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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='Mr.T' post='754756' date='Feb 23 2010, 10:08 AM']I owned a Nemesis RS700 and it also did that. After some research on the Eden forum, I found out that they all do it![/quote] Now you mention it, I vaguely remember reading this being a "feature" of sorts. Its more like a breathe than a pop IIRC and the point was that it [i]didnt[/i] damage your speakers... Can't really think why that would be logical though!
  2. If someone asks I've never had a problem tbh! I'm just nice like that!
  3. [quote name='silddx' post='754555' date='Feb 22 2010, 11:49 PM']Kind of.[/quote] Its late. I'd have done the same!
  4. I'm not the only one that will recommend you go through the Steely Dan back catalogue, im sure
  5. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='754289' date='Feb 22 2010, 07:51 PM']The even nicer bit is that the monitors are brand new & were free [/quote] Awesome! I really like those little wharfedales.
  6. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='753822' date='Feb 22 2010, 02:00 PM']I think i need to un subscribe to this thread before i do something silly lol.[/quote] Amen... I have some serious MM Gas at the moment. I might need to put someone in control of my student loan come september...
  7. [quote name='bass5' post='753668' date='Feb 22 2010, 12:16 PM']I believe that they are more cost effective for our Yankee cousins, as over there they are a lot cheaper. 300-400 quid max.[/quote] It really is depressing knowing kids are paying that much for washburns and epiphones over here!
  8. [quote name='4 Strings' post='753745' date='Feb 22 2010, 01:04 PM']Being an ancient bass player I was slapping before I realised anyone was any good at it and saw how to do it properly, so I'm thumb down and paying for the bad habit. In my opinion, its better to be thumbs parallel Larry Graham style. Next best is Mark King style (have to have a short strap for that though). Parallel eases the double thumb think I struggle with but also makes the 'pop' easiest. Thumb down has its limitations which, for me at least, are way short of those who wisely chose to go parallel or up. Here's a good example of parallel with double, or upward at least, thumb strokes. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMSq__vg7Gs&feature=fvw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMSq__vg7Gs&feature=fvw[/url][/quote] Being in the thumb down boat has meant that ive adapted my whole hand shape to suit popping, relying on a sort of pivoting action (imagine your hands in a 'tigers claw' position and twist side to side) and i cant for the life of me get my hand to pop smoothly when thumb up or parallel. Back to the drawing board methinks...
  9. I think the Tiny Terror will be your best bet for a real old school tone. But is probably the most tonally limited of the bunch. If it where me I'd go for a nice old valve pre'd trace. much more versatile, but perhaps not as sweet as the terror on good old school tone.
  10. [quote name='Merton' post='753750' date='Feb 22 2010, 01:07 PM']This is primarily aimed at those of you who own/have previously owned an Eden Nemesis head (pref the blue NA320 or NA650 models) - does yours make your speakers thump when switching on and off? Mine does, worryingly loud at that, and I want to know if it needs a quick bit of TLC/attention?[/quote] I'm pretty sure my NC810 did this. It felt like i was being punched in the chest every time i turned it on.
  11. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='752434' date='Feb 21 2010, 01:09 AM']Because for our bigger gigs/tours we can take a van. I am looking at 4 ohm cabs too, not completely writing them off. I'd just rather have 8ohm ones for flexibility. I have a couple of cabs in mind but for that's for another day when I can go play with them. I think I'm just a bit spooked because I can't tell whether it's the head distorting or the cab (purely because of my inexperience). If I felt confident that it was the cab, I'd upgrade that and there'd be no bother. Because I'm concerned it's the head, it's making me wonder if that's enough. Though as I've said, the head was only up halfway so logic would suggest it was just the cab. I just don't get how a cab that's rated at 400w can't handle a 320w amp, that doesn't seem to make sense.. Combos are a world away from this. Is it loud enough? No? Buy a bigger one. [/quote] Hmm! Definately an interesting one. I suppose its in your interest to get it swapped and at least try and see if thats the problem! Keep us posted!
  12. [quote name='Rosh' post='753390' date='Feb 21 2010, 11:34 PM']This is gonna grind my gears now because I'm saving to buy a bass at the moment -- My dream would be a white (red pick guard) Jaguar but I'm realistically looking at a Jazz or P! My ideal tone would be something like "This Charming Man" by the Smiths and I know Andy Rourke plays a P! -- I'm thinking P! Thing is I wanted something with a bit more range for when I'm not in the New wave/indie scene and do something more mellow music-wise -- I'm thinking Jazz. But I have no idea at the moment [/quote] Thats definately a P tone im afraid! I can do quite a good P impression on my Jazz but it wont sound like that!
  13. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='753353' date='Feb 21 2010, 10:59 PM']How do you double thumb with a thumb down technique? I'd always struggled with it that way as i'm a thumb-downer too[/quote] I cant and dont. Its thumb up with double thumbing, which i think is half the problem
  14. I've owned 2 P's recently, and they both just sounded too harsh when i dug in with fingers. Although i think if i had an ampeg on full tilt it would warm up nicely... Jazz' just seem to respond to a ham fisted bugger like me better. Especially in the lows
  15. heh, oh dear... Im the same as most - that being a bounce off unless im double thumbimg (or trying to, Ive only started learning recently!) However i always slap thumb down, even though i wear my bass unfashionably high. Just feels more natural for me!
  16. Aye, Ive been using Elixers forever now so these do interest me. But having said thath im in the same boat as Ped, Been using my elixirs nearly a year and they sound new... And i really do dig in.
  17. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='752985' date='Feb 21 2010, 05:08 PM']This bass becomes cooler by the minute! I still keep thinking of getting one of the lovely glossed neck 50's Precisions with the gold scratch guard and doing some serious upgrading... Hmmm...[/quote] Get one of the MIM classic series Rich, I've played three now and they've all been beautiful. Plus they all come with Gold Scratchplates
  18. Maybe we should have a hi res "bass art" thread?
  19. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='752296' date='Feb 20 2010, 10:35 PM']Well I can still return the cab (which I intend to do whatever the outcome of this as the combination's definitely not working) so I'll be doing that. If I did upgrade the amp, it'd definitely be to a 1001RB, I don't intend to move away from GK. Like I said though, I don't really want a 4ohm cab if I can avoid it, how does the 8ohm version measure up? To be honest, I think I'll actually just be going around shops with my head though rather than buying another cab blind, all this has come at a bad time and I don't want to mess about trialling loads of combinations of amps and cabs. Are there any Eden cabs worth looking at? There's a dealer not far from here that has a fair few in stock.[/quote] If you cant fit any more cabs in your car then why not shoot for 4ohms?
  20. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='751883' date='Feb 20 2010, 04:04 PM']Ermm got one of his in the building stages...this is to tide me over [/quote] Suddenly you have a problem im quite jealous of! If its just to tide you over I'd suggest a new American Jazz, with a J retro or similar. Can't really go far wrong.
  21. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='751416' date='Feb 19 2010, 10:17 PM']As yet I don't have a true bass amp, but I do have a Pignose G40 fitted with a Hartke 10" ali coned speaker. The Pignose cab is small - very small - and completely open at the back. It sounds OK at low volume, but there's a suspicious fuzzy rattle if things get turned up a little. So tell me - are open cabs a no-no for bass use? I suspect I've exceeded Xmax and possibly Xlim for this speaker.[/quote] I dont know the science exactly, i suspect you know more than I do in fact! but yes, Generally speaking open backs are a no no for bass, and you would have to push it a lot harder to get the volume so you may well be damaging the speaker.
  22. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='751106' date='Feb 19 2010, 04:49 PM'] I miss him, lets get him back![/quote] [i]"The BC moderation team are issuing you with an official warning. Failure to change your behaviour will result in a permanent ban and MythSte keeping your warwick. Thank you for your cooperation" [/i]
  23. [quote name='silddx' post='750813' date='Feb 19 2010, 12:55 PM']rslaing[/quote] Respect.
  24. MythSte

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    Your wish is my command!
  25. Christ, I still maintain that my bacchus is totally the "one that got away". If this is half as good then half a ton is a steal.
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