not my usual Earl Grey but this is just fantastically filthy...
  12. [quote name='smudge' post='884930' date='Jul 3 2010, 05:21 PM']Snip[/quote] I think I get what your saying, But you've used some poor examples. People choose USA over Mexican because higher quility parts are used. People dont use behringer because of the numerous horror stories about reliability. You get what you pay for! As far as the mojo'd basses are concerned. Old ones are rarer and cost more. otherwise its just supply and demand innit.
  13. Hmm! That 12" 3 way design would be interesting - If it was a little more powerful anyway. Shame!
  14. [quote name='Clarky' post='883530' date='Jul 1 2010, 11:11 PM']I'm too scared to take off grill cloth in case I screw something up! There's no dial on the back if thats a clue. I bought if off Doctorbass - he didn't mention a tweeter. However, I thought the Vintage was a 2x15 plain and simple, ie, no tweeter option????[/quote] The tweeter option is recent so it probably wont be. Shall we leave Finbars thread alone now? ^_^ Congrats anyway!!
  15. [quote name='Clarky' post='883422' date='Jul 1 2010, 09:15 PM']I just bought one of these tonight and can attest how amazingly light these cabs are as well as great sounding. Have a bump on me[/quote] welcome to the club!! Is yours tweetered?
  16. Is the saturation meter the same one they used in the all valve V series heads? If so, isnt it cool! heh.
  17. Finbars a good guy, I'm sure he'll be along soon
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='881727' date='Jun 30 2010, 11:07 AM']Innaresting...[/quote] Isnt it just! If i pass my exams (which I think i've done!) my family are pulling together to buy me an amp for uni. I think markbass stuff is out of my price range and my other options where the ibanez - which im skeptical about because its ibanez! and the ampeg micro VR + 210av. I really do think this is as good as the ibanez on paper and definately more giggable than the Ampeg. Really hope I can find somewhere to try one out!
  19. I think I just found THE amp to fill this niche, 210 350 watt combo, 15kg, under £500... [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/gallien_krueger_mb210.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/gallien_krueger_mb210.htm[/url] Hmm!
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='874021' date='Jun 21 2010, 11:21 PM']+1 on that. I don't have my LMII anymore but it is a great amp and those two filters are powerful.[/quote] pluseth the one-eth. I always left it flat and used the filters for tone. Dead handy.
  21. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='872758' date='Jun 20 2010, 05:09 PM']We played the Acoustic Tent in 2000. Fantastic experience.[/quote] Oh, Time of my life! I was on dance stage east. I just want it back!
  22. Ahh I get depressed when people bring this up! I had my 15 miuntes of not-quite-fame in '08
  23. I'm in exactly the same position - although It will be a slight downgrade for me. I dont think the PJ stuff or the micromark will be up to the gigs I plan on playing. I definately need to move a little more Air than that. The Ampeg Micro series might be a good bet. 200 watt head and an ampeg 210 I've seen for around £500. I also think some of the Gallien Krueger combos are in that price range - theyd be loud and super reliable.
  24. [quote name='hookys6stringbass' post='858762' date='Jun 6 2010, 11:55 AM']There is on the combo version.....[/quote] I Don't understand why the havnt made both "versions" the same. I'd pay £20 more (which im sure is still twice what it would cost to put an XLR DI on the standalone version) for the XLR DI. This is all pretty hypocritical though, my amp doesn't have one
  25. I think thats almost my perfect jazz tone, Slightly raspy but with good fundamentals. What pickups/preamp are in the bass?
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