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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. I never thought i'd say it, but i have SERIOUS Gibson GAS
  2. Same model as mine and bloody beautiful. Fender hiked their prices a LOT just after these came out so your getting a bit of a deal!
  3. Hmm, (un) fortunately, i sound like me through most every bass i play. I hate to sound like the cliché guy, but there really is a lot to be said for what's in yer digits.
  4. [quote name='Clarky' post='733373' date='Feb 2 2010, 07:51 PM']or perhaps learn to play bass properly :-)[/quote] Meh, I heard its over rated. Though i've never tried it. Lovely pair, in fact, probably not far off my dream pair aside from i'd have had black PG's on mine. One day...! If you want rid of the EMGS on the cheap let me know? I want to do some experimenting
  5. Bump, 13 downloads and no feedback. I know we're crap like, but [i]how[/i] crap?
  6. [quote name='bigjohn' post='732887' date='Feb 2 2010, 01:19 PM']I reckon there's something to be said for a pre-amp and class D in one head. I think then the power amp could be programmed / voiced for the pre and you could overcome some of the inherent problems that are apparent with standalone class D power amps - ie they don't like it up em [/quote] Not only that but the LM2 isnt technically a class D head AFAIK. And its a lot warmer than most class D's, even the ones with tube Pre's. hmm.
  7. [quote name='bigjohn' post='732836' date='Feb 2 2010, 12:52 PM']Been there and done that ... They're ok. But they don't sound as good as this... and they break... On stage... This power amp is built like a tank and does 1200W bridged. And it's only 17kg - which isn't that heavy. And it sounds superb.[/quote] I'm certainly beginning to wonder if there is much tone difference between Class D and normal Fet powered amps. At first i thought there was nothing in it. However im constantly being convinced otherwise. I'd like to try a high quility Class D, say 500 watt amp against the Fet equivalent and see what differences are thats for sure.
  8. [quote name='4000' post='730494' date='Jan 31 2010, 12:45 PM']Didn't realise they did these in black, I've only seen Fiesta Red and something that's looks like a greyish version of Olympic White. if this is the same as the Fiesta Red version I played recently in the Gallery it'll be a corker; that was possibly my favourite P that I've ever played, and I've played a lot. I take it the original guard is an anodised one?[/quote] I think i played that very same one in the gallery, It really is beautiful isnt it! Perfect P with the tone rolled back. So a bit juicy plus one of its anything like that this will be AMAZING.
  9. [quote name='bigjohn' post='732816' date='Feb 2 2010, 12:33 PM']aye, well two things. The 3U is a shallow case, and the 2U is full width and "just" takes the power amp. Which is heavy enough @ 17kg (21kg with the rack) to warrant me putting the pre in it's own rack. I've got to be able to get it in and out of the back seat of a VW Polo. Which is tough when you're 6'5" It's deffo against 'elf and safety as it is! That and I'm thinking about getting a Sansamp at some stage in there too. I might just bugger it all off and get a 4U at somepoint, but I'll have to wait and see if we change car - see if I can get the speaker and the rack in the boot. A 4U would be fine then.[/quote] ah! Well, sounds like a good excuse to buy a tiny class D poweramp to me
  10. [quote name='bigjohn' post='732765' date='Feb 2 2010, 12:06 PM'] Sounds a lot bigger than it looks! It's an SVT-IIP > into a 600W /channel C-Audio ST600 > Schroeder 1212L Headroom galore! PS I've got a new rack case (the one with the great big 'ole in) ... Anyone got any bright ideas how best to secure it on top of the other one? The bottom one's a Boschma, the top ones an SKB. They don't seem to get on at all.[/quote] Any reason you dont just put both of them in the larger rack case?
  11. I quite like this one, Nice 60's feel to it! I'll update it when its adequetly mixed etc, the hammond is a bit high and the lead a little low for my tastes at the moment. Mixed DI and Mic from my Trace Twin Valve/Barefaced Rig and my 75RI Jazz. Lovely. Opinions etc very welcome Oh, and sorry its not named etc, We're The Locals and the tracks called Drifting.
  12. are the HW1 pickups american made? If so i might have these...
  13. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='727089' date='Jan 27 2010, 11:20 PM']It would be brilliant if the thread was locked for over use of "twat" after all this twattish twattery.[/quote] ...
  14. [quote name='largo' post='726887' date='Jan 27 2010, 09:04 PM']I wasn't bothered about rules, they are there to be broken Just didn't have a trade and your title said F/S.[/quote] Dont you start... Bump for an amazing cab!
  15. [quote name='silddx' post='727032' date='Jan 27 2010, 10:46 PM']Insults? Where? I really like Pete, I would never insult him. Bit confused, sorry. [quote]Your 1970s attitude appears to be immutable so there is no way we're ever going to come to a compromise on this. And don't give me this "disgusting" nonsense like you're an outraged-on-principle Daily Express reader who's mildly surprised at the price of cauliflower these days.[/quote] [/quote] Sorry mate, I must have mistaken this. Im flicking between things trying to keep on top tonight and perhaps being a little cynical too! Yes, more basses we'd like to have a little tickle on now please!
  16. Woa woa woaaaa! Pete, you where warned about something and continued to do it. Thats a warning, end of. Nig, Enough of the insults now please, Please see 6A on the basschat rules here - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=boardrules"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=boardrules[/url] Everyone else, Play nice!
  17. [quote name='Raggy' post='726619' date='Jan 27 2010, 05:48 PM']I'll PM you [/quote] Cheers for that, you got a good deal! I really hope you can find some settings that make it loud enough though mate. If the tones anything like mine itd be a real shame if you had to let it go.
  18. [quote name='Raggy' post='726255' date='Jan 27 2010, 12:57 PM']Lol[/quote] My twins beautiful, but wow do i want that...! Dare i ask how much she set you back?
  19. [quote name='molan' post='724712' date='Jan 25 2010, 11:18 PM']Just answering my own question here, lol. The Powersoft amps look pretty impressive? One like this sold for £365 just before Xmas on Ebay [i]Powersoft Digam D1502 High quality Lightweight Tour Grade Pro-Audio Amplifier 2 x 400w into 4 Ohms[/i][/quote] I think Ped has a powersoft power amp like this, or at least the same one branded differently. I do know he rates it very highly!
  20. [quote name='Paul S' post='724198' date='Jan 25 2010, 03:52 PM']I don't think I have have been very clear in what I am asking, sorry - I'll edit it a bit so it reads clearer. I currently take the Trace amp and one cab (the lighter 1x15) to rehearsals. I would rather use something smaller and lighter (an easy one-handed lift). Whatever I spend on a cheap lightweight combo I would surely save on osteopath fees. We are a rock covers band and rehearse just loud enough to keep pace with a loud drummer - that is the limiting factor, she has an acoustic kit and doesn't do 'soft' very often. It isn't a case of just turning it down a bit. I do actually own a Peavey TKO 80 but it weighs nearer 30 kg than 20 kg and is not a very easy one handed lift. I guess, cutting all my previous waffle and BS, I am asking what sub-20kg combos people would recommend that can cope with playing rock music in a rehearsal studio with 2 x guitars and an acoustic drum kit. And can be bought secondhand for not too much cash.[/quote] I think your simply asking too much of technology there mate, Though it pains me to say it! If you want sub 20KG thats loud enough for an average rock band youve got no cheaper choice than Markbass or Genz really. You could just buy a lightweight cab and still use your trace head?
  21. Google Calender is what our manager uses to keep us all in line
  22. [quote name='jamesbass116' post='723800' date='Jan 25 2010, 07:41 AM']so should i maybe invest in the 'older' 410XL? or should i go with the Hydrive 115 cab? i'd rather go with the XL so i save a bit of money! thanks for the heads up, James[/quote] If youve played an XL, dont mind the weight and need to save money then yes, Thats what i'd do!
  23. These are my favorite looking cabs bar the tweed versions... Definitely don't need them. Definitely. Umm.
  24. [quote name='Beedster' post='723665' date='Jan 24 2010, 10:46 PM']That's the winner by miles. I love the idea that what we assume is the only thing Leo didn't get right bass-wise was just a practical joke C[/quote] Couldnt agree more! I really chuckled at that one!
  25. So you've officially given up on the Bass Centre? Tough break man I know the LH500 gets cracking reviews and is undeniably great value for money. My only gripe with it is it doesn't appear to have a speakon connector, but that's definitely more a minor niggle than anything else. Cant say much about the HyDrive Cab. But if it sounds like the XL series and is any lighter then your onto a winner.
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