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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. that bass is a STEAL at that price. Lindy Fralins? J Retro? Could beat a lot of super jazz' out there I bet!
  2. I don't know much, If anything about either bass im afraid - But i definitely think your bass is a whole lot nicer. That rickenbacker doesn't look all that, Don't be tempted by the name!
  3. [quote name='Oggy' post='764427' date='Mar 4 2010, 08:35 PM']--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Thank you Guys, Looks like it'll be keeping the Gibson Les Paul Bass company - under the bed with her - only joking. I'm pretty [b]sure that I'll come across some aspiring young Bass player in need of good Bass but no money, I'd like to see it go to someone who would appreciate it[/b] (and has finger joints that don't ache when they play it). I have to say that from what I've seen on the site, Cort's really don't fetch much as used so I have to agree with MythSte on that one. I'd very much like to believe that Cort basses will get the recognition they deserve in the future, I'm going with Oli when he says "Its like a secret among bass players how good they are". Thanks again guys, great site with great members. Oggy [/quote] Thats a really lovely sentiment. Good on you sir
  4. [quote name='Musicman69' post='764340' date='Mar 4 2010, 07:22 PM']Oh.. Ill have to stand corrected so!! [/quote] Dont be daft, I can barely point out a Fender these days. I'd say take this mans words over mine! But the headstock is making me think its a Jap copy of some sort now.
  5. Easy, Donate £100 and we'll block your account for you. Don't say we aint generous.
  6. It sure looks like a Jaydee, Especially with the XLR out. but i'd have thought it would have said so on the headstock unless its had some major surgery.
  7. Realistically I think you'll be looking at £230-£250, maybe even a little less. I've never seen your model butUnfortunately Corts dont seem to hold their value all that well. I bought a B4 with bartolinni electronics etc on here for £350, And ended up trading my C4 LTD (wenge neck etc) for a squier VMJ. I'd expect your price to be somewhere between those two (hence my estimate) Good luck!
  8. [quote name='Bucket Head' post='763538' date='Mar 4 2010, 12:28 AM']alriteeeeeeeeee well ive just brought myself a mim jazz bass and it has the std pickups in it still so i want to change them for somthing better but not sure whts best. i have a pair of bassline/seymour duncan sjb-1's whcih are supposed to give a vintage sound to the jazz but i dont think thats what i want to be honest i wud think i wud want a more modern sort of trebley toney sound cos i tune down alot and use distortion and use a pick quite alot so im not sure if the sjb-1s wud be any good for me. ive had a look for a few other pick ups and the sjb-2s might be a option dunno but if u lot cud give me and of ur opinions that wud be great and wud help me out alot ;D let me know what u think guys cheeeeerrs[/quote] Have a word with the guys at Wizard pickups. Let them know what you want and im sure they'll have something to suit! [url="http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/shop.asp?category=Bass&sub=Jazz%20Bass"]http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/shop.asp?ca...sub=Jazz%20Bass[/url]
  9. Tone off and some imaginative EQ'ing. Not dissimilar to the classic Trace Elliot Pre Shape tone if you ask me.
  10. The theme tune to The Cleveland Show. Short but sweet!
  11. These chocolate DB's need to stop coming up. Im having a hard time over here! Do you plan to replace them with anything or are you just thinning the heard?
  12. I've always fancied knocking up my own cab just for the heck of it. Time and money is one thing, Fun is another! It's certainly easier than trying to build a bass! I understand Wayne has found some good deals on some speakers so it makes sense that he wants to see what happens when he puts them in a box...
  13. I'm just annoyed at the HD in the title! Clearly nothing HD about it. I bet it will sucker some people in...
  14. [quote name='slobluesine' post='761915' date='Mar 2 2010, 03:48 PM']here go... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78800"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78800[/url][/quote] That'll kill, What are you waiting for?!
  15. My vote would be on Sadowsky or Overwater. But i can't confess to playing all that many super J's, I just know these two have really stood out to me in the past. Really though, I dont think you could (or should) be unhappy with anything in that price range. Get yourself down to the gallery at some point and have a tickle on them all!
  16. I sound like a broken record recently! But if you could Stretch to a Schroeder 1212 You'd be laughing.
  17. Or a Schroder 1212 and Little Mark 2. Tried and tested, bloody monsterous.
  18. Solid state power section. Should be fine! I'd check the manual first though, just in case. Generally speaking its only amps with a valve power section that aren't happy without a load.
  19. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='760154' date='Feb 28 2010, 09:11 PM']I've got a Cort CQ4 and its the nicest bass I've played - just a really nice feel to it I should also add that they seem to be seriously undervalued in the market[/quote] +1 I've owned a C4 LTD, a Curbow Fretless and a B4 Fretless. All would have been great instruments even if i'd have paid twice as much as i did.
  20. I really keep wondering if any of my old basses came up for sale if i'd buy them back... I think if i had the money then the answer is unashamedly yes! Looks gorgeous bus. Keep hold of her!
  21. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='760100' date='Feb 28 2010, 08:12 PM']At least he put his location in ;-)[/quote] You can't win 'em all all the time!
  22. Sorry I've only just noticed this, but rules stipulate you must name a price or risk having your listing removed. Thankyou!
  23. The ampeg review at NAMM shows that these can be overdriven, Is this the case? Is it just a matter of the gain running into a distortion circuit or something? (P.S, massive thanks to Chris, This could well be my uni rig and i'd have looked straight past it if it wasnt for him!)
  24. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='759853' date='Feb 28 2010, 03:59 PM']I think this is a pretty good demo of why the power ratings of a cab are a bit irrelevant to the practice of using it. The things you want to look for is sensitivity, which is the more volume with the same amp bit (usually achieved by more speaker area). The farting out bit is determined by the mechanics of the speaker and a bit more difficult to find out without some serious nerding (so if you wanna know, ask a serious nerd), the watts rating is the amount it can take before melting, the point where it farts is unrelated to that. There are a bunch of threads on that sort of stuff, if you search 'xmax' and 'thermal power handling' you'll find AlexClaber and BFM waxing geeky about it.[/quote] Yes and no! From what i remember of Alex' and Bills' Geek ramblings sensitivity should be useful, but it isn't as everyone seems to measure it slightly differently? Anyway, Que a million and one people telling you to use your ears!
  25. Is it signed by Jorg? We all know thats where the mid bite comes from...
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