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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. Yeah, it seems that the 2010 models are all using black drivers again now. You got a new one! I'll move this over to amps and cabs anyway
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='789105' date='Mar 29 2010, 08:07 AM']Absolutely! Given that, the likely culprit is the room - I've never played there before and it was a bit odd, with deep beams across the low ceiling. I think there was a bumpy wolf note around the B, making the others feel a little queter. Unfortunately, in this band, most of the songs are in or around B, so there was no escape.. I've heard a recording from a room mic, and the notes are all even (with a lovely tone, too) - none of the band noticed either, so I'm sure it's where I was standing.[/quote] I hate that, when your nervy about going to one or two notes because the bark at you in the room or on the stage. My barefaced has eliminated that somewhat but im still gassing for a gramma pad...
  3. I think for developing yourself as an advanced player then totally go to different instrumentalists for their perspective, its a great idea which i infact hadnt thought of. However I do believe that the core of bass playing should be taught by a bass player. Its so easy for beginners to pick up bad technique from guitarists "turning their hands" to bass teaching - habits that are hard to get out of and could result in physical damage. Not always the case, obviously, but worth thinking about.
  4. It might be worth seeing if you can burrow a decent camera off someone for this one Ray, Its a lot of dosh for someone do pay for some phone pictures. HAving said that, what i can see is one of the best looking basses i think I've ever seen!
  5. The bongo headstock chip happens to every bongo eventually, So if its on the very tip of the headstocks, buyers should not be concerned!
  6. I'd agree with Conan on this one, you definitely are brave swapping that mesa for this!! Good luck buddy, looking forward to the comparisons.
  7. Sorry Matt, Friends or not you need to name the price! New rules innit
  8. [quote name='Toasted' post='778276' date='Mar 18 2010, 09:10 AM']Logo looks ace mate. I'm really glad you decided to do that.[/quote] +1. I Know its for you, but the resale would have halved without it, im sure.
  9. [quote name='jimmyb625' post='776603' date='Mar 16 2010, 07:10 PM']Guess I'd better be off now.... [/quote] The bongo looks a lot like daddy...
  10. Ive used this twice now - Cracking deal. There are ways you can make the most of it too. For example i needed a Tuner pedal as well but they're not on the list of eligible items - The shop raised the price of my bass by the appropriate amount and gave me the pedal too I had to suggest it to them so its worth asking if you need something
  11. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='775851' date='Mar 15 2010, 11:38 PM']If Lee Sklar is playing, chances are it will be a Yamaha TRB.[/quote] Does sound quite tight and TRB-ish to me
  12. [quote name='Doddy' post='774603' date='Mar 14 2010, 07:28 PM']Technically it isn't. The Floating Thumb technique doesn't involve resting the thumb on the stings.It 'floats'-hence the name. I tend to use a movable anchor,where my thumb rests on the pickup and then moves onto the lower strings-usually up to the D . If it is always anchored on the pickup it becomes too much of a reach to play the higher strings-especially on a six string.[/quote] Thats something I genuinly didnt know! I thought you anchored your thumb on the string before that gives you enough leverage to play effectively?
  13. Handy tip - resting your thumb on the string above the string your playing is callde Floating Thumb technique Im almost always ont pickup, though.
  14. I saw an interesting piece once which showed the P pickup position in its signature place and same with the MM pickup overlaid on one bass. unfortunately they overlap slightly, Meaning it would be impossible to get them both in their "sweet spots" on the same bass. I'm not sure i believe the tone would be hugely different a few cm either way though - having said that, ive never heard anything other than a musicman sound like a musicman...
  15. [quote name='largo' post='773500' date='Mar 13 2010, 11:20 AM']What's happened to Alex @ Barefaced ? I thought I was next on the list for the first new Tour cab but heard nothing. I was hoping to try the cab over a run of gigs I had in Feb but it's all gone very quiet. Being honest he's probably lost a customer. He also closed off his forum, so even the general chat/hype that got me interested in the first place has dies down to nothing. Same goes for his website, it's half finished with pictures missing and the likes.[/quote] From what i can gather, Alex has spent a month or two focussing on getting his orders out the way and focussing on where he's going next with the cabs. I'm sure he'll be back - maybe with a vengeance!
  16. Forum Rules state you must name a price or the listing will be removed im afraid. Thanks!
  17. You really do have some gorgeous basses Pete! Here's wishing for a long and happy relationship
  18. To be honest, As long as you take your time getting levels etc right there is no reason why this shouldnt turn out as good as an average studio would make you sound (I'm talking £100 a day affairs). My only advice would be spend a while finding mic sweet spots - And making sure your drummer stays in time without the band! Maybe play the bass into some headphones for him or something? maybe a click track?
  19. [quote name='Bigwan' post='767714' date='Mar 8 2010, 11:02 AM']You know what they say... without pics it doesn't exist![/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=80196&st=0&#entry769090"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry769090[/url]
  20. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='768987' date='Mar 9 2010, 10:43 AM']If covers, then you could report those YouTube sites for royalty violations, couldn't you?[/quote] I'd like to think this can work, but part of me says that the offender could come back at you asking you if you'd paid your royalties to play it in the first place! Funny old world, I think im with WoT though
  21. [quote name='Clarky' post='769076' date='Mar 9 2010, 12:03 PM']Very nice Chris. P bass heaven! So is this definitely Journey's End? [/quote] ... Is it bollocks...
  22. These Hartke things really do seem to be the budget "go to" these days. I really must try one soon! Cracking deal
  23. [quote name='Tinman' post='766268' date='Mar 6 2010, 05:40 PM']Or do what I've done and order a vintage [/quote] Oh have you! You'll LOVE it
  24. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='765077' date='Mar 5 2010, 01:10 PM']snip *EBS are good for other things aswell as acid jazz with a pin sharp tone* /snip[/quote] Completly agree. I think schroeders are lumped in a similar deal - Yes they do have a slight mid hump, but with a little EQ they can turn into really big fat scooped monsters if thats what your after. I'd really love to try a nice big EBS rig, I've only tried a small one (1x15) Looks beautiful mate!
  25. [quote name='throwoff' post='763113' date='Mar 3 2010, 04:41 PM']Pic of truss rod? Just to satisfy my curiosity[/quote] +1!
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