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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='tony_m' post='748633' date='Feb 17 2010, 04:34 PM']No, I'm just a "hobbyist" playing for his own enjoyment at home. There again, whenever I see a band playing in the Hop for example, it always gets me thinking "Hmm, why not... ", so you never know. [/quote] Oh, playing in a band is something else... The sense of satisfaction is like nothing i'd ever felt before! Go for it!
  2. [quote name='tony_m' post='747126' date='Feb 16 2010, 12:37 PM']And 'ey up back from another Blackpudlian. Haven't seen you guys play anywhere, but I'll keep my eyes open. [/quote] I'd never noticed you where from blackpool! Do you play at all locally? This could be the making of a mini bass bash!
  3. [quote name='Marvin' post='746115' date='Feb 15 2010, 05:05 PM']Could I possibly reserve a seat at the front? I do so much hate it when I always get stuck behind the tall bloke and can't see what's going on.[/quote] You can sit on my shoulders? [i](tries to muster a joke about two mindless heads between your legs)[/i]
  4. [quote name='Delberthot' post='746106' date='Feb 15 2010, 05:01 PM']And we can bring you this latest 'Breaking News' Hamster is reported to be about to come to the front door of number 10 for an historic.... .....no wait, he's just going up to the toilet.....we'll give you further [b]developments on a movement by movement basis[/b][/quote] I'm not sure if you meant this in relation to the toilet trip, either way this was an actual LOL.
  5. What browser are you using and how long has it been happening? (Disclaimer, None of that information is going to help you or me in the slightest, but its what people tend to ask when these things happen...)
  6. "And to think, if it wasn't for us meddling kids he might have got away with it..."
  7. [quote name='andy67' post='745066' date='Feb 14 2010, 06:11 PM']hey bud ^^^ unless I'm missing stuff or having another senior moment...these cabs are the top end of Trace Elliot 4x10! andy[/quote] They where the top end when Trace's quility was nothing short of questionable IIRC. No doubt it'll still be amazing, but lightweight gear has also pushed the demand for cabs like these down. Definately think you might be better off on eBay with this one mate - I'm sure the Robbie thing will be a better selling point than on here
  8. Do you play at all locally mate? I may well have seen you if you do! I'm only over in st annes meself.
  9. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='745265' date='Feb 14 2010, 08:56 PM']It's a scam.[/quote] Let's not jump any guns, and of course, there is a chance we may never know. I thought it was just my northern cynicism but im glad we made a little enquiry!
  10. Headroom...! Obviously, You can do it one of two ways (or both, if your feeling a little macho!) More cone area. or more power. I'd rather have a big amp that can cope with the big stages i play 4 or 5 times a year that i can simply turn down for the smaller ones, than panic about not being heard on a decent stage. We often try not to flood the monitors with bass as the vocalists struggle to hear things, And its been a while since i've had my own dedicated monitor mix!
  11. I remember this well! I had a Cort C4 LTD (Wenge neck and a nice speckled top of sorts) and my amp was a Warwick Pro Fet 3.2 with a 410pro. Loved that setup - but probably just because of how big it was compared to my practice amp! It did lack balls.
  12. [quote name='joegarcia' post='744840' date='Feb 14 2010, 02:52 PM']You need to mix it in dual mono. Sounds like you have stereo reverbs on the track which are going to both sides. Try using mono reverbs and make sure they're all panned to the left.[/quote] What he said
  13. I think this has come up before, and i said it then too, But Pino is totally my bass playing idol. However, I cant get on with PSP. The reason i like him so much is because of his musicality and i think its compromised a bit in PSP.
  14. [quote name='josh3184' post='743244' date='Feb 12 2010, 04:16 PM']yeah already opened up the top this morning. Valves seems to be seated right. Found a wandering screw though which I tracked down to be from one of the circuit boards so now thats done... Annoyingly the rest of my rig is at the practise room so I'm gonna have to wait til Monday to check if its made any difference [/quote] Sods law, if im not mistaken.
  15. Its a tube pre right? open it up and see if they're seated firmly. If that doesn't do the trick i've got some spare Pre-amp valves I can nip over and try if you fancy. Bit of a shot in the dark as im not too up on these things, but its easily checked.
  16. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='740262' date='Feb 9 2010, 06:53 PM']I think the laptop is needed to split the click from the backing track. I'd be keen to understand how to do this too as it's something I'm interested in looking at. I think it can be done with two mixers as well, but I'd have to sit down and work it out with a pencil![/quote] not as hard as you might think, I used to do it by splitting a stereo signal into two mono mixes and panning the click all the way left and the track all the way right.
  17. Ah bugger, im recording tomorrow night, would have loved this Anymore northwest do's upcoming?
  18. Alright boys and girls, I've whacked up three new tracks on the myspace. We're pretty crap at keeping on top of this internet thing but i'll try... I hate the quility of myspace... I'll try and get my head around that bandspace thing and get some decent bitrates up asap. Drifting was done with Del at Studiodog in blackpool last week. Please and Ragamuffin where done live at sandhills in Liverpool. lovely lovely. www.myspace.com/thelocalsblackpool
  19. Its all part of Alex' super plan. He's now building speakers that can hack into google. Next week try googling "America", See what happens!
  20. I treat my bass like i treat my little brother. Love the bones off him, have a bit of a scrap with him now and then, but ultimately really enjoy his company. I'd never neglect him, But if he falls over and scrapes his knee, what are you gonna do! ^_^
  21. Oh you are all good. Yes, Trading is fine, however we've drawn the line at inviting offers. I really really want this rig (Plus, i have a secret soft spot for Robbie!) but my Twin Valve is just fine... for now?
  22. Quite a few pubs i know dont let under 18's in after 8 or 9pm now. I think its because although they werent going to the bar a lot where scoring alcohol off of their older friends. If no one under age is in your venue, no one under age can drink
  23. If i was anywhere near London I'd be all over this! Playing pop doesnt bother me. I quite like pop actually.
  24. I might design an amp called "Core Tone". It'll have 1000 watts, a volume knob and Maybe a DI out. Minimalist. Really!
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